"Everyone be careful!"

Vivi shouted, "Desert lizards are generally hunted in groups of two!"

As soon as Vivi's words fell, another desert lizard rushed out from behind everyone!

Ace looked at the desert lizard who opened its mouth to him and said, "It's really troublesome, do you want me to play with you?"

Bai Yu looked at the desert lizard and said, "I think it came to play with me!"

Ace glanced at Bai Yu and smiled: "Then let's see who takes it first!" After

that, Ace jumped up directly, and the desert lizard directly snorted!

At the same time, Bai Yu's hands quickly froze!

"Fire escape—the fire is extinguished!"


Ace burns inside, white feathers bake outside!

This desert lizard is almost ready to eat!

"Alright! It looks like a draw!

"Speaking of white feathers, the ninja's ability is really too powerful! The power of your fire is about to catch up with my fire fist!"

"Is that why I didn't give my all?" Or this desert lizard was directly baked! "

On the other side, Sanji has turned the desert lizard that he just defeated into a desert meat skewer!

While roasting meat on the hot rocks, Yamaji said to Choba, "Look, the rocks here are natural baking pans!"

Qioba nodded and said, "Hmm! It really fits!

Solon pointed to the camel and looked at Luffy who was eating the skewer and asked, "Luffy, what's going on with this camel?"

Luffy gulped the meat into his mouth and said, "Ah! O camel! Just now when chasing the bird, it was almost eaten by incredible plants!

Nami and Vivi looked at the camel and said, "There is a camel saddle, it seems that it is not a wild camel!"

At this time, Qioba came to the camel, glanced at each other, and suddenly exclaimed in surprise: "It turned out to be you!"

Bai Yu walked over with a large meat skewer and asked, "Qioba, do you know this camel?"

Qioba turned around and nodded, "That's right! It was the one that took me out of Katrea before!

At this time, Usopp sat up directly and said, "It's great since you know each other!" If you ride on it, it should be a lot easier!

Sanji nodded while roasting the meat, "It's really good, and it looks like it can seat two people!"

Solon also looked at the camel and said, "Through the desert, camels should be indispensable!"

"Good! I'll try it first! "

After Luffy stuffed the meat in his mouth, he was about to ride on the camel's back, only to be knocked off by the camel's head!

"What are you doing! Really!

Choiba looked at the camel and began to translate to Luffy, "I'm a tough-guy camel who loves freedom!" Thank you for saving me in my moment of crisis, although with people, but without masculinity!

"You're really willful!"

Usopp, Luffy and Sanji directly kicked that camel in the middle circle!

"That's it! Didn't you bring Joba!

Chopa translated, "That's boyhood!"

"What a joke!"

"You bastard! Bastard! "

Luffy, they're starting a new round of lap kicking!

"I'm so sorry! They are so rough! Nami

touched the camel's chin!

The next moment, the camel's eyes directly turned into a careful heart!

Then directly squatted down and let Nami ride up!

Bai Yu looked at the corner of the camel's mouth twitching slightly!

After identification, this is a color batch camel!

"Look at how long your eyelashes are, just call your eyelashes! Vivi come up too!

"No thanks, I'm still moving!" Who is tired..."

Before Wei Wei finished speaking, the colored camel had already squatted in front of Wei Wei, signaling for Wei Wei to ride up!

"Well, okay! Thank you, eyelashes!

Nami put on her hat and said, "So we can hurry up, we have to race against time to reach Juba, and then go to convince the rebels!" Gone, eyelashes! As

soon as Nami's words fell, this colored camel ran away!

"Stop for me!"

Nami turned around and shouted, "Okay, everyone hurry up, if you get separated, you won't be able to walk out of the desert alive!"

"Hurry up!"

"Don't run so fast!"

"Hurry up!"


"In other words, are we chasing and losing it!"

Bai Yu and Luffy walked at the back, eating the cactus while saying, "By the way, Luffy, is this really not poisonous?"

"Of course not! And the taste is ok, just like fruit! How could it be poisonous!

"yes, too! I remember that cacti are also not poisonous and can be eaten, but I didn't expect it to taste very good! "

Sanji and Solon pulled the planks and dragged Choiba and the Nine Lamas to the front, and Usopp walked in the middle!

"Miss Nami, where the hell are you!"

"I can't see them at all!"

"Ah, yes, eyelashes run so fast!"

At this time, Usopp looked back at Bai Yu and Luffy, who stopped!

"What's wrong? White feather, Luffy?

Luffy's eyes were confused, and he shouted in horror, "The tsunami is coming!" Aaaah! The tsunami is coming! And

Bai Yu is the same as Luffy, the difference is that Bai Yu shouted that the tsunami is coming!

"Grandpa! Uncle Sakaski! Aaaah! Why are you here! Not good! Luffy, let's run away!

Looking at the strange white feather and Luffy, Solon turned back to the grass: "What's wrong with the two of them?" "

Ah! I guess I ate that cactus!

Usopp pointed to the cactus not far away and said, "Just now Luffy wanted to taste the taste of that cactus, and then Bai Yu also tried it, saying that this cactus should be a special fruit in the desert!" It's okay to eat! The

Nine Lamas instantly got up and said, "What! Eating specialty fruits doesn't even call me! Qiao

Ba looked at the cactus thrown at Bai Yu's feet, and instantly straightened up!

"I can't eat that! That's the Mescarin cactus! A drug used to make hallucinations!


"Aaaaah! You'll drown when it's over! Good! Just try it! "

Luffy directly fisted forward maniacally!

"Run! How could it be that Uncle Sakaski came to get me! Grandpa, you are too much! Everyone, run! "

Bai Yu ran straight backwards frantically!

The teleportation technique just disappeared in an instant, and then appeared in the distance!

Qioba had just finished giving Luffy an anesthesia injection, and Bai Yu had already run away!

The Nine Lamas helplessly supported his forehead with his paws!

"This idiot!"

Qiao Ba took the anesthesia needle and looked at the Nine Lamas blankly, "What about Bai Yu!"

"It's okay, that guy was just suddenly scared, and he'll find it when he understands!"

The Ninth Lama glanced at Luffy, who was lying on the ground and sleeping huffing, and said, "Luffy has a locator on him, he can't lose it, in short, let's go first!" At

this time, in the vast desert, Bai Yu had completely sobered up!

"Good fellow, although this cactus is delicious, it is poisonous!"

Bai Yu took off his cloak and wiped his sweat, "Where did I run to!" It's good that Luffy has a locator on him! After

confirming the direction of his eyes, Bai Yu rushed towards Luffy and their location!

Half an hour later!

"How is it getting farther and farther away from the location!"

Bai Yu suddenly realized something, raised his head and widened his eyes!

"Could it be that the sea of sand is also a sea!"

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