"Different pupil white feather! Grandson of the Admiral Sengoku! Your danger level is even higher than that of the Straw Hat Kid!

Xiong Hong's eyes flickered and looked down at Bai Yu and said, "As for me, I am indeed a transformation person!" I am called a pacifist! It is a humanoid weapon that the government has not yet completed! "

Humanoid weapons? Pacifist!

Bai Yu raised his head and looked at Xiong and said, "So that laser light is indeed the ability of Uncle Borusalino!"

"That's right!"

Xiong nodded and said, "The developer is the government's genius scientist Vegapunk, he is the man with the best mind in the world!" It is said that his scientific level has reached the level of five hundred years later!

"I don't need your introduction!"

Bai Yu took a deep breath and said, "Since it is a transformation person, it is easy to fight!" Bai

Yu raised the handle of the Thousand Blades of the Demon Knife in his hand, and the fragments of the blade body that had just shattered rotated and flew!

"Sword Blade Storm!"

Bai Yu waved the knife handle, and countless fragments covered with armed color domineering energy swept towards the bear!

In an instant, the clothes on the bear's body shattered, and a Martian seed appeared all over his body, and then countless fragments were bounced off by the bear!

The fragments that wanted to get stuck into the bear's transformed body were ejected one after another!

"It's useless!"

Xiong looked at Bai Yu, and then instantly appeared in front of Bai Yu and raised his hand: "It's very troublesome to deal with you, so goodbye!" With

the bear's hand gently patting at the white feather, the white feather instantly disappeared in place!

"White feather!"

"How is it possible!"

Solon and Yamaji their eyes widened!

"What about White Feather! Where is it!

Usopp hurriedly looked around!

"How come!"

Nami covered her mouth and fell to the ground!

"Thirty rounds of flowers - bend!"

At the moment when the white feather disappeared, Robin directly activated the ability, and dozens of hands appeared on the joint position of the bear trying to bend the bear's joint!

But with Robin's strength, how could he bend most of his body, a bear of metal beyond steel!

"Nidao Ryu-Juhe-Rashomon!"

"First meat!"

"Weapon left hand!"

"Boom! Rumble! Rumble! "

Solon and Sanji, who broke through the Nine-Tails Barrier, were repelled!


Sanji kicked the bear in the jaw, and then covered his leg and screamed!

The bear's jaw has been remodeled!

Yamaji's kick not only didn't hurt the bear, but his leg almost cracked!

"Damn, it turned out to be a body beyond steel!"

Solon's blow just avoided the bear's palms and slashed at the bear's arms, but the slash that was enough to cut off steel only left shallow marks on the bear's arms!

"It's useless, you're not mine, right..." Before

the bear finished speaking, the figure of Bai Yu instantly appeared behind the bear, full of thunder and lightning, raised his elbow and slammed down on the bear's back!

"Heavy Torrent!"


With a loud bang, the bear was shot away and when he turned around, he opened his mouth and fired another laser ray at the white feather!

Bai Yu threw himself back, dodged it, and then waved his hand, and countless fragments flew again!

Although the bear does not understand how Bai Yu came back, the temptation is not yet in place, and he must dry Bai Yu down!

The bear rushed towards Bai Yu, stretched out his hand and grabbed Bai Yu, and Bai Yu rushed towards the bear with a spiral pill in his hand!

The bear's arm is longer than the white feather, and it can definitely attack the white feather first, and just when the bear is about to shoot the white feather, the figure of the white feather disappears and instantly appears above the bear!

"Flying Thunder God Second Stage!"


Bai Yu turned over and slapped a spiral pill on the back of the bear, and the bear directly smashed heavily on the ground, and the ground directly smashed a big pit, and a spider's web-like crack extended around it!

"White feather! That's great!

Usopp and Choiba hugged and cheered!

"Very powerful!"

The bear slowly climbed up, his movements were a little uncoordinated, and the second stage of the white feathered Flying Thunder God finally hurt him!

