At this time, not only Bai Yu was lost!

Ace kept his head down and hurried, and when he looked up, he found that he was also lost!

Solon and Sanji dragged Luffy forward and kept going!

"Damn, it's completely lost!"

"By the way, Ace is gone!"

"When did he get separated again?"

At this time, Luffy, who was sleeping with his feet dragged asleep, woke up and looked around, "Is it lost!" What a troublesome brother! Bai Yu is too, and you can also get separated here! Solon

Sanji turned around with a black face and kicked Luffy!

"It's us who got lost!"

"It's all to blame on you!"

Deep in the desert!

Bai Yu was lying on the desert, and the whole person was emo!

"Damn it! At sea, you will lose your sense of direction! Why do you lose your sense of direction in the desert!

Bai Yu sighed, and at this time, the tailed beast Chakra at the heart was beating!

Immediately afterwards, the tailed beast Chakra began to absorb the white feather, and the Chakra slowly appeared!

An earthy gray raccoon dog covered with spell marks appeared beside Bai Yu!

"Yo, I haven't seen Bai Yu for a long time!"


Bai Yu looked at Shouhe in surprise, "You're awake!"

Shouhe shook his head and said, "Not yet!" The injury is too bad, still sleeping, this is my doppelganger! Feel the familiar surroundings awakened! In other words, what about the stinky fox!

"Ah, O Nine Lamas! Don't know where!

Bai Yu looked up at the sky and said, "I'm lost!" I found that I would lose my sense of direction at sea!

Shouhe looked around, and then at Bai Yu!

"Oh, Bai Yu, this is a desert! Do you also lose your sense of direction?

Bai Yu touched his head and said, "Eh, the sea of sand is also considered a sea!"

"Poof! Hahaha! I didn't expect Bai Yu that you still have such shortcomings!

Shouhe looked at Bai Yu and couldn't hold back anymore, rolling on the sand and laughing!

Bai Yu stood up and patted the sand on his clothes and said, "Okay!" Stop laughing! Let's go, let's go find the Nine Lamas!

"Let's go! Go find that stinky fox! Bai

Yu took the eyes of Shouhe and stared closely at the positioning, running all the way!


Bai Yu looked at the locator, and Luffy's direction roared up to the sky!

Why is this guy Luffy running back and forth!

"Shouldn't it be a slow walk along a road! Why is it running back and forth so fast! What

Bai Yu didn't know was that Luffy and they met the desert pirates, Luffy's idiot and the leader of the other party mingled, directly became good friends, in order to help the desert pirates repair the mast of the ship, and Vivi drove a desert sled with Vivi to help get wood!

Then I saw Luffy changing quickly on the locator!

Bai Yu and Shou Tsuru ran wildly on the vast desert, against the big sun, stepping on the hot sand, originally had a bad sense of direction, coupled with Luffy's position repeatedly jumping sideways, Bai Yu's mentality collapsed!

"In other words, why don't you go directly to the Nine Lamas?"

Shouhe hugged his paws and said, "You should be able to sense the Chakra of the Nine Lamas!"

Bai Yu was instantly stunned!

"I really am! That's stupid! Instead of looking for Luffy that idiot, why not go straight to the Nine Lamas! Bai

Yu felt that it must be because it was too hot, and his brain was not good!

Finally, Bai Yu ran all the way and finally found them when the blood bar was half dropped!

"Aaaaah! Luffy!

"Bai Yu, it's Bai Yu who is back!"

Solon looked at Bai Yu and nodded, "Why did it take so long to come back, I thought he was lost!" "

Huh? White feathers? As soon as

Luffy looked up, Bai Yu jumped up and was a popper!

"Ah! Bai Yu, you're back! Where did you run?

"It's not because of you yet! Pit ah! Knowing that the locator is on you, you are still running around!

Bai Yu gasped, "Do you know!" How long did I run to get it back! I get lost in the desert! "


Everyone looked at Solon, who spread out his hands and said, "Don't look at me!" It's just that the sea of sand and the sea are similar, and this guy has only come back for so long, that's why I will say that! But I didn't expect this guy to really lose his sense of direction!

Luffy looked at Bai Yu and said, "It turns out that you are lost!" What did I say! Bai Yu, don't run around next time!

Bai Yu silently clenched his fists!

When did he fall to the point where he was going to be taught a lesson by Luffy's idiot!

And what he said, there is still such a lost truth!

"Stinky tanuki?"

"Stinky fox?"

Shouhe and the Nine Lamas looked at each other, and then, they began to pout again!

Usopp looked at Shouhe and said, "What a cute tanuki!

Shouhe gave Usopp a blank look and said, "You are the tanuki!"

"But that's what the Nine Lamas call you!"

"Then why don't you call it a fox!"

Shouhe hugged his paws and said, "My name is Shouhe!" Ichio Moritsuru! I'm a tailed beast!

"Wait! I remember!

Nami looked at Shouzuru and said, "There is a small wooden carving in Hakuba's cabinet, which says that it belongs to his tailed beast companion!" One of them is like it! It's really Moritsuru!

"Hey, stinky fox, who are these people?"

"Stinky tanuki, these are Bai Yu's friends and partners!"

"Oh! That's embarrassing just now! "

Shouhe rarely spoke politely!

After all, it is Bai Yu's partner and friend, be polite!

Everyone gathered around Shou Tsuru to watch it!

"Is this the same tailed beast as the Nine Lamas?"

"In other words, other tailed beasts will also come out, right?"

"Good, awesome!"

Usopp looked at Shouhe and touched his chin: "But it's strange, why do you only have one tail!"

"Are you polite!"

Shouhe rolled his eyes at Usopp and said, "What's wrong with a tail!"

The Nine Lamas looked at Shouhe and smiled, "Of course, it's because you are the weakest!"

"Who said that more tails are powerful!"

Shouhe looked at the Nine Lamas and said, "Stinky fox! You don't pretend! Although I am a doppelganger, you have not regained your strength, and this is still my home turf! Believe it or not, I beat you up!

The Nine Lamas held his paws and pouted, "Cut! Try it! I'll hit you eight at one, believe it or not!

"Believe it or not, I really beat you up!"

"Okay, you guys stop making trouble!"

Bai Yu sighed and said, "It's noisy as soon as we meet, it's true!" Nine Lamas, you introduce everyone to Shouhe!

"So what are you doing?"

"Of course I'm going to rest for a while!"

Bai Yu rolled his eyes and said, "I've been running for a long time, and I'm about to lose half my life!" "

Bai Yu made a small wooden board for himself, hung it on the camel's eyelashes, lay up, and lay directly on the corpse!

The color camel originally wanted to refuse, and then it saw the kind eyes of Shouhe and the Nine Lamas, and decisively nodded in agreement!

These two tailed beasts called Shouhe and Nine Lamas are really terrifying!

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe were also tired and didn't want to walk, so they both jumped on the camel's eyelashes, and Nami and Vivi hugged one by one!

Vivi may not know much, but Nami knows too well!

A tailed beast like the Nine Lamas, Shouhe will definitely not be weak!

As long as you bring it with you, even if those few reliable ones are lost, there will be no danger!

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