
In the desperate gaze of the navy!

Three of the four masts on the warship were broken by Luffy's kick!

"Danger! The mast is broken!

"Watch out to dodge!"

"It's going to fall!"

"The battle between those two is too messy!"

Luki, who had evaded Luffy's attack, appeared behind Luffy with moon steps!

"Although the strength has increased, the speed seems to have slowed down!"

Luki hung an upside-down golden hook and slammed Luffy into the warship with one kick!


Luki kicked out at Luffy, and the air slash rushed towards Luffy like a bird!


The warship was directly cut in half!

"The iron outer armor was actually cut off!"

"The warship is about to break!"

The navy on the warship is about to cry!

That's an iron armor more than ten centimeters wide!

What are you doing!

Is it bullying us lieutenant generals are all lying down!

Hold on and do whatever you want!

Scrap another warship!

Luki smiled and looked at Luffy who struggled to get up!

"Lord Rear Admiral, the fourth warship was badly damaged due to the battle between CP9's Luqi and Straw Hat Kid!"

"Lord Lieutenant General said that Lu Qi is very strong, so he should not die! Aim at the fourth warship and blow up the straw hat kid to me!

"But over there..."

The other party is an extremely vicious pirate! Must be killed! The sacrifices are worth it! Pass on my orders, fire! "


The order was given by the major general who followed the lieutenant general of the ghost spider, and they all belonged to the hawks represented by Sakaski!

In order to kill the pirates, even if there are innocent casualties, it is worth it!

The next moment, the two warships under the command of this rear admiral turned their guns and fired at the fourth warship!

In an instant, the fourth warship exploded!

Directly slowly sank!

"Wow! What is that bastard doing! Bring the boat over for me and save the survivors! "

The one who spoke was the major general who followed the Lieutenant General of the Burning Mountain!

Like the Lieutenant General of the Burning Mountain, love his subordinates, strong and gentle!

"Rubber shrinking!"

Just as the sequelae came up, Luffy blew out the qi in his body, turned several times in the air and returned to pillar one!

In addition to sinking the fourth warship, those guns had zero damage to Luffy!

"Whew! Good risk! Why hit your own warships? Are those guys idiots? "

Miniature Luffy lay on the ground panting!

"But it's shrunk again! Third gear is fun and powerful! But its side effects are powerful! Swell for a minute or so, and probably shrink for a minute! If you don't hide before returning to your original form, you will be killed! "

Miniature Luffy gets up and starts looking for a place to hide!

Lu Qi stepped on the moon step in the air and shook his head: "It seems to be real, and it seems to be joking!" But it would be too disappointing if he was killed by shelling! "

Luki directly smashed through the wall and rushed into pillar one, and Luffy, who had just hidden, was directly hit by this attack!

"What an unbalanced combat power!"

Lu Qi looked at the mini Luffy lying on the ground and said, "If this is the price of your strength just now!" What a self-inflicted thing! Return of Life - Paper Painting Martial Body! "

The body of the leopard man form has shrunk a little, so the consumption is also small!

Luffy watched Luki struggle to get up, and the next moment Luffy rushed directly to Luffy, grabbed Luffy and smashed him into the wall!

"Your nonsense attack on me..." Before

Lucie could finish speaking, Miniature Luffy struggled to punch him with his small fist!

"You guy!"

Lucie jumped back and looked at Luffy!

The punch just now didn't hurt, but it was extremely insulting!

"It's stuck, it's not good!"

Luffy tried hard to break free, but his current body didn't have much strength, so he was too weak!

"What a pity! Just keep that stupid look and die! Finger gun—spot!

"Damn, my body is recovering soon!" Come on! Will be killed!

Luffy rushed towards Luffy, pointing guns like raindrops approaching Luffy!

Just when Luffy thought he wanted GG, suddenly Lu Qi broke his foot!

That was where Luffy had just attacked!

Just as Luki's attack stopped, Luffy's side effects ended, and he broke free from the wall for the first time!


Luffy looked up at Lu Qi and said, "Isn't my attack very effective!" Your foot still hurts!

Lu Qi stood up and looked at Luffy and said, "It seems that your seemingly foolish fighting style is not a joke, but don't underestimate my willpower!" Arashi - Kaitori!

Luffy dodged the attack by flipping over the iron bridge, and then watched Luki stride!

My legs started moving like a pump again!

"This is the last resort!"

Luffy stared at Luki and gasped, "I won't lift it until I knock you down!"

Lu Qi looked at Luffy, whose body turned red and steam rose from his body, and said, "Do you want to die of exhaustion?"

"What the future holds, no one knows! Second gear!

Luffy looked at Lu Qi and rushed straight up!

"Rubber—Jet pistol!"

Only one person can stand and walk out of this pillar number one today!

Looking at the pillar number one that kept roaring, Frankie spoke: "Luqi is very strong!" If it weren't for the straw hat kid who kept pinning down Luqi, to be honest, I don't know how many people we would have sacrificed!

At the same time, on the escape boat, Qioba looked up at the sky and said, "I sometimes think that Luffy seems to know from the beginning who is the opponent he must face!"

Nami turned to look at Choiba on the waterbed and said, "It's just that his wild intuition is stronger than yours!" "

Nami is right!"

Bai Yu lay on the waterbed and said, "Luffy's intuition is very strong, I haven't understood for so many years, how he makes accurate judgments based on intuition!" Whether it's picking a partner or having an intuitive conversation with the Millennium Dragon at that time! Probably, this is innate?

"Abominable! White Feather that guy! What about the other lieutenant generals! "

On the warship, Vice Admiral Ghost Spider woke up, but only woke up! He is now in severe pain all over his body, and he can't move!

He is proficient in life return, has strong resilience, woke up first, and Lieutenant General Dauberman is still in a coma!

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider has woken you up!"

"What happened to your body in the ghost spider lieutenant-general!"

"Lieutenant General Dauberman, they haven't woken up yet!"

"What about that guy Bai Yu!"

"After using that trick, the white feather has lost his ability to fight, and is currently being protected by the Straw Hats! Several major generals in the Burning Mountain are still fighting the Nine Lamas of the Tailed Beast! "

What about Straw Hat Luffy!"

"Straw Hat Luffy on the first pillar!"

"Now the fleet is under my command, and the whole fleet is ordered to be deployed around the bridge of hesitation! Separate the first pillar! "


The warship approached the bridge of hesitation, and at the same time fired its guns to blast the bridge deck connecting the first pillar!

Justice Island is all boomed, and it is not bad for this hesitant bridge!

Today, Bai Yu and that straw hat Luffy, none of them can run!

"The first pillar is separated! Rob Luki of CP9 and Luffy the Straw Hat on the first pillar!

"The whole ship obeys the order! Instantly set up a formation around the Bridge of Uncertainty!

"On the bridge and on the escort ship are pirates including pirate hunter Solon, Alien Eye White Feather, and Nicole Robin who attacked Justice Island!"

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