"Want to slap me off? Dream!

Bai Yu raised his head to look at the bear and said, "With me here, don't try to hurt them!" "

Bai Yu has been practicing the Flying Thunder God Art during this time, and has carved the Flying Thunder God Technique on the fragments of the Thousand Blades of the Magic Knife!

But it hasn't been carved yet, only more than two hundred pieces have been engraved, but this is enough!

"What a hassle!"

The bear looked at the white feather, and then stepped down heavily, swung his palms quickly, and shot out countless bear paw-style impact cannons!

"Push the pressure cannon!"

"Right! I won't lose! "

The white feather seal divided into four shadow doppelgangers, and then began to seal the bear with the seal!

"Wudun—the art of Dalian bullets!"

In an instant, the five different chakra ninjutsu of fire, thunder, water, earth, and wind blasted towards the bear!

"Boom! Rumble! Rumble! "

The moves of the white feather and the bear collided, and a big explosion occurred in an instant!

The bombardment lasted a full minute!

The smoke cleared, and the bear and white feather looked at each other!

"You are indeed very powerful, it will take a lot of effort to take you down, but if you have to stop me, you can, I will let you go, as long as the head of the straw hat boy!" If you take his head back to the errand, it will be enough!

"What are you kidding!"

Bai Yu raised his head to look at the bear and said, "Give Luffy to you, how is this possible!"

"That's right, you fellow! Don't! "

Usopp directly asked for a huge slingshot pocket!


A flaming bird rushed out of the bright yellow Nine Lama avatar shield and flew towards the bear!

"Sniper King? What an arrogant name! "

The bear stretched out his hand, and the Firebird Star was directly bounced off and hit the shield of the Nine Lamas and annihilated!

Solon, Sanji, Joba, French, Robin, Nami and Brooke glared angrily at the bear!

"How is it possible to exchange Luffy's life for ours!"

"Want to take Luffy away, unless we all fall!"


Xiong glanced at everyone and said, "What a pity!" Then

the bear wanted to open his arms above and a huge paw appeared, he was compressing the air!

"Spiral pill!"

The figure of the white feather disappeared and appeared on the left side of the bear, and he raised his hand and slapped it!


The spiral pellet collided with the laser ray and caused a big explosion!

The bear's red eyes flashed, quickly looked for the location of the white feather, and then opened its mouth to shoot laser indiscriminately!

Finally, the huge bear paw was compressed into the palm of his hand, raised his head to look at the panting white feather, and said, "Give you one last chance, give me Straw Hat Luffy!"

"We refuse!"

"Wind Escape - Spiral Shuriken!"

Bai Yu rubbed out the balls again and rushed towards the bear!

"What a pity!"

The bear opens its palm and pushes forward to shrink to the ultimate transparent paw!

"Bear Paw Impact!"


The white feather that appeared behind the bear, the spiral shuriken in his hand stood hard for five seconds and then dissipated, and the white feather was also blasted away by the impact, spewing out a large mouthful of blood in the air!

Where the shock wave passed, the wall shattered instantly, and the two remaining huge masts of the terrifying three-masted schooner also fell!

The trees on the island are uprooted and fly into the sky!

A terrifying explosion swept through the entire Terror Three-masted Sailing Ship!

The Nine Lamas gritted their teeth and finally held out until the explosion was almost over, and the shield shattered!

The aftermath of the explosion swept all the people of Laura and their victims' association into the air!

Solon, Yamaji, Usopp and Nami, Robin, they were protected to death by the Nine Lamas, Shouzuru, and Iso!

When the explosion was over, the entire terrifying three-masted ship was in shambles!

The Nine Lamas, Isofu, and Shouhe were lying on the ground, weak to the point of explosion!

The bear walked over and grabbed the unconscious Luffy from the ground!

"Put Luffy down for me!"

Solon, Sanji, Usopp, French, Chop, and Nami, Robin struggled to get up and rushed towards the bear!

Even Brooke pulled out his crutch sword and rushed forward!

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