"General Kuzan's ice bird has actually disappeared!"

"How is this possible!"

Bista smiled and said, "This is the captain of our second team!" Of course, there is such strength!

"Abominable! If we can block the generals, how can we stop them!

"Don't panic!"

Sakaski is coming!

"I won't let them escape here!"

Seeing the general behind them, the navies rushed towards Luffy and Ace again!

"Don't hold back! Attack! Be sure to stop them! At

this time, the huge outer steamer next to the encirclement wall was activated!

The outer wheel turned extremely fast, pushing the ship towards the naval headquarters!

The navies in front hurriedly avoided!

"Everyone, be careful! The enemy's ship is moving!

"Get out of the way!"

At the bow of the outer steamer, behind Skuyard holding a long knife are his crew!

They looked forward with a determined look!

Skuyard raised the long knife in his hand and shouted, "Daddy! And everyone, run away! Leave this battlefield to us! "

In order to make up for his mistakes, Skuyard decided to launch a suicide attack to give everyone a chance to escape!

And his crew resolutely chose to follow him!

"Those bastards!"

Whitebeard turned his head to look at the speeding outer steamer!

The pirates quickly shouted, "Don't do something stupid! Skuyard!

"Do you want to send it to death!"

"Come back!"

Skuyard clenched the long knife in his hand and said, "Although Daddy forgave me, I did that to Daddy, and if I don't do this, I can't be at ease!" Little ones, get ready to awaken!

"Of course!"

Listening to the response of the crew behind him, Skuyard raised his knife forward!

"Then charge!"

The outer steamer accelerated and rushed straight to the building of the naval headquarters!


Suddenly the outer steamer stopped, and no matter how the outer wheel turned, it could not advance a single bit!

Whitebeard stretched out his hand to block the outer steamer!

"Skuyard, do you know how unfortunate it is for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person!"

Whitebeard looked at Skuyard and said, "Don't be too presumptuous, your stab won't kill me!" Everyone has the end of their life!

Whitebeard gasped twice, then turned to the navy and shouted: "Since our purpose has been achieved, there is no business for us here!" Listen to me! Whitebeard Pirates! Now start giving the final captain's order!

"Finally? Wait a minute! Dad! Don't say such unlucky things!

"We don't want to hear it at all!"

"Daddy! Let's go back to the new world together! "

The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates looked at Whitebeard's back!

"Cross Fire!"

Ace knocked down two navies and looked at Whitebeard!


Whitebeard didn't look back, just pointed at Cong Yun and said, "You and I are separated here!" Everyone has to live! Return to the New World safely!

"Daddy! Are you going to die here! "

Whitebeard raised his arm, and the muscles in his arm were tense to the limit!

"I'm a remnant of the old times! The new era has no ship that can carry me! Let's go! Little ones! "

Whitebeard raised his arm and shook it forward hard!

Marin Fandor produced a strong earthquake!

And as the shock came, the entire naval headquarters Marin Fandor was trembling, groaning, collapsing, and turning into pieces of ruins!

A large number of navies were thrown off, shocked and fell to the ground, bleeding and losing their combat effectiveness!

Don't look back, times are changing!

That sea is the source of everything!

What a long journey!

"Let's make a break!"

Whitebeard smiled and said, "Navy! "

Naval headquarters Marin Fandor's rear town!

A figure even bigger than little Oz landed, and a group of people at his feet also came here, walking towards the battlefield in front of them one by one with steps that the six relatives did not recognize!

Feel this strong vibration!

A black fat man with a turban missing a few teeth, rough appearance, thick hair on the body, burly figure, dark skin, black hair, fluffy hair, and a turban tied laughed: "Thief hahaha!" With this level of earthquake, it seems that the white-bearded daddy is going to fight hard! We've come at the right time! It's time to watch a good show! "

That fat black man is Blackbeard!

Marshall D. Tichy!

He wore two necklaces around his neck, bracelets on both wrists, jewelry rings of different styles on each of his ten fingers, three flintlock guns pinned to his left waist, and a bottle of strong rum stuffed around his right waist.

It's completely different from the poor sour look when I was on the island of Gaia, the whole look of an upstart!

"So, are you here to see the play?"

A long knife was inserted in front of them, and a white feather full of golden flames appeared in front of them!

Behind Bai Yu, Shouhe, Youlu, Isofu, Sun Wukong, King Mu, Rhino Dog, Chongming, and Niu Ghost are lined up!

"Blackbeard Pirates!"

Looking at the white feather in front of him, Blackbeard was stunned for a moment and then laughed: "Thief hahaha!" I thought who was blocking the front so imposingly, and I thought it was discovered by the Navy! So it's you! The different pupil white feathers of the Straw Hat Pirates! "

Behind him lined up is the crew of the Blackbeard Pirates!

In addition to the original crew, Barges, Van Oka, Poison Q, and Lafitte with crutches, there are several new crew members!

The first is the guy bigger than Little Oz, the pirate known as the giant battleship, San Juan Wolf!

Then there is the pirate wearing a long white and dark brown fur coat, a light purple necklace, cat-like eyes, cyan hair, a pair of white horns attached to the head through a metal plate, and black and bronze metal gloves on his arms!

Evil King - Batlló Pizarro!

There is also a pirate wearing a black and white prison uniform, all red, with a huge rosacea, holding a wine gourd and pouring wine into his mouth!

Drunkard – Bacchus Choate!

Among them is also a female prisoner, a moon hunter in heavy makeup, dressed in a strange costume with a long nose - Catalina Tippen!

There was also a guy that Bai Yu couldn't think of, he had seen, it was the warden of Advance City!

Yu no Kiru, who wears the uniform of the chief warden of the Advance Castle, a white coat behind him, and his famous sword around his waist!

This is all the harvest he gained from going to the city for a circle!

Although the new crew member Bai Yu did not know anyone except for Heiliu, when he saw Hiliu, Bai Yu understood!

These guys are all pirates who came out of Push City!

And judging from the murderous aura that has not yet dissipated in their bodies, these guys are all extremely vicious people!

Blackbeard's bastard really found a group of ruthless characters!

"So you guys are murderous just to watch a good show!"

Bai Yu looked at them and said, "Do you want to see the end of the strongest man in the world, or do you want to mend the knife while he is on the verge of death!"

"Thief hahaha! All of them!

Blackbeard laughed and said, "After living there for decades, is there anything wrong with wanting to see Daddy before he dies?" And if he is going to die, then he should fulfill me well! After all, the next is my Blackbeard era! Thief hahaha!

Blackbeard smiled and stretched out his hand towards Bai Yu: "Different Pupil White Feather, I am very interested in you, come on!" Join us as we come to the world! "

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