"Don't let him escape from this war! If you let him go, one day he will become a powerful enemy!

Lieutenant General Dauberman waved his hand, "Be sure to kill the straw hat boy!"


A large group of navies armed with swords rushed towards Luffy and White Feather!

The atmosphere shook out a spider's web-like crack, and a sudden impact struck, directly blowing off the navies who rushed towards Luffy and White Feather!

"Goo la la-la!"

The corner of Whitebeard's mouth curled up and smiled: "A group of timid navies, facing a little furry boy is about to pour out?" I don't want my first level! "

Whitebeard activated the ability and pounded towards the left and right, and the strong vibration flew off the navy surrounded by both sides!

"Deal with Whitebeard first!"

"Although he is a monster, he has been injured so badly, he must find a way to hit him!"

Whitebeard smiled!

"Just what I want!"

"Rush! Kill the whitebeard! "

The navy rushed towards Whitebeard and Jinping and the captains behind him!

Bai Yu turned his head to look at Whitebeard, and looked at Whitebeard who began to use his ability again regardless of his injury!

"Right now, Straw Hat Boy, let's get on!"

Ivankov made way for Luffy in front!

Most of the Navy was led away by Whitebeard!

Only Vice Admiral Dauberman rushed towards Luffy with some navy!

Shouhe, Sun Wukong, and King Mu faced Lieutenant General Daobman, and the three tailed beasts caught him was a fat beating!

White Feathers, and the Nine Lamas, they knocked all those rushing navies away!

Whitebeard knocks down a piece of the navy with every shot, and his own injuries are getting worse and worse!

"It's all assembled! Navy!

"Daddy, you're so badly injured, don't mess around again!"

"That's right, Daddy, we're here!"

Sakaski hugged his arm and looked at Whitebeard and said, "Are you going to fight to the death?" "

How long will it last~Whitebeard~"

Borusalino put his hands in his pockets and looked at Whitebeard!

Seeing more and more navies gathered around, Whitebeard clenched Cong Yunche and shouted: "Little ones! Now start covering Straw Hat Luffy and Alien White Feather with all your might!

"Ace's brother and friend?"


Whitebeard clearly understood that his physical condition would not be able to reach the execution table no matter what!

Even when they get there, there are still two old guys waiting for Sengoku and Karp!

And now the most likely to reach the execution table are Luffy and Bai Yu!

Only Luffy and White Feather!

One is Karp's grandson, and the other is the grandson of the Warring States!

The strength of these two imps has been recognized by Whitebeard!

White Feather has all kinds of peculiar abilities and can fight against generals in a short time, while Luffy has overlord-colored domineering, plus the Nine Lamas!

Whitebeard decided to take a gamble!

Bet those two little guys can do it!

Borusalino reacted the fastest and reached out to Luffy and White Feather!

"Now solve Straw Hat Luffy and Alien Pupil White Feather right away!"

As soon as Borusalino's words fell, Lieutenant General Squirrel and Lieutenant General Dalmesia rushed towards this side!

Dolmar, the Pirate Ranger under Whitebeard, blocked Lieutenant General Squirrel, and the Dikarban brothers also stopped Lieutenant General Dalmesia!

There was also Lieutenant General Stoloberg, and Lieutenant General of Burning Mountain who were stopped by the Nine Lamas!

"Attention everyone! The pirates under Whitebeard have protected Straw Hat Luffy and Alien Pupil White Feather! A

group of pirates suddenly appeared behind Luffy and Bai Yu, rushing forward with them!

"Our pirates from the new world have also come to help!"

"Ace is right in front of you, hurry up! Straw hat kid, heterophile kid!

"Now the entire combat power of the Navy is concentrated on Daddy!" If you miss this opportunity, you won't be able to break through the general's defense!

"A little breakthrough! Follow us!

"What's going on with these people?"

Luffy looked at the guys who helped him block the Navy!

"The stakes are high, Straw Hat Boy, Boy with Different Eyes, the world's number one pirate is testing you!"

Ivankov turned to look at Luffy and said, "Whitebeard bet everything on you!" This is a big deal, have you responded to his enlightenment?

"Of course!"

Bai Yu uses the back of his knife to hit the navy in front of him!

"Although my initial intention was to make Whitebeard attract firepower, he actually did it himself, and I still feel a little overwhelmed!"

Luffy said as he rushed forward, "Although I don't know what Uncle Whitebeard wants to do, the reason why I came here!" From the beginning there was only one! "

The pirates' momentum is up!"

"It's going to be breached! Some more reinforcements!

"Wait! Tackle Whitebeard first! The pirates have all left Whitebeard, take this opportunity to solve him, as long as you solve him, you can stop them!

"Think you'll be able to knock me down together?"

The severely injured white beard steadied his horse, and Cong Yun cut the ability to attach the fruit, and swung it violently!

The domineering sword, wrapped in a shock, swept across, and the whitebeard emptied the surrounding navy again!

But the number of navies is simply too much!

Looking at the navy that surrounded again, Whitebeard gasped and looked in the direction of Luffy and White Feather!

Go give it a try!

Little ghosts!

One is that I can't understand what kind of person it is!

There is also a possibility that someone inherited the will of D!

Let me see the future direction of this era!

Mihawk appeared in front and slashed a flying slash in the direction of this side!

Another guy who surprised Bai Yu got in the way!

That's Klockdar's men!

Daz Bonis!

Also mr.1!

"This is the president's order, temporarily make enemies of the navy!" Come on! "

Mr.1 slashed forward in the face of Mihawk, and then was slashed by Mihawk!

Mihawk rushes towards Luffy again with a knife, and just as White Feather is about to stop to fight, Klockdar blocks Mihawk with a golden hook!


Klockdar, who was holding a cigar, raised his hand and said, "When do you want to sleep?" mr.1! "

Mr.1, who had just been cut down, struggled to get up!

"It seems that prison life has made my body rusty!"

Klockdar took his cigar and looked at Mihawk without replying: "You guys are in the way, straw hat boy, different pupil boy, get out of here!"

Luffy and Bai Yu glanced at this former opponent, did not speak, turned around and continued to rush towards the execution table!

"Why stop me? Klockdar!

"I'm in a very bad mood right now! Be careful, Hawkeye! "

Three pacifists are once again ahead!

Just as they were about to attack, Hancock reappeared, blocking the pacifists with open arms!

"Luffy, the concubine body also came to wish you a hand!"

Seeing that it was Hancock, the pacifists stopped the attack again!

This trick has been tried and tested!


Orochimaru had one arm bandaged and hung around his neck with a bandage splint, and the other hand looked at Hancock with a giant axe in one hand!

"What the hell do you want to do! Aren't you Nanabukai? Boya Hancock! Unexpectedly stopped so many Taiwan pacifists, aren't you from the government side?

Hancock jumped back and landed on the pet snake Salome, holding his arm and looking down at Oromaru and saying, "What a savage man! It seems that you do not understand anything! Tell you something! Love is always stormy! "


"What are you talking about?"

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