"Abominable! Bear that guy! "

Bai Yu lay in the bear's paw-like bubble and looked at the blue sky and white clouds overhead, and the Nine Lamas and Shouhe climbed back to the tailed beast space to rest!

The fool only accompanies Bai Yu to stay in the bubble, the tailed beast space has eating, drinking and entertainment facilities, why follow Bai Yu to lie here!

"Isn't this still the Chambord Islands! Is this for me to fly over the Chambord Islands for three days?

Bai Yu sighed!

"It's good that Ace still has time over there, there are still a few days before the public execution, recover first!"

The wounds on Bai Yu's body were slowly recovering and healing at this time!

As the sun sets, the battle for the Chambord Islands is nearing its end!

The bear slapped the straw hat into the air and then patted his butt and left!

Borusalino looked at the bear and did not speak!

There is nothing to say either!

Renly ran away too!

He and Borusalino have been pulling each other there, and no one has really moved!

Since Luffy and they ran away, then they should also run, and it is quite embarrassing to stay here!

Borusalino looked at the messy battlefield, several completely scrapped pacifists, and shook their heads helplessly!

"It's really excessive~

" "Old man!"

Zhan Taomaru, who was blown away by Bai Yu's punch, pulled his left arm and limped back!

"What's going on? What about them? And how did that bastard Xiong Gong come?

"You have a lot of questions~

" Borusalino put his hands in his pockets and looked around: "In short, the straw hat boy and the gang were all slapped away by the bear guy!"

"What! Xiong Gong that bastard! Hiss! Zhan

Taomaru looked at the injuries on his body and said, "That guy with different pupils and white feathers is really heavy enough!" Old man, what now? Two of the three guys from Xiao's organization died, but they still ran one, and the Straw Hats and gang all ran away! How do we explain to the above? "

Yes~ I'm thinking about this too~

" Borusalino touched his chin and said: "No way, catch all the pirates with a bounty in the Chambord Islands!" "

On that day, all the pirates who had just approached the Chambord Islands before they could run, were all captured by Borusalino!


Three days later, on the sea outside the Chambord Islands, there was a loud bang, and the white feather was slapped on the sea!


Bai Yu got up and stood on the sea and stretched!

"Finally fell! Isofu! Bai

Yu's body was slowly lifted, and Isofu floated up from the bottom of the sea!

While recovering from his injuries in the past three days, Bai Yu frantically contacted Isofu through telepathy, and finally on the second day, Isofu was woken up!

Bai Yu asked Isofu to tell Meili about the matter and teach Meili some means of self-preservation, and now the Sunshine is protected by the Rose-colored Knights of Life led by Dibaru!

Since Borusalino cleaned the Chambord Islands three days ago, in a short period of time, the Sunshine has Dibaru and their protection is no problem for the time being!

Wait until you rescue Ace, and then come back to find a way to house the Miles of Sunshine!

Bai Yu clenched his fist with his right hand and lightly tapped it on his chest!

"Guys, I need your help!"

With the injection of Chakra, the tailed beast Chakra at the heart of the white feather began to beat slowly!

Immediately afterwards, bunches of chakras of various colors rushed out from the heart of the white feather and appeared beside the white feather!

"Another brigade, Sun Wukong, King Mu, rhinoceros dog, Chongming, bull ghost! Long time no see!

The tailed beasts opened their eyes one after another, looked at Bai Yu and smiled: "Bai Yu, long time no see!" At

this time, the Nine Lamas and the Guardian Crane also crawled out of the tailed beast space!

All the tailed beasts have all turned into adult bodies at this moment!

The Nine Lamas looked at them and quipped, "Oh, you've all woken up!" Slept long enough!

"Well, it seems that Bai Yu is recovering well!"

He came to Bai Yu and took a closer look at Bai Yu!

The bull ghost looked around and then at Bai Yu and said, "Is there any trouble waking us up?"

"A bit of a hassle!"

