"It's good if I didn't see anyone!"

Nami raised her head and looked at the sky and said, "But this air pressure, and clouds!" Everyone, we're going to run southeast! The storm is coming, just five minutes away!

"Nami, heading!"

"Straight ahead at two o'clock!"

Everyone is taking action!

Everyone believes what Nami said, because she is the strongest navigator!

As soon as everyone turned on the main sail and secondary sail, dark clouds had already covered the sky, flashing green lightning, and the thunder came up directly as a pouring rain!

The wind is carrying the waves against the Sunshine!

"Nope! Totally headwind! Will be blown back!

Nami gripped the railing tightly to stabilize her body!


French turned his head and smiled confidently: "The strength of this ship is more than that!"

"That's right!"

Nami shouted at Shiraha, "Hakuha, Solon, Sanji put away the sails quickly!" It's time to use the outer wheel!


Haku Haku, Solon and Yamaji withstood the strong wind and pulled the rope hard to put away the main sail and secondary sail!


"The main sail and secondary sail have been put away!"

"Great! Frankie! OK!

"Understood! Then it's the turn of the Soldier Dock System! "

French flicks the device on the rudder!

"Channel Zero, Coke Engine! Outer steamer Sunshine! "

Two outer wheels extended on both sides of the Wanli Sunshine, and with the help of cola fuel, they began to rotate wildly!


Luffy raised his hands and shouted!

Driven by the outer wheel, the Sunshine is moving extremely fast in the storm!

It's almost time to catch the Shanghai train!

Bai Yu seriously suspects that this is not an ordinary cola, but a nuclear cola of special meow!

That's too much motivation!

When the Miles of Sunshine broke out of the storm, the sky was still dark and there was a thick fog!

"Finally rushed out, though!"

Nami looked around and said, "What the hell is going on in this sea!"

Solon turned his head and said, "It's not yet night, but it's creepy because of the fog!"

Bai Yu touched his chin and said, "This should be the Devil Sea area that Granny Kokoluo said!"

"Isn't it!"

Nami grabbed Robin's arm next to her and said, "I'm not mentally ready!"

Usopp turned his head and smiled, "So it's almost to Fishman Island?"


Luffy covered his eyes with a straw hat and said with a weird smile: "Before that, you have to pass through a haunted sea!"

"That's right! Don't take it lightly!

Franky also followed Luffy's example, "This sea is the famous magic triangle!" No matter what it is, the sea will be mysteriously missing!

"That's right! Maybe there will be a ghost, quietly appearing on your penetrating forehead while you are asleep, showing such a smile!

Bai Yu shone a flashlight on his face and revealed a weird smile!

"Ghost, ghost!!"

Usopp turned his head to look at Bai Yu, and directly plopped down on the ground!


Luffy sat on the railing and looked at Usopp lying on the ground and laughed, "This sea is haunted!"

"White feathers! You almost scared me to death!

Usopp sat up and patted his chest, "And why does everyone know about this, I have never heard of such a thing!" You must be lying to me! "


Qioba hugged Solon's thigh tightly, and his soul was about to fly in fear!

"Hahaha, of course Granny Cocoluo told us!"

Luffy looked at Usopp and smiled, "I heard there are living skeletons here!"

"Live, living skeleton!"

Usopp slowly turned to look at Luffy, and the whole person stiffened!

"Don't scare him! Listen, Usopp! "

Yamaji lit the cigarette with a match, and then raised the match in front of him, and the shaking fire was even more frightening than Shiraha's flashlight!

"It is said that more than a hundred ships mysteriously disappear in this sea every year! And there are ghost ships carrying the dead wandering around!

"Huh!! You should have told me about this kind of thing earlier! "

Usopp hugged his hair and screamed like a groundhog!

"What's the use of saying it!"

Bai Yu patted Usopp's shoulder and said, "This is the only way to go, you can't avoid it!"

"Of course it's preparation!"

Usopp hurriedly said, "I'm going to arm myself with demon removal props!"

"Usopp! Borrow me too! "

Choiba released the hand holding Solon's thigh and jumped directly onto Usopp's back!

"Don't worry! Where are the ghosts! Seeing

that Usopp and Qioba were frightened, Bai Yu broke out in a cold sweat and comforted: "If it is unreasonable, it is right to push them all to the side of the Devil Fruit!" For example, Luffy, you come to cooperate! "


Luffy walked to Bai Yu's side, and Bai Yu smiled grimly: "I died so miserably!" After

speaking, with a force in his hand, Luffy's neck was directly pulled by Bai Yu's elder, and then rotated, and Bai Yu was entangled by Luffy's extended neck!

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe took out a flashlight and shone it at the white feather!

"How! Horror it!

"Hahaha! So interesting!

Luffy retracted his neck as if he had discovered a new way to play, stretched his neck and put on an "S" shape for a while, a "B" shape for a while, and ran around Usopp and Choiba several times!

"And it's not just Luffy, Robin can too!"

Bai Yu spread out his hand and said, "Think about Robin's ability, suddenly a hand appeared next to him, and then the hand opened and there was an eye in the palm of the hand, and it blinked!" This is not much scarier than a ghost!

"To say the ghost's words!"

Little white sheep Meili floated around the boat and said, "Meili should also be counted!"

"My spiritual art can also leave the soul, so there are no ghosts in the world!" And Meili, you're not counted!

Bai Yu looked at Mei Li and said, "You are a ship elf, our partner!"

"That's what I said!"

Usopp wiped the cold sweat on his head and said, "But I still have to disguise it with demon removal props, at least I have some sense of security!"

Luffy grinned, "If only there were ghosts, I would like to catch a few to raise!"

"You guys! Ghosts are no!

Nami helplessly held her forehead and said, "But at least be vigilant!" After all, it is a fact that more than a hundred ships have disappeared! We need to be careful!


咯嚯~" "呦嚯嚯嚯~"

A strange singing voice came from not far away, and it was getting closer and closer, more and more clear!

Everyone swallowed their saliva and slowly turned their heads, and a broken ship larger than the Wanli Sunshine appeared in the right rear!

"Yo yi yi~" That

weird song came from above!

"Out, it's here!"

"Ghost ship!!"

Except for Bai Yu and Robin, who were still calm, the Nine Lamas and Shouhe and Mei Li expressed some curiosity, and everyone else opened their mouths in shock!

One by one, they all became memes!

"This, what the hell is this singing!!

The ghost ship slowly sailed by the side of the Miles of Sunshine!

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