"Ah, this!"

Stencen hesitated for a moment, and when he wanted to do something, three people suddenly rushed out behind him, pulled out their knives and aimed at Bai Yu and them!

"Hey, you guys stop! Stop! Kayle!

Kayle put on a fighting stance and said, "There are only four people on the other side!" We will take this ship by force!

"That's right! As long as we take this ship, we can go and fight back, I can't stand it anymore! I'm not going to listen to those guys anymore! The

three people behind Stetson heard this, but they didn't want to do it!

"But they take such care of us!"

"If we do this, we will take revenge! "If

you don't do it, then the three of us will go up!"

Kyle rushed forward with a knife!

The next moment, Stetson rushed up with an arrow and directly pressed Kayle's head to the ground!

"Stenson! What are you doing!

"Don't do it! You are definitely no match for them!

Stetson stood up and turned to look at them: "Their gang has a bounty of more than one billion, and they will die if they go up!" "

Ten, billion!"

"How is this possible!"

"Huh? Don't do it?

French looked at them and frowned!

"Hey, Bai Yu, what did you say we were targeted?"

Sanji took a cigarette and turned his head to look at Bai Yu, he was more curious about this matter!

Inexplicably, it was targeted!

"Hiss~ so cold!"

Solon changed his clothes and walked out of the kitchen, looking at Stetson and still standing, "What's going on?" Haven't solved it yet?

"I just thought it was strange! Claiming to be a fisherman, as a result, your fishing appearance and level are not as good as the Nine Lamas and Shouhe! Nami

walked out with Luffy and Usopp who had been drugged and asleep!

"Hey, Nami, are you polite! The fishing level of the two of us is not bad at all, and there is no air force! "

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe hold their heads high!

It's a fact that there hasn't been an air force!

It's really impossible to catch it, these two goods jump directly to catch fish!

It's really gone, or you can't find it, so you have to drink saliva and come up again!

Air force?

No way!

"We won't be deceived so easily!"

Nami glanced at Usopp and Luffy, "Except for these two!" So be enlightened!

"Captain Stenson, this is bad!"

"What should we do?"

Stanson looked around and gritted his teeth: "At this point, there is nothing to do!" Fall back! "

After that, pull out your legs and run, you have to jump off the boat!

"Interesting! Nine Lamas! Shou Tsuru!

"Got it!"

Hearing Bai Yu's words, the Nine Lamas held his paws and directly shaved in front of Stenson, and directly knocked him into the ass and sat on the lawn deck!

Morizuru blocked their way on the other side!

"I, we surrender! Round us! "

Stenson, turning his head to Bai Yu is a plop, I'll give you a knock!

"Okay! Stop pretending!

Bai Yu looked at Stanson and said, "You are very smart and understand the situation, you are different from the six guys you brought with you who can't make up a brain!"

"Hey, little brother with different pupils, what do you mean!"

"What do you mean?"

Bai Yu looked at them and said, "You can live until now because Stanson whispered and knocked out one head after another!" "


Yamaji took a cigarette and said, "Bai Yu, how do you know?"

Robin looked at Bai Yu and smiled, "Is it speculation again?"

"Well, Stenson, what I'm saying next is my guess based on what I know now! You don't have to talk!

Bai Yu looked at Stetson and said, "But if my guess is correct, you will tell us the information of those guys!" We'll release you then, how's that!

"I, well, you say!"

Stetson turned to look at the six guys behind him and nodded!

That's all there is to it!

You definitely can't beat it!

"But before that, Nami!"

Bai Yu turned to look at Nami and said, "Call up our idiot captain!" After all, it is he who takes the best idea!

"That's what I said! I'm being targeted, and I still have to listen to Luffy! And you can't let him just lie here and sleep! Nami

came to Usopp and Luffy, who were sleeping soundly, and blew her fists!

"These two guys are hopeless! Give me up!

"Bang! Boom! Two

crisp rings sounded!

Luffy and Usopp instantly stood up holding their heads!

"Hey, it seems to be cold! How are we outside!

"It hurts so much in my head! It hurts! As

soon as the breeze blew, Usopp and Luffy shivered with cold!

Solon took two down jackets from his room and threw them to Luffy and Usopp!

"Ah~ come to life! Huh? What is this situation?

Luffy got dressed and saw Stenson in a neat row kneeling!

"What's wrong with them?"

Usopp is also full of small question marks!

Franky hugged his arm and said, "These guys are going to rob our boat!"


Luffy looked at them in shock, "Are they bad people!"

"Or else!"

The Nine Lamas hugged his paws and said, "Which good man will put anesthesia in the wine he sends us!"


Luffy was shocked again, "Aren't they fishermen!"

"It's not! They should be pirates!

Bai Yu sighed, about Luffy's IQ...

No need to worry!

As long as he doesn't fight, his IQ is basically not high, or even negative!

"Pirates? Aren't they fishermen?

"Who has a cannon on a fisherman's fishing boat!" Or several! Luffy, listen to me next! "


Luffy sat down obediently and looked at Bai Yu!

Bai Yu glanced at Stanson and said, "According to my speculation, they are a gang of pirates!" He escaped from the New World and encountered an attack on the way! The deputy captain died in battle, the captain was seriously injured, the sails and flag were taken away, and the reason why they are still alive is that Stenson put down his dignity and reached an agreement with the other party!

"And the content of the agreement should be to cooperate with the other party, find pirates like us, and then bring into the encirclement of the other party, and the other party should be bounty hunters!" The strength should still be very strong! Otherwise, when you hear our bounty, you will insist on coming and touching us!

"You, how do you know!"

Stenson looked at Bai Yu in shock!

What Bai Yu said is basically correct!

"Huh? Is that so?

Luffy tilted his head to look at Stienson!

Bai Yu's speculation was basically not wrong!

"Yes! But how did you guess!

Stenson nodded and said, "And how did you know that our captain was seriously injured!"

"First of all, you don't look like fishermen, and your fishing techniques are not as good as the Nine Lamas, there are cannons on the boat, and they are tattered, and they are fiercely attacked at first glance, and your conversations have been heard by me!" The co-captain died in battle, and you are not the captain, then the man who was seriously injured must be your captain!

Bai Yu pointed to his eyes and said, "And under the white eyes, your ship is clearly visible to me, and the seriously injured guy is hidden in a closed room!" Well, I'm right!

"That's right!"

Stenson took a deep breath and nodded, "What you said is all right!"

"That's, after all, profile, I'm a professional!"

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