Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 461: Madness Poison

Everyone has done dreams. Oh, sorry, the dream here is not a meaningless combination of images in sleep, but a vision of the future? For example, the soldiers always hope that they will enter the unmanned state on the battlefield, and then Jin Yi will be added, and the people will admire the king to appreciate the nickname, and it is best to marry a beautiful princess. I think everyone has more or less fantasized about this. Of course, depending on factors such as age, gender, industry, etc., the content of our delusions is also very different.

For Elsa, her dream before 18 years old was to make the Dragon's Peak Pub recreate the grandfather's appearance, so that everyone who came here could smile. Of course, the proprietress has also dreamed of the opposite sex. She does n’t hate the man who is also from the Northland, but she is not a real warrior like Mona. Some sense. But don't be too creaky. If you don't have the physique of crawling in the snow in Longji Mountain, then he can't be favored by Red Fox.

But sitting in the carriage leaning against the canvas shed behind, Elsa's mouth smiled bitterly. This fantasy has been impossible. The reason is very simple. Now, when she constructs the future scene, she will subconsciously put the figure of the gray robe next to herself. The man from the desperate situation, the man who walked before the blizzard, the cheese, this is certainly not his real name, but Elsa does not care.

At first, she was attracted by the mysterious breath of the wizard. And after contact, Elsa realized that the cheese was not a deep-minded person as others thought. She knew that under the gray robe, this man had the same spirit as the elk. It was this feeling that made the lady boss without hesitation choose to leave her grandfather's tavern and leave the hometown with the wizard alone. The excitement of adventure is mixed with unknown emotions, plus the strong character of the Northlanders, which is all Elsa carried when she left.

In Jack's view, the identity of the cheese as a gray robe mage is much higher than other, which makes them often ignore the fact that the actual age of the latter is not much different from them. Elsa thought she didn't look at the cheese with that kind of vision. She always believed that the mage she saw was more real. She believed that she did not like a hero, but that the person she liked happened to become a hero. But last night's quarrel had shaken the boss lady's ideas.

How can you say that? Elsa hugged her head, and the long red hung down to cover her face. She should be the one who understands the cheese best, because she has been watching him, watching his nearly crazy autopsy in Salon, watching him fighting the enemy in Iron Fort, watching him in the whole of Wangdu Darkness against the opponent. But why she can't keep up with the Master's thoughts now, why she just can't forgive those, ratmen.

When he knew Gloria, he was very merciful to them and asked if the cheese could help them. But now when I hear the name of the Ratman, all that flows from my heart is the mixture of fear, anger, and hatred. Elsa knows that this plague has changed everyone, infected people, not infected people. All of them will be shrouded in the shadow of this plague, and the noise in the tavern at the top of Dragon's Back is gradually moving away from the boss's reach.

"Maybe we are the infected people," she whispered.

"Are you all right? You have been depressed since last night." Coranti said to Red Fox with some concern.

Elsa looked up. She looked at the girl with golden and green pupils. She looked a few years younger than herself. If she can already be called a woman, she still stays in the girl stage. It's so beautiful, somehow, Red Fox thought so.

"It's okay, don't worry about me." She grudgingly smiled, trying not to worry about herself. Elsa knew that Coranti was a witch, and she knew what a witch was like. She regrets the fate of the girl, but at the same time, she has a little envy. Red Fox's gaze swept the other person's fingers intentionally or unintentionally, there was a ring, a ring made of thorns, and a pair of cheese hands, a pair in the true sense.

Although I know that the marriage contract between the two is completely different from that of the worldly humans, a voice still whispered in my ears, "Compared to you, she is more suitable for being with cheese. You are too ordinary. It ’s impossible to step into the world of the mage. "Elsa withdrew her gaze and covered her expression with her head. She bit her lip tightly until the sweet **** smell filled her mouth before she unconsciously loosened her teeth.

At this time, Losa just exchanged with Mona and withdrew from the driving position of the carriage. The physical strength of the Count of Montenegro is naturally sufficient, but no one knows when the enemy will attack and rotate from time to time to let the best state. Driving is the best option. "What do you think of the wizard's behavior?" The Networm around him asked when Lothar did it. Apparently the departure of Cheese and Jack made the female maid feel uneasy.

"He's thinking about things we don't understand, he always is." The count said lightly. As a lord, Losa knows the limits of his personal abilities. The world in everyone's eyes is different. It is impossible for people to think about problems in all directions. Professional problems must be solved by professionals. The cheese is the one that Lothar determined to bring the best solution in this plague. Since the wizard had judged himself for glory, the Earl of Montenegro has decided to consider him as his best friend.

"Huh, I hope that what he thinks won't turn us into monsters in the end." Networm snorted coldly. She doesn't like wizards. This group is too strange for her. Unfamiliar things are often fatal and dangerous.

"The cheese wouldn't do it!" Elsa said frowning when she heard the mercenary. She almost shouted.

"How do you know? You also heard what he said last night ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He cares more about those monsters than living people. He doesn't care how many people died, he only cares what he cares about, and only God knows what that is! "Networm said," I'm different from you. I fought with him when I was in the capital. Those ghouls, I would dream of them now, and he chose to ally with them! You'd better think about your position carefully, miss, he will not be a good "qing ren". "

"Enough." Lothar reached out and covered the maid's mouth, and then explained to Elsa, "She was just scared, you know, nothing else."

"It's okay, I understand." To everyone's surprise, the Red Fox wasn't angered by Networm's words, she said calmly. Quiet and worrying, "She's right. I must be crazy to like people like that. I must be crazy."

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