"They are the main pirates who defeated CP9 in the Justice Tower!"

Listening to the shouts on the radio, the elite navy on the warship looked at the bridge of hesitation and Solonami who was escorting the ship!

"Where the hell did these guys come from! For the past eight hundred years, the myth that Justice Island has never been captured is because generations of CP9s have been stationed here!

"And now except for Rob Luckey, the rest of the members have all been defeated by the little-known pirates, not to mention, even the captain is comparable to Rob Luqi!"

"And that heterogeneous white feather who defeated the four lieutenant generals is not their captain!"

"That straw hat Luffy is definitely not an ordinary newcomer!"

"Cheer me up! Their gang is destined to be collectively annihilated here! This is the end of the senseless struggle of the evil forces! Solon

looked at the approaching warship and pulled out his knife!

"They're robbing Robin again!"

Escorting the ship, Nami took out a weather stick and looked at the warships that surrounded her!

"Help me up, I can still ..... Yes!

"You can still have a hammer!"

Shouhe pressed the white feather who had just raised his head on the waterbed again!

"Just that move, your arm has been broken! It's hard to make a print! Be careful to turn it directly into a powder fracture!

Shouhe pressed his claws on Bai Yu and said, "Next, you will use me and Isofu as a charging treasure!"

"Damn it! Is this a tailed beast pillar force! "

Have a good rest!"

Robin looked at Bai Yu and said, "Next, it's my turn to protect you!"

Isofu raised his head and said, "I don't want to fight, I'd better protect the wounded!" Chakra don't need to give me too much, give Shouhe more!

"Hey, hey, hey! You guy can be lazy, don't fall asleep!

"Don't worry!"

At this time, on the broken bridge, Usopp saw Luffy who was fighting against Luki!

The bridge deck was blasted away by warships, and this side of the broken bridge is just right to watch Luffy vs. Luki live broadcast!


Usopp shouted, "Here we are!

Franky also raised his arm and shouted: "Everyone arrived on the bridge safely!" We'll be fine! Do not worry!

Sanji also shouted, "Miss Robin has been rescued!" That guy from Bai Yu is okay!

"Everyone is waiting for you at this moment!"

Solon held his knife and shouted, "Defeat him, Luffy!"

"Then everyone together! Get out of here alive! Hearing

Usopp and their shouts, Luffy smiled and nodded to look at Luki!

Then you can fight with confidence!

"Then there's a protracted battle! It's our turn to stall for time! Before Luffy takes out his opponent, we must guard Robin and the ship!

After shouting, Solon turned around and got ready for battle!

Sanji took a puff of his cigarette, he had just thought of a great idea!

Inside pillar one!

Lu Qi looked at Luffy and twisted his neck and said, "It seems that what you said before is right, your partners are still alive, which is really admirable, but what next!" This world is invincible! "

At this moment, the radio sounded again, giving orders to the fleet!

"The terrain is limited, so there is no need to fight below the major! An elite force of two hundred people, consisting of a colonel and a lieutenant colonel, a major, quickly subdued the enemy! "

Originally, there were more than two hundred school officers, but they were all beaten down by Bai Yu's shadow doppelganger and the Nine Lamas before!

"Colonel Motobu!"

Usopp was dumbfounded with a huge slingshot pocket!

"Isn't that on the same level as the old smoker Smogg! Are there so many of those masters!

"Don't forget, this is still Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas, they knocked down so many people, and the rest!"

Solon held his knife and looked at the colonels standing on the warship, "But isn't this evidence that they are afraid of us!" As

soon as Usopp turned his head, he suddenly noticed that there was one less person!

"What about Yamaji! Obviously he was still here just now! "

What the hell!"

Solon pulled out his knife and stared at the officers vigilantly, "Where did you run at the critical moment!" That idiot cook! "

All out! Offensive!

"Good! Offensive!


With deafening shouts, the colonels jumped off the warship with their weapons in hand!

"Interesting, let me make another big fuss!"

French clenched his fists, there was still a lot of Coke fuel, enough to fight!

"No matter what, we will stay here!"

Solon shouted with a knife, "Be sure to resist before Luffy arrives!" "

Escort the ship, Nami and Robin, Moritsuru is also ready for battle!

"Be sure to protect the ship, if it is destroyed, there is no way to escape!"

"I won't be caught by you again! The white feather will be guarded by me! "

Well, you guard Bai Yu, then I will guard Qiao Ba!"

Qioba and Bai Yu tried to struggle to get up, Qioba's whole body was weak, and Bai Yu's eyes were almost black in pain!

The two looked at each other helplessly!

"I, the two of us, can't move!"

"Abominable! I think about fighting!

Iso shook the waterbed and said, "You two better lie here honestly!" "

Weapon left hand!"

"Kill—Sunflower Star!"

"Thirty-six troubled winds!"

The battle instantly entered the white-hot stage!

Although there are colonels in those navies, they are still a lot worse in combat effectiveness than Smogg's guys who are promoted to rear admiral!

But there are many people!

And there are basically unique skills!

And at this moment, the escort ship also rushed over a large number of navies!

"It's going to be on! Lightning Charge - Anemometer! "

Nami held the weather stick and spun the charged ball and rushed up!

Directly electric climb down several navies!

"Wind Escape - Sand Scatter Bomb!"

Morizuru directly incarnates into an artillery battery and shoots wildly!

Robin uses abilities to interfere with their attacks!

Just after solving this batch of navies, another group of navies rushed over!

"Hey, we're hostages!"

On the escort ship, Granny Coco, Zimoni and Kumbe the kitten waved at the navy!

"The abominable pirates actually took hostages!"

"Everyone be careful not to get hurt by mistake!"

Inside pillar one!

Luffy was yelling at Leachie!

But the power of Luffy's attack in the second gear slowly weakened!

Luffy is almost at his limit!

"Oh? Reaching the limit? The power seems to have dropped a lot! "

Luqi original subway block hard against Luffy's attack!

"Stop struggling needlessly! You can't escape Justice Island after all!

"Rubber—Jet Tomahawk!"

Luffy didn't listen to where Lucy was, he just wanted to him!

Luki dodged the attack with a moon step, and then kicked his legs wildly, and he was a slapstick at Luffy!

Luffy also stood directly on the pile and output, and countless red fist shadows smashed towards Lu Qi!

But didn't hit Luqi a few times!

"You can't escape! I swear by the name of dark justice! The

next moment, Lu Qi directly relied on the paper painting to avoid the shadow of the fist in the sky, and shaved in front of Luffy!

"Six Kings Spear!"

In an instant, the powerful impact directly penetrated Luffy's body!

Luffy spewed out a mouthful of blood and flew straight upside down!

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