"Bai Yu, how!"

"Who is that guy! When did it appear! Following

Bai Yu's line of sight, a stout guy was sitting on the roof with Erlang's legs up, a thick book on his lap, and a phone bug in his hand, and he didn't know who to talk to!

"So it is! Ominous pre-sensing test!

The bear looked at Moriah below and said, "It looks right!"

"Bai Yu, who the hell is that guy!"

Solon looked at the bear on the roof and felt the pressure!

No wonder White Feather adjusts his state!


Bai Yu looked at the bear and said, "Basoromi Xiong, one of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty!" People call them tyrants! "

Seven, Seven Wuhai!"

Usopp widened his eyes in horror, "How, how so!"

Qiao Ba's voice trembled: "Why, why are there two Qiwu Seas on the same island!" The

bear didn't respond, just looked at the phone bug in his hand!

"It was hard to decide on Klockdar's successor, and one more vacant seat in the Seven Warrior Sea would be bad! Is he alive?

Xiong said lightly: "I don't know, but I should still be alive!"

"As long as he is alive, wait for him to recover, and hopefully he can temporarily serve as the Seven Wu Sea!" The matter about him will be dealt with later, if he is killed one after another, the name of the Seven Wuhai will lose its deterrent! This news cannot be spread to the world! What a nerve-wracking guy! At

this time, Laura also recognized the bear!

"That huge body that is not inferior to Moriah, a pirate called a tyrant! Bartholomy Bear!

"That's the cruel tyrant bear!"

The phone worm in the bear's hand gave the last order!

"What I mean, you understand! Moriah's defeat cannot be allowed to have witnesses! Special mission from the World Government! Wipe out everyone on the island, including the Straw Hats! "

Little thing one..." "

Thunder abuse level Chiyomai!"

The figure of Bai Yu instantly appeared in front of the bear, surrounded by thunder and lightning, raised his hand knife and slashed towards the bear's head!

The bear raised his hand to block Bai Yu's hand knife, and the gloves on his hand were instantly scorched and destroyed by lightning, revealing the meat ball on his palm, and then Bai Yu was directly ejected!

The bear was also repelled several steps!

The bear looked at his smoking palm, and then looked at the white feather who had already climbed up and frowned!

Somewhat sloppy!

This is deliberately for them to facilitate the next temptation, but this heterogeneous white feather is a little too strong!

Just now he bounced his attack back, but that guy actually carried his own attack, although it was likely to be cracked, but he still climbed up without frowning!

"Hundred eight troubled wind!"

A powerful flying slash came!

The bear stretched out his hand and slapped it directly, and Solon's slash directly turned around and flew towards Bai Yu!

Bai Yu jumped up and dodged, his hands sealed!

"Water Escape - Water Break!"

Bai Yu quickly spit out an ultra-high-pressure straight water column from his mouth, like a sharp blade slashing towards the bear!

The next moment, the bear disappeared in place and appeared behind Bai Yu, and the surviving house was directly cut off by the water breaker!

"Pressure cannon!"

The bear directly stretched out his hand to hit the air against Bai Yu's back, launching a shockwave like a bear's paw!

The white feather figure disappeared, replaced by a stone, and the bear's paw-like shock wave directly shattered the stone into explosions, and then pushed all the way flat, leaving no slag left of the ruins directly!

Solon and Sanji were just about to rush up, when the Nine Lamas directly stretched out their tails and firmly grabbed them, and then all of them were protected by a huge Chakra shield like the head of the Nine Lamas!

"Don't do it!"

The Nine Lamas looked at the bear and said, "That guy is not something you can fight against!"

"Nine Lamas, what are you talking about!"

Sanji shouted with a cigarette in his mouth: "No matter who that guy is, I must give him a kick!"

"What a kick do you give!"

Shouzuru looked at Yamaji and said, "Look at Hakuha's arm!" With that blow just now, Bai Yu's arm was still shaking slightly, that blow could beat Moria half to death, but the guy named Xiong only took a few steps back!

"White feathers! Don't be pushy! Nine Lamas, you let me go, I'm going to help him!"

Solon tried to break free from the Nine Lamas, but the Nine Lamas stretched out two more tails and grabbed Solon!

"Bai Yu said to hand it over to him, just give it to him!"

The Ninth Lama turned his head to look at everyone and said, "Your current state is not an opponent at all, and going up is just adding chaos!"

"Abominable! Why is this guy here!

Usopp panicked, "And wipe us all out!"

"That's right, obviously the shadow came back with difficulty, why is this happening!"

"Damn, come on little brother with different pupils!"

"But, that guy is also Qiwu Hai, can he really do it!"

The people of the Terror Three-masted Sailing Survivors Association looked desperate!

After experiencing great tragedy, great joy and great compassion, this mood is like riding a roller coaster!

Bai Yu held the magic knife thousand blades and looked at the bear, and the bear was also looking at Bai Yu!

"What's that ball of flesh that just bounced back my power?"

Bai Yu slowly pulled out the magic knife and looked at the bear!

"Devil Fruit Ability!"

The bear looked at Bai Yu and said, "The power to bounce off everything, I am a meat ball man of the meat ball fruit!" "

Meat ball fruit!"

Usopp couldn't help but complain: "This peaceful name is completely inconsistent with the terrifying destructive power just now!" Bai

Yu's face sank!

Depend on!

What kind of god man is this!

This sound is the fruit of a scum, and it actually allowed him to develop to this point!

The teleportation just now should be that this guy compresses the air around his body and ejects himself!

This guy is still a remodeler!

Under the prying eyes of the white eyes, Bai Yu found that most of the bear's body had been mechanically modified, even the head!

This special technology tree is a little crooked!

It's not a little, it's too crooked!

Fights also with flintlock guns, cannons and the like, and as a result you brought me this thing!

Bai Yu sealed the seal with one hand to separate the two shadow doppelgangers, and then jumped up and slashed at the bear!

"Three Days and Moon Dance!"

The white feather body went straight to the bear's head and slashed, and the two shadow doppelgangers attacked from both sides!

Looking at the white feather rushing over, the bear just stretched out his hand to block the attack of the two shadow doppelgangers, and then rebounded, and the shadow doppelgangers were directly scattered!

And in the face of the white feather who slashed at him, the bear did not hide, his right eye directly flashed red light, opened his mouth to the white feather, and then a dazzling light flashed!

Bai Yu's eyes widened in horror instantly!

Directly turn into a block!

A beam of yellow laser light burst out!

The Thousand Blades of the Magic Knife shattered instantly, and the white feather was directly blasted away!

"White feather!"

"That, what is that!"

"Is that laser light?"

Frankie looked at the bear in disbelief!

"He's also a reformer man!"


Usopp and Joba hugging each other for warmth!

"Ahem! What a thrill! Bai

Yu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the clothes on his chest were directly blown up, and his chest was pitch black!

At the last moment, Bai Yu did not choose to cover the Magic Knife Thousand Blades with armed color domineering, but protected his chest!

Bai Yu got up and looked at Xiong and said, "The one just now is Uncle Borusalino's laser laser!" What the hell are you! "

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