"Road, appeared!"

Luffy looked up!

The pirates of the New World form a human wall on both sides to keep the navy out, clearing a way for Luffy and Hakuba to go straight to the execution table!

Bai Yu turned his head and said, "Luffy, Old Man Karp has handed it over to you, I'll go to block Grandpa Warring States, by the way, the key that Hancock gave you is still there!" "

Hmm! Still there!

Luffy touched the key to the handcuffs of the Caspian Lou stone in his trouser pocket!

"It's about to be at the execution table! Straw Hat Boy, Boy with Different Eyes! You just need to go straight forward!

"Well, got it!"

Ivankov stopped and looked at Luffy and Bai Yu's figures, "Then it's your turn to appear!" I'm sorry that your injury is not good and I have to force you! But now your power is needed!

"A trifle, Ivan! Do not worry! "

A hand with a red wine glass stretched out from Ivankov's hair!

The cadres of the revolutionary army jumped out with lightning, turned their hands into scissors and plunged into the ground, and the ground was cut silky like paper!

Lightning cuts all the way forward!

"Little crab?"

Luffy turned his head to look at Lightning!


saw Lightning turn over, and the arm that turned into scissors was lifted upward, and the soft paper-like ground flew up and directly mounted on the execution table, turning back into solid ground again!

"What is that!"

"That was done by Imazuna of the Revolutionary Army!"

"He set up a road to the execution table!"

"Straw Hat Luffy and Alien Pupil White Feather rushed up!"

"Stop him!"

"Nope! Can't break through the pirates' block!

"Stop them with cannons! Shoot! "

Boom! Rumble! Rumble! "

The navy took up the rocket launcher and shot it at Luffy and White Feather!

The next moment, several figures jumped up and directly intercepted the shells!

"Nani! That's the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates! "

Luffy and White Feather rushed straight up that slope!

"Just rush up in one breath! Ace, he's over to you! "

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates stopped the navy that burst in!

Ivankov and Lightning are guarding at the bottom, in case a navy rushes up!

"Up! Ace will be handed over to you!

"Rush! Here we are!

"Navy! We won't let you pass! The

pirates looked excitedly at Luffy and White Feather who rushed upwards!

"I actually pressed the treasure on these two little devils, Whitebeard~ However, I won't let them pass!"

Borusalino looked upwards and created a photonized transmission channel through Whitebeard!

Then the next moment, he was intercepted by Whitebeard holding Cong Yunche!

The interrupted Borusalino showed his figure and rolled on the spot, and then looked at the whitebeard and frowned!


"Just give me a good look!"

Whitebeard immediately looked at Luffy and Bai Yu, who were rushing forward, and smiled!

"Luffy! White feathers!

Ace on the execution table looked at Ace and Luffy who rushed towards him blankly!

"I'm coming! Ace!

Luffy looked at Ace who was close at hand and smiled happily!


There was a loud noise, and Karp rushed up and blocked the front!

"That's, Hero Karp!"

"Damn, how come!"

Bai Yu watched as Karp above slowed down and followed Luffy!

Luffy shouted as he rushed, "Grandpa! Flash away!

"How could I possibly get out of the way!"

Karp glared at Luffy!

"The old man is a vice admiral of the navy headquarters! You've been fighting before you were born! If you want to pass here, step on my corpse and pass!

"Straw Hat Kid Luffy! Heterochony white feathers! Fire Fist Ace! That's the path you chose!

"Please, Grandpa! Let me pass!

Karp watched as Luffy clenched his fists, and the road under his feet was crumbling!

"Luffy! White feathers!

Ace shouted worriedly!

He was really afraid that Karp was really moving!

Sengoku looked at Karp on the side, and then at the white feather behind Luffy, clenching his fists!

The navy below also wanted to rub an assist, and carried the rocket launcher and aimed it at Luffy!

Then, Hancock blocked the front again!

"Pirate Emperor! Which side are you!

Hancock ruffled his hair and said, "Luffy needless to say, it doesn't matter if the stray bullet accidentally hurts Lieutenant General Karp!"

"That..." Upon

hearing this, the navy hesitated and put the rocket launcher down!

"Lieutenant General Karp, do you know who he is? He is a concubine's grandfather! "


The navy is full of small question marks!


"Lieutenant General Karp?"

"That's right!"

Han Cook held his face and said shyly: "If I marry Luffy, of course he is my grandfather!" "


The navy looked at Karp and Luffy above and then at Hancock in front of them, and the corners of their mouths twitched slightly!

Lieutenant General Karp!

Your family is a bit of a mess!

Son revolutionary army, grandson pirate, granddaughter-in-law Qi Wuhai!

And you are a vice admiral!

This is special!

"Luffy! Straw Hat Kid Luffy!

Karp glared and shouted, "I've already said it! If you want to get through here, step on my corpse!

"I, I can't be Grandpa! Get out of the way!

Luffy thought back to the time he spent with Karp as a child, and he couldn't get his hands on it!

"If you can't do it! Ace will surely die!

"I don't want it!"

Looking at Karp's crazy hint there, Bai Yu had already heard it and slowly released his fist!

Bai Yu was ready to open the seven doors and punch Old Man Karp!

"There are always many unsatisfactory things in life! I won't show mercy to my subordinates!

Karp raised his fist at Luffy!

"Luffy! I'm going to treat you like an enemy!

Luffy no longer hesitated at the moment, squatted slightly to open the second gear, stretched out his fist and smashed towards Karp!

Karp raised his fist and smashed towards Luffy, but at this moment, he thought of Luffy, thought of Ace, and thought of the happy times before!

Karp's fist swung slowly, and he closed his eyes!

Luffy slammed his fist directly on Karp's chin and hammered Karp down the stairs directly!

Karp opened his eyes in mid-air, looked at Luffy and Ace, and then closed his eyes!

That's all I can do!

The Warring States on the execution table have long seen through everything!

It is clear that they have chosen their own path, and they will still stop in the end!

However, I didn't expect you guy either!

It's up to me, it's up to me to stop it!

"Lieutenant General Karp!"

Karp fell directly on the square!

Big head down in the pit!

"Old man!"

Ace glanced at the embarrassed Karp, gritted his teeth and turned his head to look at Luffy!

He knew Karp had released water!

In the end, it's still the grandfather who raised himself!

Although Ace never called!

But he likes and respects this old man from the bottom of his heart!

"You're still their grandfather after all! Karp! "

Sengoku rolled up his sleeves and got ready to do it!

"Oh~ It looks like it's going to be on the execution table!"

Borusalino stepped on the white-bearded Cong Yunche and looked at Luffy who stepped on the broken stairs and jumped to the execution table!

Whitebeard smiled and said, "Hmph! He's a wasteless waste in your mouth!

"Wu Mo, this point has not changed~ How is he going to untie the Fire Fist Ace's sea lou stone chain?"

"Lie down! Gremlin! Hearing

this, Whitebeard lifted Cong Yun and cut down!

Borusalino elementalized in advance to avoid it, and in the splashing smoke, Borusalino stretched out his hand and the laser light shot through the body of the white beard!

"Are you careless~"

Whitebeard didn't speak, just raised his head and looked in the direction of the execution table!

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