"Ahh It's finally here!

"The son of the dragon, he is really fearless!"

"So young~It's really terrifying~"

The three generals looked at Luffy!

"Your persistence is commendable!"

The killing intent on Sakaski's face could not be hidden!

"However, this stage is still too early for you!"

Kuzan glanced at Sakaski beside him!

Borusalino put his hands in his pockets and looked at Luffy, "You can't win us~" Luffy looked

at Sakaski and they gasped twice, and then slammed the broken mast towards the three generals!

"Give Ace back!"

Luffy rushed over!

"Luffy, you guy!"

Bai Yu covered the wound that had not yet recovered and rushed up with Luffy!

"That reckless look is exactly the same as my brother! Oz! Stay there, I need your power!

Whitebeard turned his head to look at Joz after speaking!

"Joz, out of the killer app, all ready! Rush into the square! "

Because the white feather burst into the square, Sakaski stopped casting spells, and the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates got a chance to breathe and regroup!

On the Marin Fandor Square, facing the flying mast, Kuzan pushed gently, and the mast directly froze and then flew out upside down!

"Rubber-stamp machine gun!"

Luffy jumped up and smashed his legs into the ice-shaped mast in the air!

The shattered ice cubes were kicked at the three generals!

But they didn't even hide!

In the elemental state, Luffy can't do damage to them at all!

But Luffy still has brains when fighting!

The ice cubes hit the ground, and the ice dust obscured the view!

"There's no time to fight those guys!"

Luffy turned on second gear and rushed upwards!

But in the face of the three generals with domineering power, Luffy's actions have long been discovered, and Sakaski's magma fist has been aimed at Luffy!

"It's clever~But it's too slow~"

Borusalino reacted faster than Bai Yu, appeared directly next to Luffy, kicked him back, and directly smashed a house!

And at this time, Bai Yu held a magic knife thousand blades to block Sakaski's magma fist!

Karp looked at Luffy who kicked Porusalino and clenched his teeth!

Two grandchildren, one next to him is about to be quacked, and the other grandson is being fat below, and he will also be beaten to death!

Yourself, but you can't shoot!

"Prepare for execution!"


With the order of the Warring States, the executioner raised the knife in his hand!

"Do it!"


Bai Yu was distracted, and was directly bombarded in the chest by Sakaski's canine red lotus, and flew out upside down!

While ordering the execution, Sengoku aimed at the white feathers that were blasted by Sakaski and clenched his fists!



The knife in the executioner's hand slashed at Ace's head!

Everyone's faces have changed drastically!

The three-hook jade of the white feather's pupils spun rapidly!

At this moment, blood splattered, and the two executioners flew out upside down!

Everyone didn't expect the person who made the shot to make a move!

Klockdar swept out two sand arcs with a wave of his hand and slashed the executioner!

Although Klockdar is now bleeding from his forehead and nose, although the whole person is very embarrassed, Bai Yu has never felt that he is so handsome!

"You bastard!"

Sengoku looked at Klockdar!

"I thought that you, who have an old grudge with Whitebeard, would help us! Klockdar! "

Not only the navy is shocked, but the pirates can't scratch their heads here!

Marco flapped his wings and landed on the encirclement wall, stopping when he saw that Ace was fine!

"What the hell is going on with that man who wants to take his father's life!"

Jinping soaked in tens of degrees of seawater, and became a boiled fish without knowing it!

"That dying old man, I'll solve it myself later!"

Klockdar looked up and said, "Until then, I don't want to see your happy faces!" "

The next moment, Klockdar's head fell directly!

Doflamingo, who was previously bombarded by the tailed beast jade, walked out with extremely arrogant steps!

"Hey, crocodile bastard! Are you going to dump me and join forces with Whitebeard? I'm going to be jealous! Countless

sand returned to his neck, and Klockdar turned his head and said, "I will not join forces with anyone!"

"Are you still going to dump me?"

At this time, Doflamingo looked at Klockdal like a grudge!

"Sort of!"

Doflamingo suddenly moved, and Klockdar also attacked Doflamingo!


The aftermath of the fight between the two directly swept away the surrounding navy!

"Don't get in my way!"

Luffy got up from the ground and rushed towards Ace again!

The navies in the square rushed towards Luffy!

Directly knocked off by Luffy!

A naval admiral who was proficient in the Six Styles confidently stopped in front of Luffy!

Facing Luffy's fist, he confidently used the iron block!

Eat Luffy hard, and then fall to the ground with white eyes!

"Stop Straw Hat Luffy!"

"Don't let him get closer!"

Sakaski looked at Luffy and slowly walked forward!

"General Sakaski!"

Just when Sakaski was about to strike, this time it was Kuzan who did it first!

With both hands crossed, he shot an ice blade and stabbed Luffy's shoulder!

"Everyone, be careful! The white feather with different pupils got up again!

"How is it possible, obviously hit by the attack of General Sakaski, how can it still get up!"

"Mu Dun - Tree Realm has arrived!"

Bai Yu got up and faced Ace, who was close at hand, and finally used Mu Duan!

Large trees rose up in the square of Marin Fandor, and the sticking branches bound all the navy and sucked their physical strength!

"Damn, what kind of ability is this!"

"I can't break free!"

"Get out of the way! This tree will absorb physical strength! "

That tree after tree went straight to the direction of the execution table, tying up all the nearby navies and clearing a way!

"Mu Dun - the art of the wooden man!"

A huge wooden figure as long as a white feather rushed out from the tree closest to the execution table, stepped forward two steps and stretched out his hand to grab Ace on the execution table!

"What's that!"

"Stop him!"

"Don't let him touch the execution table!"

Seeing that the wooden man stretched out his hand and was about to grab Ace!

A big magma hand slammed towards the wooden man!

"Big Spitfire!"


The wooden man was directly blasted through and burned!

Then all the trees made by the white feathers also burst into flames!

The bound navy took the opportunity to escape, and then turned its gun muzzle and slammed into the trees!

The artificial forest was directly shattered!

Immediately afterwards, the scorching magma fist slammed towards Bai Yu again!

"Aren't you dead yet! White feathers! This time must solve you! "

Sakaski completely left Luffy this time and set his sights on White Feather!

And Kuzan and Borusalino attack Luffy!

Obviously, these two people don't know what they are thinking!

All are releasing water!

And with Marko on the side to help, Luffy doesn't have to worry about it at all!

Only Sakaski, who hit the white feather, that is really a dead hand!

Catch the white feather and hammer to death!

As long as Bai Yu is not careful, he will be blasted through by the magma fist!

Fortunately, the naval physical strength that had just descended from the tree realm to absorb gave Bai Yu a wave!

But Bai Yu is still in a bitter battle!

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