Nami looked at the building in front of her and muttered, "The golden town that once existed on land!" It didn't sink into the sea, but it floated in the air all the time! "


Bai Yu touched his head and said with a smile: "It seems that my profile writing ability has not declined, I guessed it all!"

"Then let's go back!"

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe held a large pile of fruits, these two guys competed, and in the end, the Nine Lamas won!

I found one more fruit than Moritsuru!

"Well, let's go!"

Bai Yu looked at Nami and Robin and smiled, "Since you are sure, then go back and tell everyone, Luffy should come back too!" "


At this time, Apayado has become a pot of porridge!

There were fires and explosions everywhere!

The warriors of Sandia invaded!

He is fighting with Apayado's two remaining priests, Ohm of the Iron Trial, and Gaidaz, the priest of the Swamp Trial!

Luffy and they also ran into Shandia's warrior Weipa on the way here, and after a simple test shot, warned Luffy to leave Apayado, and then continued to rush towards the inside of Apayado with people!

Altar of living sacrifices!

At this moment, the big hole that was blasted out in front of the altar had been filled with a sea of clouds, and the empty shark was once again circling around the altar of the living sacrifice!

"Hey, Usopp, Chop! What are you doing! Nami

shouted at the Merly, "We're back!" "

Aaaaah! You're finally back!

"It's terrible! It's scary here! "

Usopp and Choiba hugged each other and shouted with tears!

Bai Yu waved his hand and said, "Don't worry!" It's okay! We're back!

Nami said suspiciously, "It looks like something happened to them!"

"Well, indeed!"

Robin nodded and said, "Looks like I'm frightened!"

"It's really a fright for them!"

Bai Yu sighed and said, "Not long after we left, a priest was going to come and kill them!"


Nami quickly looked at the Nine Lamas and said, "Are they okay!" Nine Lamas, take me quickly!

"Let's go together!"

When she returned to the Merry and saw that Usopp and Choiba were only slightly injured and nothing serious, Nami breathed a sigh of relief!

Bai Yu patted Nami's shoulder and said, "They're fine, I left twenty doppelgangers here, that priest seems to be able to predict attacks, but he was directly killed by the fire!"

"Are you scared?"

"No, I was frightened by that god's attack! My twenty doppelgangers were directly wiped out by that attack! And that attack visual impact is a bit strong!

"It's the one! I've seen it!

Nami nodded and said, "So it is, it's really scary enough!" "

Usopp and Choiba hold the Nine Lamas and Shouhe without letting go, looking for security!

"Okay! Okay, it's okay, Shouhe and I just picked the fruit and tasted it! "

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe took out the fruit they had just picked and shared it with Usopp and Chopa!

"Rubber-machine gun!"

As soon as Bai Yu turned around, he saw that on the river leading to the altar of living sacrifices, Luffy was sitting on the bow of the shell boat, and a wave of advance guns turned all the empty sharks with their mouths open!

Luffy raised his fists and laughed, "Hahaha! There we are, Golden Melly! And that altar!

"Hey! Miss Nami, Miss Robin, keep you waiting!

Sanji shook like a seaweed and shouted, "I have come through the trial of love!" "

Hey, you guy, drive the boat!"

Solon looked at Sanji and shook his head helplessly!

Nami breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It seems that they have a lot of fun!" It's all right! "

Melly, helm room meeting room kitchen dining room guest room!

Luffy looked at Gan Faul, who had been bandaged by Joba, and said, "I didn't expect that a whistle for free service would fight for us to this extent!"

"Well, that's really because we're like this!"

Usopp sighed and said: "At that time, the doppelganger of the white feather had already killed the priest, and when the sky knight first came, the one who came down from the sky attacked and directly killed the doppelganger of the white feather, and then the sky knight was also wiped aside, and it became like this!"

Qioba nodded and said, "That attack is terrible!"

"However, thank you for coming to Apayado!"

Bai Yu looked at Pierre, who had woken up, and said, "After all, there are priests and gods here!" And such an injury! "


Pierre raised his wings, indicating that this is all as it should be!

Sanji took a cigarette and said: "The Meili needs to repair it well before sailing, it's dark, first go to the lake in the forest to camp and rest!"

Luffy tilted his head and asked, "Why?"

Usopp spread out his hands and said, "In case an enemy comes, the Merry will not be able to withstand the battle on the ship!"

"And, compared to being on board!"

Solon held the knife and said, "It's still more convenient to fight on the shore!"

"Hahaha! Bivouac! Bonfire party! That's great!

Luffy and Joba jumped up happily!

Usopp sighed and said, "Hey! This is enemy territory! Is this really good!

Bai Yu patted Usopp's shoulder and smiled, "It's okay! "

On the shore, everyone is sitting around the campfire eating the fruits collected by the Nine Lamas and Shouhe, and Luffy is holding a roasted big sky shark to pad his stomach before eating!

The white feather was on one side and lined up to the ground!

"Mu Dun - Camping Cabin!"

A small and ingenious house appears on the shore!

Sanji said while helping Qioba grind the medicinal herbs: "Today, the guy who fought us attacked in a very strange way, but the most headache was the combat technique called the Heart Net used by the other party, which can see through our actions!"

Solon also nodded and said, "That's right, even the landing point of my knife can be seen through, it's tricky!" It's like a sixth sense or something!

Qioba quickly nodded and said: "That's right, the priest called Asura who appeared on our side is also very strange, his strange bird can also breathe fire, and can also see through our actions, and Usopp and I's attacks have been avoided!" It's good that there are white feathers!

"That's right!"

Usopp nodded and said, "The later attack should have been issued by the god of Apayado, killing the white feather's doppelganger at once, and the sky knight who had just arrived was also lying here!"

"It seems that a lot has happened this afternoon!"

Nami looked at everyone and said, "The Apayado that we went to explore in the afternoon, has the latest discovery!" Bai Yu's speculation is completely correct! This island is the other half of Gaia! The Golden Country did not sink to the bottom of the sea, but kept floating in the sky!

Usopp pointed to the small blackboard beside him and said, "Good! After everyone's summary, the most valuable information is that Nami just said that this island is the golden township that the Ape Mountain Joint Army has been looking for! Bai Yu's previous speculation was completely correct!

"That's right!"

Bai Yu nodded and said, "That is to say, this island!" There is a lot of gold! "


Luffy threw the bone-gnawing empty shark aside, revealing his big white teeth and said excitedly, "I've been looking forward to such an adventure for a long time!" What a thrill! "

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