"More than four hours to go! Get ready, everyone! "

The white feathers and tailed beasts directly climbed through the gate of justice and advanced towards the headquarters of the navy, Marin Fando!

When rushing these days, Bai Yu adjusted his state to the best, and the Nine Lamas and Shouhe were also ready to deal with the Chakra of the big war!

The East Sea, the West Sea, the South China Sea, the North Sea and the Great Shipping Route, all people are watching here!

At this moment, the headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor, is the focus of the world!

Whatever the outcome, this is a war that will upset the balance!

People expect victory in the Navy!

The families of the navy where Marin Fandor lived have all left Marin Fandor to take refuge in the Chambord Islands!

And watch the live broadcast of the public execution on the big screen of the Chambordi Islands of refuge through the giant phone worm!

There are also journalists and photographers from all over the world who are debugging their equipment and preparing to deliver the news to the world as soon as possible!

"It is worthy of the formation of the Navy headquarters!"

"Whitebeard should understand this, and even so, will he still come?"

To this question, the Navy answered yes!

Because the monitoring ships sent out were destroyed one after another, it was completely impossible to grasp the movements of Whitebeard!

As time passed, the atmosphere in Marin Fandor gradually became tense!

Bai Yu looked at Marin Fando in the distance and sighed!

This is a real thing!

If Whitebeard doesn't come, he won't be able to get out of here alive!

But who is Whitebeard?

He will definitely come!

"Isofu, hide your figure!"

"Got it! The Art of Mist Concealment! "

Isofu mobilized Chakra, and the sea was instantly filled with thick fog!

The fog was still some distance from the headquarters of the navy, Marin Fandor, and did not spread over there!

Navy headquarters, Karp pounded the table of the Warring States, the teacups on the table were all knocked down, and tea flowed all over the table!

Karp lowered his head, gritted his teeth, and raised his head for a moment of silence to look at the Warring States in front of him!

"Is this necessary? The old man can't accept it!

"This public execution is not simply the execution of a pirate!"

Sengoku looked at Karp and said, "What a great significance for the future world trend, for this..."

Karp glanced at Sengoku, turned around angrily and was about to leave!

Sengoku hugged his arm and looked at Karp's back and said, "Regarding this matter, you, as a party in it, also have a great responsibility!"

Karp clenched his fists and stood in place!

"Karp, remember that you are a navy!"

Karp didn't speak and left directly!

The big gun behind him has the word justice written on it!

At this moment, the square of Marin Fandor gathered nearly 100,000 naval elites gathered from all over the world!

They are all well-known navies, and there are many acquaintances of the Straw Hat Pirates, Smogg, Dusty, Tina, Hobody, Zango, and T. Burn, Kebi, and Berumeber!

The perimeter of Marin Fandor is surrounded by fifty naval headquarters warships, and the crescent-shaped bay and the entire island coast are covered with heavy artillery!

Guarding the front of the army on the square is the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty who came at the request of the World Government!

Bartholomy Bear!

Moonlight Moria!

Don Quixote Doflamingo!

Jorakor Mihawk!

And the Pirate Emperor, Boya Hancock!

Behind them are the elite navy on the square, as well as several giant vice admirals standing at the back of the square!

And directly below the execution table, the three generals representing the highest combat power of the Navy headquarters also appeared!

General Yellow Ape, Borusalino!

General Akainu, Sakaski!

General Pheasant, Kuzan!

Borusalino and Sakaski looked ahead with their arms folded!

Kuzan put his hands on his knees, looking like he hadn't woken up!

The moment they sat down, the entire square of the navy burned!

They raised their weapons and cheered!

Without him, this is their strength, their sea god needle!

As long as there are generals, any strong enemy attacks, they will not be afraid!

The door, open!

The sunlight shone on Ace, whose hands were locked behind the chain, and Ace narrowed his eyes, adjusted for a moment, and then looked ahead!

As the fuse of the war, everyone's eyes were on him!

Bai Yu looked at Ace, who was still very weak, and couldn't help but feel a little distressed, when they were separated in Alabastan, Ace was so spirited and spirited!

Ace walked to the execution table step by step, and then knelt down, and the guards behind him locked the chains!

Karp and Sengoku are also coming!

Sengoku turned his head sideways and said, "It's okay! Karp, I'm going to say it all!

"Whatever you want, the old man went down!"

Karp can't bear to see Ace like that again!

Sengoku also walked onto the execution table, took the phone worm, and looked at Ace!

"Grandpa Sengoku!"

Bai Yu stood on the head of the Nine Lamas and looked at the Warring States beside Ace and sighed!


Ace is a good friend of mine and I have to save him!

Whatever the outcome, I will atone for my sins in my own way!

Sengoku raised the phone worm in his hand and looked at the navy below, "There is something I want to convey to you first!" "

All the navies raised their heads and looked at the Warring States!

And at this time, hearing the words of the Warring States, Bai Yu clenched his fists, and he had a bad premonition!

Sure enough, the next moment Sengoku spoke: "Portcas D. Ace! About the significance of this man's death here today!

Below the execution table, Karp lowered his head, and the white-haired Granny Crane said, "It's not your fault!" "


Karp raised his head and laughed a few times, turned his head and said, "Women at this time are really gentle!" Little crane!

Karp's laughter is still hearty, but it contains a little sadness!

"Ace, report your father's name!"

Ace turned his head and glanced at Sengoku Dao: "My dad is a whitebeard!"

"That's not right!"

"Nothing wrong!"

Ace's emotions instantly became excited!

"Only Whitebeard! No one else!

"At that time, with the only intelligence combination possibility provided by CP, we searched desperately with wide eyes, and conducted a thorough investigation of suspicious targets, but we never found it!"

Sengoku glanced at Ace and said, "It's no wonder that your birth was bought by your mother with her life!" Perhaps this is the greatness of maternal love! She deceived us, no, the whole world!

"On an island in the South China Sea called Baltira, your mother's name is Portcas D. Lujiu! Her actions far exceed our common sense, dedicated to children! I actually let the child stay in the womb for twenty months! Then when you are reborn, exhausted and die on the spot! "

Ace clenched his fists desperately, and the words of the Warring States were tantamount to stabbing Ace in the heart!

"One year and three months after my father's death! The child who inherited the most evil blood in the world was born! That's you, you can't possibly not know! Ace

stared and clenched his teeth!

Below the execution table, Karp lowered his head, and Roger's request flashed in his mind, that man entrusted his unborn child to a man who was also friend and foe!

Back then, Karp didn't live up to Roger, but now...

"Your father is, One Piece, Gal D. Roger!"

The voice of the Warring States fell, and the entire Marin Fandor fell silent!

The people watching the live execution in the Chambord Islands were also quiet for a moment!

"Fire Fist Ace, he's the son of Gore D. Roger?"

"Yet, alive? One Piece's bloodline! "

Then there was chaos!

"This is big news!"

"Hurry up and inform headquarters! Fast! "

All the journalists got moving!

Bai Yu clenched his fists, and the worst happened!

Didn't Old Man Karp stop him!

When he said this, he was already sentenced to death by Ace!

Even if he is rescued, Ace will face the whole world in the future!

But that's it!

Later, we'll talk about it later!

Rescue Ace first!

If Ace can't be saved, he won't have a future!

The curtain of war has opened with the announcement of Ace's identity by the Warring States!

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