"It doesn't matter what the rumors are!"

Luffy looked at them and smiled, "Just go to hell and see!" Hee hee hee!

At this time, the guy with a handful of yellow hair on his head knocked on the door with a barrel of wine and walked in with a smile: "Sorry, sorry!" You guys helped us a lot! Let's repay you too! I am their leader, Stenson! This is our special wine! Come and try it! "

Oh? Is it?

Solon took the wine that Stetson threw over, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly!

"Then we'll have to taste it!"

Bai Yu looked at Solon and smiled!

When Stanson came in with the barrel, the faces of the six guys became a little unnatural, and they didn't drink the wine glass!

Qioba, who was abducted by the little boy, followed him to the boat, and under the leadership of the little boy, he turned around to a hidden room!

When the oil lamp was turned on, Joba saw an unconscious man, lifted the quilt and found that he was seriously injured!

"How could you be so badly injured! The wounds are all suppurated! How was it not handled well before!

The little boy looked at Joba pleadingly and said, "Please, doctor, save him!"

"You have to have surgery right away!" But he can't move at all now!

Qioba put down the small blue backpack, pulled out medical supplies from it, and motioned for the little boy to help!

Miles of sunshine on board!

"Hmm! It's a really interesting taste,"

Solon took a sip of wine!

"It's kind of interesting!"

Bai Yu and French clinked glasses and toasted too!

Sanji took a sip and put down his glass, "But you don't have anything to eat, but you have wine!" That's interesting!

"yes! But this one is delicious!

Stenson sat on a chair and pulled the food into his mouth: "This is what Desperate Life means!" Thank you so much!

"Don't care!"

Lu Fei put two pizzas in his mouth and took another sip of wine!

Stanson looked at Luffy and said, "This is not okay! You must visit our port! Let us entertain you well! "

Your port?"

Sanji wiped his plate and said, "The point is that we should take you there!"

Stanson turned to look at Yamaji and said, "Wear it!" Answer correctly! I just don't know if I can! "


Luffy smiled and nodded, "What an interesting uncle!" I know! Yes!

"Really! Thank you so much!

"Hey, Luffy! What about Fishman Island!

Nami pointed to the record pointer on her wrist and said, "If you go around another island, the record will be covered!"

"If you let them go and leave right away, won't it be fine!"

Luffy looked at Nami and waved his hand and smiled, "It's okay! They're in trouble now! "

It was great to meet a reasonable captain! Then please! The

Miles of Sunshine lowered its sails and pulled the tattered ship in the stern direction Stetson had pointed!

"As the saying goes, let's go on the road together!"

Usopp raised his glass and said, "Let's toast again!"

"That's what I said! Cheers!

Luffy raised his glass too!

"What a funny captain! Hahaha! "

Hidden in the room!

Qiao Ba wiped the sweat on his head and said, "I have done everything I can!" Then we have to wait for the result! The dangerous period has not yet passed, it is up to him!

The little boy looked at the unconscious man on the bed and turned his head and said, "Thank you, doctor!" "

On the Miles of Sunshine, Sanji leaned back in the chair behind the helm and snored!

Frankie was also snoring on the deck beside him!

White Feather leaned against the fence on the foredeck, and Robin leaned on his shoulder with his eyes closed!

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe lay beside them on all fours!

In the kitchen, Luffy, Usopp, and Solon, Nami lay on the dining table and fell asleep!

"What to do?"

"Isn't that obvious? Hurry up and take them down!

"I really don't want to do that! They're all good people!

"yes! The sisters are lovely too!

"What do you say! What chance do we have if we don't!

"yes! If they can get such a great ship, they will definitely be able to get them..." Stenson

, they were sitting on the deck lawn discussing what to do with Luffy!

"Nope! This ship is going to be handed over to them! We have to complete the task they gave us!

After Stanson finished speaking, he held his chin and didn't know what he was thinking!

"What a mission! We don't want to! Grabbing this ship is to fight back!

"That's right, otherwise Vice Captain Bigaro would have died!"

"Hey! It is your freedom to quarrel, but if you make a move against the Sunshine, I will not agree! Frankie

stood up and posed!

"You, aren't you asleep?"

"The smell of anesthesia is so strong! Then we can't sleep!

Robin stood beside Bai Yu and looked at them!

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe looked at the seven guys with their paws in their arms!

Yamaji took a cigarette and walked down the stairs and said, "But he actually drugged us, causing the taste of my dishes to change!" Prepare yourself!

Bai Yu pulled out the Magic Blade Thousand Blades and looked at them, "The moment I stepped on your ship again, I realized that something was wrong!" Fishing vessel? Who can load cannons? If you are really attacked by pirates, you will still have a barrel of wine left? Besides, will the pirates even steal the bait you fish! Do you really think of us as newcomers who have just gone to sea!

"Oops! Calm down, little buddy!

Stenson quickly waved his hand: "We are not suspicious people, we are really fishermen!" That ship is a pirate ship, and the pirates robbed us and threw their ship at us! Trust us! Right, everyone!

Stenson smirked and turned his head to make a crazy look!

Sanji looked at Stanson with a cigarette and said, "There must be a limit when you can!"

"And to deal with pirates, and use alcohol mixed with anesthetics, this is not what ordinary fishermen do!"

Frankie watched them clench his fists!

"Okay, don't pretend!"

The corners of Bai Yu's mouth curled up and smiled: "Didn't you say that we are newcomers who went to sea on a new ship?"

"You, what do you know!"

Hearing this, Stetson didn't pretend to be stupid anymore, and turned his head to look at Bai Yu!

"I'm right above your head when you're talking to someone with a phone bug!" It's just that you didn't find it!

Stanson looked at Bai Yu and said, "Since you already knew, why did you give us food?"

Bai Yu shrugged and said, "Because you were really hungry at that time!" Our chefs will give food to anyone who is hungry!

"Of course, when you guys are full, you will be sure that it is the enemy!"

Sanji looked at Stanson with a cigarette in his mouth, and said, "Then I won't show mercy to my subordinates next!"

"Now I have a question that I need you to answer!"

Bai Yu raised the magic knife and pointed it at Stetson, "I want to ask you, who is the guy who knows who we are, not only is he not afraid, but he has set his sights on us!" "

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