The weather is clear and there are a few white clouds in the sky!

The sea is calm and the occasional sea breeze gives a refreshing feeling!

The Miles of Sunshine is on its way to Fishman Island!

"I'm the first one, I'm going to take off!"

"This time it's my turn!"

"Up! Come on! "

Luffy and Usopp and Chop are having fun on the swing on the lawn deck!

Robin didn't feel harsh when he heard their noise, but felt very warm!

She is watering her flowers!

This is the little garden of the Miles of Sunshine, with Nami's orange trees and Robin's favorite flowers!

She loves this kind of life!

Bai Yu was holding the Magic Blade Thousand Blades on the side to practice ninjutsu!

Look closely at the slight changes on the blade of the Magic Knife Thousand Blades!

Frankie is hammering new vehicles in his arsenal!

"Abominable, kind as a donkey's liver and lungs! It was even said that my design was not good! It's finally done, and they shouldn't complain now! Franky

had toilet paper in his nose, and he had slightly modified Nami's Mighty Boss before thinking of adding some beauty!

So I changed the front of the Mighty to a carousel-like head!

Nami ran away at that time, and French was taught a lesson by the shipmaster!

So, French decided to redesign!

In the watchtower, Solon is exercising under the guidance of the Nine Lamas, and Shouhe takes over from Solon, sitting on the side and observing the situation around the ship with a telescope!

The Justice Island incident and the flag hunter incident made him feel that he was still not strong enough!

You must become stronger, and you must learn to be domineering yourself, otherwise you will be very passive if you encounter a Devil Fruit ability against a swordsman!

Yamaji delivers freshly made cold drinks to the aquarium below using a lift in the kitchen!

In the aquarium, Nami, whose hair was already braided, took out a cold drink and sat on the bar to enjoy a rare peaceful time!

Sanji pushed open the kitchen door and said to Luffy and the three of them, "Hey, you guys, help me catch the octopus I caught yesterday!" "



Yamaji nodded and said, "Octopus rice with shabu octopus fillet!" There is also a multicolored octopus platter dipped in tomato sauce! I want to focus on octopus for dinner! "

It was delicious to hear! Yamaji! Let's add another takoyaki in the evening!

Luffy heard the name of Yamaji's dish, and his saliva flowed directly!

And said to add another dish!

"Takoyaki is the best!"

"Got it, then please!"

Hearing that Sanji agreed to add vegetables, Luffy took Usopp and Joba and ran towards the entrance of the tank!

Luffy and the three of them reached out and couldn't catch one, the octopus was very flexible, Luffy and Joba almost rolled up their sleeves and jumped down to catch it!

Or Usopp has brains, runs to the aquarium with a big speaker, and shouts Isofu!

Looking at the octopuses that kept flying out of the entrance of the tank, Luffy and they quickly loaded them one by one and sent them to the kitchen!

At this time, Shouhe discovers that there is a strange thing on the surface of the sea!

Shouhe picked up the microphone and shouted, "Hey, there's something strange on the sea!" "

Luffy, who had just delivered the octopus to the kitchen, heard the horn shouting and ran to the side of the boat!

"Is that the one?"

"What's that?"

"It seems to be a barrel?"

Usopp looked at it carefully and said, "There seems to be a treasure written on it!"


Luffy saw that word too!

"Maybe it fell from the treasure ship!"

"Is it a treasure?"

Choiba looked up in surprise!

"Luffy, let's pull it up!"

"Treasure! Treasure! Treasure! Looking

at the barrels on the lawn deck, Luffy, Usopp and Choiba jumped up with their arms around their shoulders!

"It's a pity!"

Nami and Robin came out of the cabin and said, "It's filled with wine and food with a long shelf life!"

"Why don't you know without opening it?"

Luffy looked at Nami and said, "Do you also have see-through eyes like Haku Yu?"

"Who has a see-through eye for a serious person!"

Nami sighed and said, "Isn't it written on it that says Seagod Imperial Treasure!" This is called a ryotu and is dedicated to the patron saint of the sea in order to pray for the smooth sailing! The front of the imperial treasure means to the gods!


Usopp was a little disappointed: "Isn't that for nothing!"

Solon, who had finished his workout, came down from the watchtower and said, "Since you have caught all the fish, then drink it!"

Usopp looked at Solon and said, "Fool, you will be punished by heaven!"

"It's okay!"

Robin explains, "You can drink it after prayer!

Solon looked at the taru and said, "I won't pray to God!"


Nami looked at Solon and smiled, "It is said that the wine that has been baptized by the waves is particularly fragrant!"

"That's really supposed to be tasted!"

French ready to get your hands on unboxing!

Robin hugged his arm and said, "According to custom, after drinking, you must put a new tribute into a wooden barrel and let it continue to drift!"

"Got it!"

French starts getting ready to get hands-on unpacking!

"Hey, that god!"

Luffy raised his hand and shouted to the sky, "We'll take the snack!" "


Bai Yu jumped down from the small garden and said, "Luffy, do you still believe this?" I don't know who hammered God with one punch on the empty island!

"Okay, prayer over!"

Luffy and French started to move, untied the rope, and just removed the lid, the barrel exploded directly!

"Tweet~~~ Boom!"

A beam of red fireworks rushed into the sky, emitting a dazzling red light!

"What's going on!"

"Red light?"

"What happened?"

Qioba looked at the sky and said, "Could it be that the wine flew out and turned into red light?"

Bai Yu looked at the sky and frowned, "This thing, how can it look like a signal flare?" Luffy, what did you fish out of the sea! Why are flares fired! "


Solon smiled and said, "It can't be the curse of the sea god!"

"I hope it's just a prank!"

Robin touched his chin and said, "If not!"

"If not, what?"

Usopp and Choiba looked at Robin nervously!

Bai Yu looked at Robin and said, "Then our ship may be targeted next!"

Robin nodded and said, "That's right!

"Is it a trap?"

Usopp held his head and said, "Could it be that we are being targeted by bounty hunters or something?" As soon as the bucket is opened, our location is exposed to others! Choba! Go and look around! Maybe the flag hunters are still following us! "


Qioba jumped to the lion's head of the Miles of Sunshine and held a telescope to observe left and right!

"Didn't see any suspicious figures!"

Usopp also turned his head on the back deck and said, "I don't have it here either!"

Bai Yu rolled his eyes and said, "No, I haven't found suspicious ships and characters within my reconnaissance range!"

"But you still can't let your guard down!"

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