Hearing the shouts of the Warring States, the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates raised their heads one after another!

"How can Ace be killed!"

"Now there is only one way, the way Oz opens!"

"If you go, you will definitely be killed! The Navy definitely has an ambush there! "

Facing the only gap, the heavy artillery over there was all aimed at that side, and a large number of navies were ambushed there!

Definitely won't let any pirates rush to the square!

"Now is not the time to hesitate!"

"There is only one way to save Ace!"

"Ah!! Ace!

Luffy shouted through the crowd and ran towards the only road!

"No matter! Fight, as long as I run into Ace, I can save him! Follow me! "

Bai Yu also rushed forward with a thousand blades in his hand, the Nine Lamas, Shouhe, and Youlu, and Isofu followed closely and followed Bai Yu and rushed forward!

The wingmen who attracted fire were about to crash!

Since the wingman is useless, then you can only fight it yourself!

Save Ace no matter what!

"We rush too!"

Watching Luffy and White Feather rush over first, the pirates followed!

Luffy, that guy, will always inexplicably infect the people next to him!

The heavy artillery at the gap was aimed at this side!

"Boom! Rumble! Rumble! "

Bai Yu swung his knife and slashed horizontally, and the blue slash flew out, directly destroying the shell!

"Tailed Beast Cannon!"


The Nine Lamas and the Shouhe opened their mouths one after another, and one after another violent shockwaves instantly destroyed all the heavy artillery!

But then more guns were aimed at this side!

Everyone rushed forward under fire!

"There is only one gap, how can you be unguarded! It's obviously a trap! Let's come back and think about countermeasures! "

Ivankov tried to call Luffy back first!

"It's useless, his decision won't change!"

Jinping also rushed up!

"Boom! Rumble! Rumble! "

Covered by fierce artillery fire, and huge magma fists smashed down from the air!

Rushing forward, Bai Yu found that in addition to himself and the Nine Lamas, there was no teammate behind him!

Even Luffy is gone!

However, there is even peace, Bai Yu is not too worried about Luffy!

But there is no road ahead!

The last ice channel was dried up by a lava fist from Sakaski and melted!

"Keep rushing!"

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas, they stepped on the water and rushed all the way forward!

"Someone is coming over!"

"What! Actually running on the sea!

"It's a white feather with different pupils!"

"Shoot quickly, don't let them come!"

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Bai Yu swung the bullet with a knife and rushed directly to Little Oz!

At this time, Little Oz's body trembled, and Little Oz, who had passed out after being seriously injured, actually woke up!

Little Oz gasped and got up, and the White Feather and the Nine Lamas also rushed to Little Oz's shoulder!

"Ace, Ace, I want to protect Ace!"

Little Oz trembled again and stretched out his hand towards Ace!

"Little Oz JR is still alive!"

"Prepare for shelling!"

"Wait a minute, there's someone on Oz's shoulder!"

Bai Yu raised his head, gripped the Magic Knife Thousand Blade and jumped down directly!

"Give it to me! Ace, I'm here to save you! "


Bai Yu smashed the ground, turned around and swept across, and the armed color domineering was released, directly knocking the surrounding navy away!

"Here we are!"

With a roar, the nine-tailed beast turned into an adult again!

In an instant, nine behemoths appeared on the square of Marin Fandor!

"Boom! Rumble! Rumble! "

Nine lamas, they are on the square, and with a wave of their hands, they have set off a large navy!

"That's it, those big guys! The white feather burst into the square!

"That little imp with different eyes!"

Whitebeard looked at the nine lamas in Marin Fandordo Square!

"Different pupils, white feathers, and those tailed beasts have invaded the square!"

"Stop them!"

"Don't let them near the execution table!"

Bai Yu held the knife and rushed in the direction of the execution table, the knife turned its back to the enemy, and the navy blocking the front was shot away one by one!

"White feather!"

Ace looked at Bai Yu who rushed all the way and widened his eyes!

"Bai Yu, you guy!"

Sengoku clenched his fists!

At the moment, the square of Marin Fandor is in chaos!

The vice admirals met again and rushed to the tailed beasts!

In this encounter, I obviously feel that these guys have left their hands when they fought before!

But fortunately, the major generals also went up with the lieutenant generals, and they could drag the nine-tailed beasts!

However, Bai Yu had no one to stop him!

The rear admirals and vice admirals all went to find the Nine Lamas, and the white feather of the colonel-level navy can split a large piece with a single sword!

"Ace, wait for me!"

White feather one-handed seal!

"Fire escape—the fire is extinguished!"

The raging flames rushed forward!

The navy dodged one after another, and those on fire quickly rolled on the spot to extinguish the fire!

Bai Yu took advantage of this to continue to rush forward!

"Enough trouble! Bai Yu, you really went too far this time!

Kuzan's voice sounded!

"Oh~ are you really going to do this? Little White Feather ~ "

Borusalino raised his head!

"It's unforgivable to be a pirate!"

Sakaski also set his sights on the white feather!

The navy ahead gives way to a way!

Ahead, the three major generals are blocking the way!

Bai Yu gasped, "Uncles! Get out of the way! I'm going to save Ace!

"Since you appear here, it means that you have completely degenerate!" White feathers!

Sakaski stopped casting spells, and the magmaized arm of his right arm suddenly turned into the shape of a dog's head and swung towards the white feather!

"Canine Red Lotus!"

The dog's head made of lava carries the high temperature towards the white feather, opening its mouth and tearing away!


Chakra converged on his hand, formed a circular ball surrounded by blue thunder, and cut towards the flapping lava dog's head!

The lava dog's head was cut off, and the scorching magma was attached to Bai Yu's arm, protected by armed color domineering, and Bai Yu's hand was not injured!

"Ice cubes—two spears!"

Kuzan waved his hand, and four ice spears braved the cold air to stab towards Bai Yu!

The Thousand Blades of the Magic Knife in Bai Yu's hand ignited flames and slashed towards the ice spear, and the flame slash collided with the ice spear and turned into water vapor!

"Don't forget me~"

Borusalino's legs flashed with a cross light and kicked out towards the white feather!

The laser light directly bombarded Bai Yu's lower abdomen, and the lower abdomen was covered with armed color domineering, and Bai Yu resisted this blow!

Then he instantly rushed into the air!

A big magma hand suddenly appeared, and then slapped the white feather back!

Bai Yu held the knife, knelt on one knee, and gasped!


Can't rush over!

His current strongest ninjutsu is fueled by Sakaski!

I'm afraid I was burned by him as soon as it came out!

At this moment, a sea current rose up into the sky, crossed Oz, and smashed between the three major generals and white feathers!

The water dispersed, and the panting Luffy held a broken mast and landed smoothly!

"Way, Luffy!"

Ace didn't expect Luffy to fight so hard!


Bai Yu swayed and straightened up!

"Sorry, Bai Yu, I'm late!"

Luffy raised his head and looked at the three generals in front of him, and then looked in the direction of the execution table!

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