"Hey! What are you going to do to our snipers and ship doctors! Water Escape - Water Dragon! "

A water dragon rushed out of the Meili!

Directly knock the Divine Officer Asura and his mount, the Fire-breathing Monster Bird, away!

"White, white feather!"

"You're not leaving! That's great! "

Usopp and Joba hugged each other and burst into tears!

"No, my body is indeed not there, we are shadow doppelgangers!"

Bai Yu's shadow avatar stood on the edge of the Meili!

"You, guys?"

Usopp and Choiba tilted their heads and looked at the ship!

Immediately afterwards, one after another white feathers walked out from inside the Meili!

Exactly twenty!

"Good, good!"

"Good, awesome!"

Usopp and Choiba jumped up excitedly!

"You guy, what the hell is going on!"

Divine Officer Asura looked at the twenty white feathers in front of him, raised his goggles, and rubbed his eyes!

"The ontology has recently learned the forbidden art in this ninjutsu!"

"It's also thanks to the immortal body!"

"Multiple Shadow Doppelgänger Art, Usopp, Choba, take a good look!"

Usopp and Choba's eyes lit up and nodded frantically, "Hmm! Well!

"What a joke! Doppelganger? It's just a trick! Give me death! "

Divine Officer Asura rode his fire-breathing monster bird and charged towards the white feathers!

"Huh! Who gives you self-confidence!

"Brothers! Come on! "

Water Dragon Bomb!"

"Water Escape - The Art of the Great Dragon Bullet!"

"Spiral pill!"

"Wind Escape - Spiral Shuriken!"

"Fire Escape - Hao Fireball Technique!"

"Fire escape—the fire is extinguished!"

"Fire Dun—Phoenix Flower Claw Red!"

"Mu Dun - Mu Bind Kill!"

"Tudun—Fist Rock Technique!"


"What! How is this possible! Yes! "

One of the four gods of Apayado, the Sky Knight, Shura, was bombarded by the combined force of twenty shadow doppelgangers of White Feather to release ninjutsu, and was killed together with the mount fire-breathing monster bird!

In addition to three who released close ninjutsu and were killed by their own people, there are also three or four attribute ninjutsu that have zero damage together!

White Feather's shadow doppelgängers, this battle is complete!

"That's awesome!"

"Hahaha! Bai Yu is so strong! "

Usopp and Choiba jumped happily!

"Of course!"

The shadow doppelgangers of White Feather stepped on the cloud lake, smiled at Usopp and Choba, and gave a thumbs up!

"What happened! Where is the enemy? "

Sky Knight Gan Fore has just arrived on horseback, and the battle is over!

Just as Usopp and Choiba were about to say hello to Gan Fawl, a huge pillar of thunder smashed down!

This attack was originally aimed at the shadow doppelgangers of White Feather, but the Sky Knight Gan Fore, who had just arrived, was also wiped aside!


"What happened!"

Usopp and Choiba sat on the ground with a frightened ass!

The sea of clouds in front of the altar of the living sacrifice was blown out of a pit!

Although they are slowly replenishing and recovering, the attack just now scared them a lot!

"Heavens, Sky Knight! Fast! Usopp! "

Ah, ah! Right!

Usopp took advantage of the fact that the empty shark was also blown up, and quickly jumped down to fish out Gan Faul and the pink-spotted Pierre!

In the shrine above Apayado, God, Anilu leisurely leaned back in his seat, took a bite of the apple in his hand and said: "So it is, it's really just a look, but it's very interesting, it seems that tomorrow's survival game is really getting more and more interesting!" These guys from the blue ocean really gave me some surprises! "


Bai Yu looked back at the direction of the living sacrifice altar, the attack just now was only aimed at his shadow doppelganger, and he did not continue to attack in the follow-up, Usopp and Choiba were fine!

However, that Sky Knight Gan Fore is a little unlucky!

Just came, didn't do anything, was accidentally injured!

Hope the person is okay!

However, I hope that the guy who is called God only has a weapon that can launch such an attack, if not, then it is a bit difficult!

If it was a natural thunder fruit, Bai Yu clenched his fists!

It's not easy to do, doesn't mean it can't be done!

If you can make a breakthrough tomorrow, there will be a guy from the nature department to install a fork in front of him in the future!

It must be hammered!

"White feather!"

Nami looked at Bai Yu with some concern, "That attack just now!" Usopp they will be fine!

"Don't worry! They're okay, it should just be temptation! It's my shadow doppelganger who attacks! However, I found something interesting on the coast ahead! Let's go check it out before we get back to the boat!

"Well, let's go faster, I'm still a little worried about them!"

"Then I'll take you away!"


"Hey! Who wants you to bring it with you!

Bai Yu picked up Nami and looked at Robin, "Robin, do you want me to take you!"

Robin shook his head and said, "No, I can still keep up with myself!"

"Then, let's go!"

Bai Yu circled Nami and said, "Go!" There is a familiar building on the coast, and if it is confirmed, it proves my guess correct!

"I'm looking forward to it! If your seemingly absurd assumptions are really true!

Robin looked at Bai Yu and smiled: "That's interesting, maybe my purpose of living can continue!" "

At the same time, the Yunyin Village where the Shandians live in seclusion!

The little girl Aisha felt it, and in Apayado, three voices disappeared!

One is Gan Fore, another is Shura, and the other is Sadley, the priest of the Trial of the Ball!

That's right, that big white fat man stood up a little at the beginning with the special combat ability of the empty island, but there were four main forces of the Straw Hat Regiment, and three were over there!

Directly beaten and killed by Luffy, Solon, and Yamaji Qun!

Although Luffy also suffered some injuries, that little injury was nothing to them!

Shandia's warrior Weipa directly stood up the moment he learned the news and began to gather Shandia's warriors!

Because it's a great opportunity!

Apayado lost two priests!

The strength of the defense is directly reduced!

This is a great opportunity like never before!

Just storm the shrine and take out Anilu!

The Sandians can then return to their homeland, which has been taken for more than 400 years!

"All go! Attack Apayado! Reclaim your homeland! "

As the strongest warrior of Shandia's generation, Weipa rushed to the front with shields and rocket launchers!

Apayado, by the coast!

"Look at this, isn't it very familiar!"

White feather pointed to the building on the coast!

Nami and Robin were stunned for a moment they saw it!

"This is!"

"This building, we've ever seen! Why is it here! "

Nami got off Shiraha's back and ran over!

Robin nodded and said, "That's right, this is what we saw on the ground, the other half of Kulikai's house!" So to speak! Bai Yu, your speculation is completely correct!

"So, here, the land that can't exist in the White Sea is the missing part of Gaya Island!"

Bai Yu stood on the shore and looked at the half of the building: "It has really been washed into the sky!" What Norland said is also true, if the Golden Township really exists, it must be here! "

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