Bai Yu nodded and said, "My strength has not recovered yet, and I need to face the top combat power in this world next, so I need your help!" "

Bai Yu jumped from Isofu to the head of the Nine Lamas!

"Let's go first! I'll tell you on the way! Let's lead the way!

"Got it!"

Isofu holds a permanent pointer to Marin Fandor!

"Multiple Shadow Doppelgänger Technique!"

The white feather knot seal divided into eight shadow doppelgangers, each standing on a tailed beast, and then sat down cross-legged, black lines appeared on his face!

"There are still a few days to arrive, everyone take advantage of this time to refine Chakra, store it, and prepare for battle!"


Bai Yu looked back at the Chambordi Islands, and then advanced towards the naval headquarters Marin Fandor!

Everyone separates to cultivate, and they can safely save Ace!

By the time Luffy gets the news, the war is probably over!

This kind of battle is not suitable for Luffy, who is not strong enough now, and if Luffy goes, he is likely to die there!

Even with Karp there!

Even if Luffy knew the news in advance, Bai Yu would stop him and not let him go, but he might not be able to stop that guy, so it was best to be slapped away by a bear!

Marin Fandor has definitely gathered almost all of the Navy's elite combat power at this moment!

In the face of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Warring States are definitely fully prepared, and I don't know how much the pit has dug!

In addition to the high-level combat power of the naval headquarters, he also recruited His Majesty the Seven Wuhai!

The combat power of those guys is definitely not to be underestimated!

Especially Hawkeye Mihawk!

That guy is known as the world's number one swordsman!

As for Renly, Bai Yu didn't tell him Ace's identity!

Will Rayleigh go if he finds out?

Will definitely go!

But there's no need to call him!

If he didn't show up, Bai Yu would definitely tell him and ask him for help!

But now Renly has shown his face, from a hole card to a clear card!

Such a character, in this case, will definitely be sent to watch his every move!

It is even possible that the Warring States side has already prepared several plans for Renly appearing on the battlefield!

At this time, the words that inform Renly will expose themselves!

Bai Yu sat on the head of the Nine Lamas, recuperating his strength while giving to King Mu and they told their experiences after coming to this world!

On the island of Kraikana, the seriously injured Solon was photographed here, and not long after, a figure floated over to check, it was none other than Princess Mononoke who was previously flown by a bear in the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, Perona!

Perona was startled the moment she saw Solon, and quickly looked around, for fear that Usopp would suddenly appear!

Seeing that Solon was alone, Perona brought the seriously injured and unconscious Solon back to the castle to bandage him!

Brooke was photographed by the bear on Namarkula Island, and happened to fall in the magic array where people summoned demons, and because of his skeleton appearance, he was mistaken for the demon Satan!

Usopp is bombed to the Boeing Islands full of delicacies, Sanji is bombed to the pink-wrapped kingdom of Camabaka, Franky is bombed to the world's greatest scientist, Organ Island, home of Vegapunk, and Nami is bombed to a small empty island country called Visalia that studies meteorological weather!

Qioba was ejected, lost consciousness in the air, lifted the violent mode that consumed life force, and fell to the Trino Kingdom, known as the kingdom of birds in the South China Sea, where medical skills are extremely developed, and there are herbs that Joba has never seen before!

Robin fell to the Kingdom of Bridges in the East China Sea!

As for Luffy, he was photographed on Nine Snake Island, which is the daughter country that refuses men to enter!

And the women on the island are basically domineering!

Each one is very strong, and Luffy, who is hungry with crazy mushrooms just after landing on Nine Snake Island, successfully poisons himself!

Fortunately, he was rescued by the protector of the Nine Snakes, and after treatment, when his golden egg was almost grazed, Luffy woke up in time!

Then he was recognized as a man and locked up!

All the places where everyone was ejected are the most suitable places for their respective cultivation!

It can be seen that since leaving the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, how long has it taken that bear guy to turn through books to find these most suitable places for all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates to cultivate!

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