Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 462: Things in the lake

Is Elsa crazy? I'm afraid no one can say clearly. After all, the definitions of madness and normality are inherently vague concepts that are difficult to judge with a single criterion. But there is a kind of madness that makes people understand without judgment. When the things they see exceed the limit of cognition, when the smell can be heard, the sound can be eaten, and the image can be smelled, the complete collapse of reason appears so Naturally.

The cheese knew this, "Don't come over no matter what happens."

The wolf walker returned to his human form, frowning and looking at the mage. "Are you sure? If you faint again like when Wang Du encountered the dirty water, I can't take you to the tavern." He was talking about the contact between cheese and the source of pollution. Short-term communication caused the cheese to fail to act normally for a long period of time. In the current situation, Jack doesn't want to be surrounded by a large number of enemies when the mage has no strength to move a finger.

"Relax, if everything goes well, it won't be like that." The cheese said with a smile, but in fact he was not sure about what he was about to do.

"Remember what you said, wizard." The Wolfrunner nodded and agreed with the mage. He returned to the wolf shape again and ran into the distance. Recently, the more and more skilled shape transformation has made Jack gradually like the feeling of running freely like a real wolf. As a human being, he has never been satisfied with the sense of freedom he has never had before.

"Hoo ..." The mage took a deep breath after the companion left. He put his eyes in front of him. It was a pool of exaggerated puddles with some duckweed floating on it. No ripples could be seen on the water. He wanted the cold weather to keep its residents alive. They have no such opportunities.

The cheese takes off the gray robe. Most of the time this robe can provide much more protection than it seems, but now its protection is an obstacle. "Let's get started." He said, his eyes began to emit intense light, these strong magic auras continued to increase, and eventually converged at a certain zero boundary point, turned into something like a haze. Near the Master's eyes. Those mists have unnatural colors, and they represent something beyond this world.

"Kala!" There were no iron products in sight, but the sound of the jitter of the wire rope sounded strangely. At the same time, a large number of chain patterns also appeared on the wizard. "Humph." The invisible sense of **** and slight pain appeared along with the pattern, making the cheese groan when prepared.

The wizard raised his hands. On his palms, the left hand was covered with chains and the right hand, but only the blood vessels that penetrated the skin. "Please forgive me, teacher." After all, the cheese knelt on one knee and extended his right hand into the water.

"!" Can not be recorded in words, and the sound described by analogy spread along with the ripples. At this moment, even the cheese as the initiator was briefly lost. The mage saw that with his right hand as the center, the liquid in the puddle was dyed into a deep color. This state continued to spread, and even after the entire puddle became dim, it did not stop. The pond is expanding without any water flowing in, but this pool is expanding at a rate visible to the naked eye, like some kind of self-conscious soft creature.

The pupil of the cheese shrank uncontrollably when he saw this scene, and he regretted it. But it is too late now, even if the right hand is drawn out, what is happening will not stop. Eventually, a spacious lake appeared in front of the mage, without any foreign objects on the lake, and the light from the sun disappeared after entering the water. The cheese retracted his right hand and shook the water droplets that were not there. He waited a while and realized that he had no way out. If he didn't continue, he could not leave the lake.

"I hope it works." The wizard raised his arm and made a wound in the palm of his hand with a knife. The blood did not flow against the flesh like it was pulled out by some invisible force, but was directly pulled into the lake below in.

"Guru" As the blood drips, some tiny bubbles rise from the center of the lake, and then become more and more anxious and larger. A black figure rose with the bubbles and slowly approached the water. He rose slowly, as if giving those who called him the opportunity to give up finally. But the cheese did not give up, the magical light in his eyes was already very thin, but that was enough.

"Poof" pointed horn, pierced the water surface, then black bones, the entire ram's head. The wet soul that appeared in the rain curtain of Zhuoliu Town appeared in the same image from the lake water, standing on the surface of the dead water. At the moment when He completely surfaced, the air was filled with the smell of moisture, it seemed that the rainstorm would come at any time.

"In so many worlds I've traveled, you were the first to show me with your own strength." Said the figure with a sheep's head. His voice gave a sense of extreme sadness.

"But even if no one calls you, you can show up on your own, isn't it? Just like in the muddy stream." The mage tried to stand up straight, but his voice revealed fear. Standing in front of him was not a half-hanging priest like the rain, nor a small part of the body of a multi-legged lady who had appeared briefly in Iron Fort, more powerful than the symbol of the mother of the crypt, like the dark heart. Appearing in front of him was an evil spirit that came from outside the world, enough to rival any known deities.

"If you have less trouble, maybe I don't have to do this." Wet Soul's tone was plain, and he couldn't hear whether he was blaming the slackness of the cheese or just casually relaxing the mage.

Regardless of what He meant, the words of the figure acknowledged that He had indeed appeared in the cloud. "I'm not your priest, nor your heir, nor your believer. I don't need your protection." The cheese said, looking heavy, he really didn't want to be connected to this extremely dangerous existence.

"That's impossible. You are closer to me than you think ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although you can't understand this now. Your situation is also more dangerous than you think, don't be blinded by appearances, Master. "The wanderer didn't do anything in the rain, but the surface of the water beneath him instantly changed color, and a fat and ugly fuzzy image appeared on the inside of the lake.

"The broker." Despite the blurred image, the cheese recognized the existence in an instant.

"Tell about him, and tell me how you think of him." The sheep's head was lowered, and the bloodless eyes seemed to be watching the things in the lake, but no one could be sure what he saw.

The mage did n’t understand the meaning of the wet soul, but he still said, "Every evil businessman who is worshipped by the devil, the initiator of the plague of the ratmen, every one involved in the power of this plague has more or less his shadow. The purpose is unknown, but since you mentioned him, I think I know who the other person who appeared in the turbid flow yesterday. "

"That's right. But since you have experienced so much, it's too disappointing to just get this information." The empty eyes lifted, staring at the cheese.

"I never knew there was such a guy before. No matter from books, teachers’ classrooms, even legends and nursery rhymes, I could n’t find anything similar to him. He was completely unknown to me, But in this incident, he deliberately or unintentionally exposed some of his own information to me. First of all, his nature, I believe that the things that can drive the lord-level demons and demons at will must not be weaker than them, but he still prefers to pass Various side entrances to achieve purpose. He is very patient and very funny. At the same time to satisfy the existence of this hobby, I guess that he may be a very strong devil or demon, but from he believes in the believer of the mother of the crypt Look, it does not exclude the possibility that He will come from the outside like you. "

"Generally correct, but there is still a mistake."

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