"I haven't seen you in a long time!"

Choiba walked out of the cabin and watched the snowflakes falling in the sky!

"I don't know if I can pile it up, if only I piled it up!"

"Looks like we're going to make some warm-up food tonight!"

Yamaji took a cigarette and turned and walked into the kitchen!

"I haven't seen snow in a long time!"

Bai Yu looked at the snowflakes in the sky and stretched!

Nine Lamas, Shouhe these two goods are still fishing!

Look at that posture is already a qualified senior angler!

Solon noticed a ship ahead and drifted down the sea without sails and flags, which was strange, so he picked up the microphone on the lookout!

"Hey, there's a strange-looking ship ahead!"

"Strange ship?"

Bai Yu opened his eyes and said, "Well, it's really strange!"

Usopp adjusted his goggles and nodded, "A ship without sails and flags!"

Nami came over and said, "Isn't it drifting on the sea without sails?"

Yamaji puffed his cigarette and said, "Is it a shipwreck?"

Franky looked at the ship in the distance and said, "Speaking of which, there is a ruthless competition between pirates called the Davy Battle for Dominance!" "

Hmm! We know!

Everyone nodded, remembering the trough head named Foxy again!

Choiba lay on the railing and said, "Is it the victim of that competition?"

"Not quite like it!"

Bai Yu looked at the ship in the distance and said, "The damage on the ship seems to have been left by the battle!" David Battle doesn't do that!

"Wait! Someone came out! "

Usopp saw three people coming out of the boat, sitting on the edge of the boat and throwing out fishing rods!

"Looks tired!"

"Hey, Captain!"

Sanji looked at Luffy with a cigarette in his mouth, "How do we do it?"

"Let's go see the situation!"

Luffy looked at the ship in the distance and smiled, "If only the enemy were enemies, it would be nice to shoot them off!" "

White Feather came to the foredeck, turned the rudder to adjust the direction, and the Miles of Sunshine headed towards the ship!

"Hey, are you all right?"

Luffy stood on the bow of the Miles of Sunshine and waved and shouted!

"Sea, pirates!"

"It's a pirate! Run away!

"Stupid, the rudder doesn't work!"

"There are no sails!"

The guys on the ship panicked for a while, but found that there was no way to escape, so they could only raise their hands!

"Spare us!"

Luffy and White Feather, Robin, French, and Solon jump on the opposite ship!

Franky looked around and said, "You and this ship look so miserable!" It's all tattered!

Luffy looked at the guys with his arms around and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

The guy with a Viking hat on his head said, "I, we're just sluggish fishermen!" "


Bai Yu looked at them and smiled!

"That's right!"

The guy explained: "About three days ago, we were attacked by a ship of unknown origin! Not only was all the food stolen, but the sails were also damaged, and the ship became like this! Always drifting!

"So even if you attack us, it won't do any good!"

"That's how it is! Do not worry!

Luffy smiled and nodded, "The point is that your stomach is hungry!" We're ready to eat too, so let's eat together! "

Huh! Are you sure!

"Is that really okay?"

A few people on the opposite side looked at Luffy and then at the pirate pattern on the sails of the sunny good ship!

Are this gang really pirates?


Luffy nodded and smiled, "Our chef won't care when he sees people like you!"

Bai Yu turned his head to look at the kitchen chimney and said with cooking smoke: "Yamaji, that guy has already gone to cook!" You must have your share! "

As for the rest, wait until you're done eating!

"yes! Feed! Yamaji!

Luffy turned his head and shouted, "Isn't the meal ready?" I'm hungry!

"It's almost ready! But before eating!

Sanji came out of the kitchen with his pocket in his pocket and looked at Choba, "Hey, Choba! It's your long-awaited patient! Go check it out!

Although Qioba was a little afraid of life, he still waved his hand and shouted: "The injured man comes to me first!" Are there wounded who can't move? "

Pet talking!!

"It's not a pet! I'm a pirate too!

Qioba instantly turned into a strong man form and shouted: "Fifty Bailey for the bounty!" "

Choiba took them to the infirmary and treated them one by one!

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe looked at the wounds of those guys and glanced at each other!

Sure enough, there is a problem!

At this time, a guy with only a handful of yellow hair on his head walked out of the cabin of that ship!

He looked at the Wanli Sunshine and spoke, "Is it a newcomer pirate group that triumphantly goes to sea on a newly built ship?" At

this time, the phone worm in his hand began to call!

"It's me, what's going on over there?"

"Ah, hello, we are now wooing a pirate ship, just in time to report to you!"

"What does that flag look like?"


The guy glanced at the Wanli Sunshine and said, "That skull has a straw hat on his head!"

"What did you say?"

The guy over there who was making a wanted warrant was stunned!

"It's not here to catch bugs at sea! Who knows what they're thinking? Hahaha!

"Don't judge casually!"

The originally calm voice on the other side of the phone worm instantly broke, became flustered, and was a little excited in the panic!

"I'm so sorry!"

"You listen to me! They! It's the Straw Hats with a total bounty of more than 1.1 billion! "

Ten, eleven billion!"

"You know what you have to do!"

"Yes, very clear!"

The guy with a handful of yellow hair took a look at the Wanli Sunshine!

"Listen! Don't let them run until I arrive! "

Eleven billion?"

The guy turned around and went back to the cabin with a barrel of wine!

And at this time, on the deck above his head, the corners of the white feather's shadow doppelganger mouth turned up and lifted itself!

In the kitchen, Bai Yu, who was eating a mouthful of rice, paused for a moment, and then continued to cook!

"Delicious! It's so delicious! Curly eyebrow brother!

"Really! It's so delicious that I cry! "

The six people coming from the ship were gobbling up the rice made by Yamaji!

Nami pouted, "Crybaby!

"Wow! What lovely sisters!

"Really! I'm going to cry again! The

two looked at Nami and Robin and started cooking like crazy again!

In the infirmary, Joba is packing up the medicines and putting them in place!

"That, Doctor!"

A little boy on the opposite boat looked at the wound that Qioba had bandaged himself, knelt on the ground and pleaded: "I want to beg you for something!" Your medical skills are very high, there is another person on our ship who wants to ask you to see, can you come with me to our ship? "


Choiba followed the little boy to their boat with a small blue backpack!

In the kitchen, when Luffy said that he was going to the New World, the guys who finished eating waved their hands again and again: "You guys are actually going to the New World next?"

"I advise you to turn back! It's hell there!

Luffy looked up at them and said, "What's wrong?" Have you been there?

"No, no!"

"Just heard the rumors! It's a cruel place! Bai

Yu leaned back in the chair with Senbon in his hand, and just glanced at Franky!

Both understood what each other meant!

Nod slightly!

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