Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 460: Short leave

The Master woke up, staring blankly at the traces on the ground and quickly realizing that there had been some objects of very large size and mass. For the memory of last night, the cheese clearly realized that it was never normal. And in retrospect, he found that he had a strange conversation with his companions by the campfire. It seemed that there was some power to deflect all the pictures and sounds in a direction that would make the mage emotionally out of control, but the cheese was confident even if it was His teacher must not influence his senses at will.

If he is an ordinary person, he may regard this kind of strangeness as an illusion and be vigilant for a period of time, but if he cannot trust himself, how can a wizard be sure that the world in front of him is real? The cheeseboard leaned over and put his hand on the flat, terrible ground. There was nothing abnormal. He couldn't feel any unnatural force, which was obviously unreasonable. So, excluding the impossible answers, the rest is clear, right?

"Is there a lake near here, or a smaller one." This is the first sentence the mage said to everyone after returning to the camp.

Several people looked at each other, and they didn't understand why the cheese had this problem. But Jack, as the person most familiar with the area, said, "Are you going to use water? The Dragon Blood Creek is not far in front. If you must have a lake ... we may have to take some detours."

The cheese looked at the others and made a decision after thinking for a while. "You and I went to the lake, and the others went to the valley as originally planned. The two of us will come back before you arrive. Before we come back, don't approach the city, can you do it?"

"What's so urgent? Do you need my help?" Lothar frowned and asked if he wanted to see anything else than go to the valley to learn about the rat plague. Although the Earl of Montenegro was still skeptical about whether the plague could be resolved in Valley City, he did not understand why the cheese that proposed the trip had to leave the team halfway.

"No need for the time being. We will come back as soon as possible." The face of the cheese was gloomy. After realizing the possibility of appearing in Zhuoliu Town last night, his mood was worse than before he fainted. The companions clearly saw this, and the mage at this time felt like a volcano that would erupt at any time, and the dangerous core was covered under the gray robe.

Faced with such a cheese, even Elsa didn't say much, and the web worm who experienced the mage's anger subconsciously hid behind Lothar, and she still remembered her tragic spiders. Seeing no one making a noise, the cheese took a horse's reins and rolled over. "Jack, let's go."

Wolfwalker shrugged, took off his jacket and threw it on the carriage. He landed on all fours, and his features quickly changed like a wolf. Since the mage looked so anxious, Jack naturally chose to use his fastest way to lead the way. "Oh!" After the wolf howl, the wild wolf almost the same size as the horse walked on four feet and started running. Seeing this terrifying beast, the horse the mage sat down was instinctively frightened, but not waiting for it to react. The cheese had put his hand on the horse ’s head, and the magic poured into the body of this poor animal along the palm of his hand, forcing It must act according to the wizard's wishes.

After a ride and a wolf away, a few people breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't know why they had to do this, but they just felt a lot easier as the mage left. "Are you going to go with us next?" Lothar asked Karus not far away.

The Demon Shake shook his head. He greeted Pegg and Jerry to mount the horse. "We have an appointment with another gray robe and we have to rush to join him. Anyway, we will see you in the valley, so let's take a step first." Turning on the horse, it didn't mean anything more, and led the boy and girl towards the north. Because he ca n’t ride a horse, Jerry, who rides with the master, heard Karus whispering in a small business, "Good wizard? Oh, how can there be any good wizard in this world."

"Teacher?" The young Ratman apprentice looked up curiously. He didn't understand what the Demon Race was saying.

The killer did n’t explain too much. He just sneered and said to his apprentice, “Remember, kid. The wizard is a madman, the stronger the wizard is, the more crazy he is. No matter what he wears, The robes of all colors are the same. Forever, never trust the wizard, they can do what the evil gods will not do for the so-called truth. "

"But aren't we also going to find another wizard? If we don't trust him, why should we do this?" Jerry continued to ask.

"Oh, good question, kid." Karus' eyes flashed through. He was still learning how to suppress the magic fire in his body with gas, but he would inevitably get out of control when he was emotional, "You remember Although wizards are not credible, it is always convenient to deal with them. The world in the eyes of those lunatics is different from ours, and the things we pursue may be worthless in their eyes. And they often have their eyes above the top, who It ’s a good thing, because we only need to pay a little cheap self-esteem to get enough profit. However, we must be cautious in dealing with them. Only short-term cooperation is the best, and their ability to cause trouble Far more than they can pay. "

"Clear understanding, if I were here, I would like to applaud you. It seems that before meeting me and cheese ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Have you seen many guys who call themselves wizards?" Curse Crow The voice from the right front came from a crow with six wings. It flew so close to Karus that it could be grasped only by reaching out. In fact, Jerry did reach out.

"Hey! Let this kid be careful!" The curse crow's voice said a little angrily, and the six-winged crow he controlled quickly closed his wings, thus speeding up the flight and avoiding Jerry's hand.

"You said to him, isn't he saved? There is no reason why you didn't leave your hands and feet on him." To the curseist's protest, the mob replied lazily. As for the problem that Jerry and Jerry had heard before, honestly he didn't care. With Karus's skill at this time, although he wasn't sure whether he would have a good chance to compete with the Crow in front, but in terms of sneak attacks, the killer wanted to take the life of the spellcaster is still very simple.

"You and the cheese kid stayed up all night and your brain broke? Forget it, we are in your northwest direction, and you will come over right away. There is something to show you." The crow fluttered its wings, flying very high, Soon the trail disappeared from sight. Interestingly, there is nothing under this clear sky to cover a black bird.

"The Wizard." Karus said helplessly and disdainfully, shaking the reins and changing the direction of advancement. Soon, he saw the Crow and two others standing in front of him, and the wreckage of a heavily damaged carriage. ...

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