"Damn, what is this!"

Tall and heavy walls rise around the crescent-shaped bay!

That is the encirclement wall that the Navy has been waiting for for a long time!

Concentrate the energy of the entire Marin Fando, and the encirclement wall finally breaks through the thick ice to enclose the bay!

And there are six cannons on each steel wall, aimed at the pirates!

The pirates' attacks are of no use to this steel defense wall!

Even the rocket launcher only left a pitch-black mark on that encirclement wall!

"Damn, what to do!"

"Can't break it at all!"

"Surrounded! Where else is the road?

"Wait, wait, there's another way!"

Everyone look over there!

That's the fallen little Oz there!

Sengoku also discovered that there was still a wall that had not risen!

"What's going on, get it up!"


The navies raised their heads and said, "The encirclement wall can't support Oz's huge body!" It is estimated that the guy's blood seeped inside the machine, causing the power to drop! "

Bastard Majin!"

Warring States did not expect that even if Little Oz fell, he would leave a way for the Whitebeard Pirates!

"There is a chance!"

Whitebeard looked at little Oz!

A way out in a desperate situation!

"There is no way!"

Sengoku looked down and said, "Let's start!" Red dogs! "

Sakaski, who was below the execution table, stepped forward, his arms turned into hot magma fists, and he raised upwards!

"Meteor Volcano!"

The fiery red magma rushed into the sky like fireworks!

"Not good! Everyone, get out of the way! Bai

Yu's face changed drastically!

Uncle Sakaski is big!

The humanoid natural disaster is powerful!

Luffy raised his head and looked at the sky, "Magma flew into the sky?"

"What, what happened?"

Ivankov looked confused!

"Another brigade, Isofu you changed back to the juvenile body to save Chakra! Otherwise, it will become a target! Although

I didn't understand why Bai Yu said this, they still changed back into juvenile bodies and moved closer to Bai Yu's side!

The ice field fell into a brief silence!

"What happened!"

"So quiet!"

"There is a sense of foreboding!"

The sound of breaking the air sounded, and in the sky, the huge magma fist appeared!

Magma fists like meteor showers fall from the sky!

"That's, what is that!"

"Watch out for avoidance!"

"Boom! Rumble! Rumble! "

The bombing has begun!

The scorching magma fist bombarded the ice field, smashing a large area of pirates, and the magma fist that did not hit the pirates directly penetrated into the ice field, and the high temperature contained in it slowly melted the ice field!

"You have no way to escape! Melt the ice so they have nowhere to stand! "

This is the bureau set up by the Warring States, a dead end!

The besieged pirates finally have no way to escape!

With Sakaski non-stop firing magma punches!

The ice field began to melt rapidly, and the pirates lost their footing!

"Ice Escape - Ice Field Arena!"

White Feather Yue Yin uses the Ice Escape to reinforce the ice field, but it is obvious that without interrupting Sakaski's spell casting, White Feather's ninjutsu can only be said to be a drop in the bucket!

The condensed ice field, Sakaski's two fists can completely melt when they fall!

What's more, the current magma fist is raining down!

The entire bay has directly become a purgatory on earth at this moment!

The sea water was boiled by the scorching magma!

The pirates wailed, struggling to stay alive!

When he finally climbed the iceberg that had not yet melted, the cannon port of the encirclement wall turned around and aimed at this moment!

And the only exit in the rear, there are rows of pacifists standing!

There is no way out waiting for them, only laser rays one after another!

This is the brutal war!

It is the war of annihilation that the Navy has been preparing for a long time!

"Ah! It's dangerous! "

Luffy was protected behind by White Feather, and that scorching magma fist was cut off and shattered by White Feather using Ratchet!

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe are also here, and Bai Yu is considering whether to move the real thing!

If you don't move the truth, I'm afraid Ace won't be able to save it!

Can't hesitate!

The white feather jumped high, stepped on the moon step into the air, and his hands were sealed!

"That's a white feather with different pupils! What is he going to do!

"Everyone be careful!"

"Water Escape - Big Burst Water Rush!"

A huge amount of water erupted from Bai Yu's mouth, and at the same time, the boiling sea water below was also controlled by Isofu and rose towards Sakarski's direction!


"Find cover!"

Bai Yu wants to come to the water of Marin Fandor!

Interrupt Sakaski's casting!

Be sure to interrupt him to cast spells!

However, the huge waves set off by Bai Yu and Isofu were directly frozen, forming a thick ice wall!

The extended ice almost froze the white feather mouth!

"Ice Age!"

Kuzan shot!

Immediately after that, the ice wall shattered, and countless cross lights flashed!

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

Borusalino turned into a dazzling light, countless laser rays shot out, and the white feather was directly shot out of three holes!

In the sky, the huge magma fist directly slammed into Bai Yu's body!

The white feather smashed heavily on the ice field!

"White feather!"

Luffy quickly pulled Bai Yu to his side!

"Ahem! Damn it!

Bai Yu gasped and looked around!

The tailed beasts fight with themselves, and they can indeed break in!

But I'm afraid it won't last long!

There are lieutenant generals and generals in the square, and once inside, it is a target!

A few waves of fire must not be able to bear it!

And at this time, the white-bearded pirate group, which originally attracted firepower, had already taken care of itself!

Really, attract firepower!

"Do you want to amplify the move?"

Bai Yu was still hesitating, mainly for some reason, there was a feeling in the underworld that what would happen next!

This feeling Bai Yu has also had when performing tasks before, and there are often unexpected situations!

At this time, Whitebeard slammed his fist towards the encirclement wall!

The shock wave went all the way forward and bombarded the encirclement wall, but only smashed the encirclement wall out of a deep pit!

"Old, Daddy's attack doesn't work either! That's no ordinary wall!

"Let's make a break!"

Sakaski avatars into an infinite battery with no cooldown, firing wildly!

The rear of the Moby Dick was directly hit by the magma fist, and a fire was instantly ignited!

"The Moby Dick was hit! Extinguish the fire!

"Don't let the ship sink!"

"We're going to take this ship and travel with Ace and his companions!"

But, it's too late!

"Whitebeard, your time is over!"

As Sakaski's voice fell, the entire ship of the Moby Dick had completely ignited, and the fire could not be controlled!

"Abominable! Our boat!

"The ship that has supported the Whitebeard Pirates for decades!"

Whitebeard turned to look at the completely burned Moby Dick, looking at the pirate flag on the mast that was burned off and fluttered down with the wind!

"Sorry! Old fellow! On

Marin Fandor Square, Kebi stared blankly at the encirclement wall in front of him, and there were desperate shouts from there!

"What's going on up there?"

Berumeber looked at the magma fist that kept falling in the sky and said, "Even if you can't see it, you can guess it!" Dilemma, you can only endure attacks non-stop! That encirclement wall can be said to be the coffin of the Whitebeard Pirates! "

On the execution table, the Warring States took out the radio phone worm!

"The battle plan is basically smooth! Now quickly execute the execution of Portcas D. Ace! "

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