"Sorry! I don't have the slightest interest in you!

Bai Yu raised his head and looked at Blackbeard's group!

"What a pity! Thief hahaha!

Blackbeard laughed, "I'm interested in you!" By the way, you are here to save Captain Ace! After all, he didn't run away for you and Luffy the straw hat kid, but fought me to the end! How, was Captain Ace rescued? When

Bai Yu heard this, he pulled out the magic knife on the ground and raised his head: "Of course it was rescued!" So, that's your plan? Capture Ace, be the Seven Wuhai, start a war, take the opportunity to attack the advancing city, and finally come back to reap the benefits of the fisherman, kill the whitebeard famous in the world?

"Thief hahaha! That's right!

Blackbeard laughed proudly, "Well, my plan is pretty good, right!" And it has already worked! But you're not right about it, and that's that my goal is not just Whitebeard! And the Navy! Thief hahaha!

"Is it? It seems that my hunch is not wrong!

Bai Yu looked at Blackbeard and said, "In that case, I can't let you pass, but I may not be able to stop you, but it's still okay to make some moves, or kill one or two of you!"

"Thief hahaha, you seem to be very confident!"

Blackbeard looked at Bai Yu and said, "However, since Ace has been rescued, there is no need for you to block us!" Our goal is Whitebeard Dad and Navy! If you want revenge, talk about it later, we don't have time to waste here now!

"No, if you say that, he won't leave!"

Hiliu took a cigar and stepped forward and said, "I've seen this guy before, I can't be wrong about those eyes, he is the grandson of Marshal Sengoku of the Navy!" "

Huh? Sengoku's grandson?

"That guy's grandson!"

As soon as Hiliu's voice fell, the eyes of Tippen, Pizarro and Chote changed directly!

"Purr, burp! Then this guy can kill!

"O grandson of the Admiral! Kill him! I really want to see what his expression will be like when he throws his body in front of Sengoku! "

Kill me? Think too much! It's you guys who have to be careful next! Bai

Yu took a deep breath and looked at the fierce pirates in front of him!

"The guy who came out of Push City, I will send back all the ones left!"

"Thief hahaha! Worthy of being the grandson of the Admiral Sengoku! But!

Blackbeard looked at Bai Yu and smiled: "The grandson who is a naval marshal actually went to be a pirate!" Thief hahaha! It's so much fun!

Lafitte walked out on crutches and said, "It's not interesting to kill him like this!" I'd rather like to see what Sengoku's face will be if he is stabbed by his grandson! "

Oh? That's really interesting!

"Then leave it to me!"

Lafitte pulled out his crutch sword and slashed at Bai Yu, who held the knife to block and then looked at Lafitte!

Bai Yu felt that he was in a trance for a fraction of a minute and one microsecond, and then recovered!

Then the corners of Lafitte's mouth turned up!

"All right! I have hypnotized him! Approaching Sengoku and finally giving him a fatal stab! What else can you ask for me, I will add more! "

Lafitte is good at hypnosis, and the reason why the warship they are riding on can successfully pass through the Gate of Justice is because he hypnotized the defenders of the Gate of Justice!

"Thief hahaha! Nice job! Lafitte, I've been..."

Blackbeard hadn't finished speaking, his face suddenly changed!

The white feather behind Lafitte clenched the magic knife thousand blades with both hands, and slashed at Lafitte sharply!

Even Lafitte, who had seen and heard it, did not react under the general carelessness!

Directly slashed to the ground by Bai Yu!

Blood splattered!

A huge knife wound appeared in Lafitte's back!

That knife almost split Lafitte in half!

"You guy!"

Blackbeard instantly appeared in front of Bai Yu, and the armed color domineering covered his fist and smashed into Bai Yu's chest!


Bai Yu held a knife to block, and was smashed back more than ten meters by a huge force, and deep retreat marks appeared on the ground!

"Hey, it's okay!"

Blackbeard turned his head to look at Lafitte!

Watching the ship doctor Poison Q, who was dying like a sick one, climbed down from the sick horse and treated Lafitte's wounds!

"Cough, cough! Abominable, imp! "

Lafitte felt like he was almost in the sky!

"My hypnosis, how is it possible, does not work!"

"Hypnotize me? You're insulting me!

Bai Yu looked at Lafitte with a knife and said, "This knife has cut you half your life, and the next knife you will die!" "

Dark water!"

A suction force came, and the white feather was uncontrollably sucked in the direction of Blackbeard!

"What kind of ability is this!"

The white feathers who were sucked by Blackbeard did not panic at all, and the golden Chakra big hand behind his back rubbed out nine spiral pills and slapped them fiercely on Blackbeard!

"Ah!! Hurt! Hurt! Hurt! The

extremely ominous black color appeared on the blackbeard that was slapped off, absorbing all the spiral pills, and then punched Bai Yu's chest!

The white feather flew out directly upside down!

However, Blackbeard was directly lying on the ground, rolling in pain!

"Weird ability!"

Bai Yu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at the rolling all over the ground, as if the blackbeard who had suffered great damage frowned!

"You guy!"

Bagis pulled up the foundation of the building on the side and smashed it towards the white feather!


Sun Wukong smashed the building with a melting shot, and King Mu rushed directly towards Baggis!

All the tailed beasts were full of fire at this moment!

Strike with all your might!

All kinds of tricks, the tailed beast jade and the tailed beast cannon directly fired at the people of the Blackbeard Pirate Group!

In particular, San Juan Wolf, known as a huge battleship, is a target!

But that guy's size also means how powerful he is!

The Nine Lamas and Bai Yu together can only be faced by the Bull Ghost and the Shouhe!

Tippen, Pizarro, Choate, Van Orka, they all drew their weapons to fight!

Hiliu took a cigar and pulled out a knife and slashed at Bai Yu!

White Feather fights with Hiliu with a knife!

"Thunder Chakra mode, on!"

"Eight Gates of Dun Jia Art! Open the door, close the door, give birth to the door, hurt the door, do the door, the gate of jing, the door of shock, open! "

The Art of the Hundred Heroes! Open! "

Yin Seal! Untie! "

Immortal Mode! Open! Bai

Yu opened all the hangings in an instant, his face was covered with strange lines, and he turned around and slashed Xiliu directly with a knife!

Then he rushed directly towards Lafitte, who was being treated by poison Q!

"Thunder Abuse Level Chiyomai!"

Blackbeard howled on the ground for a long time, slowed down, sweating profusely, and then directly saw a fierce light in his eyes, rushing towards Bai Yu!


Blackbeard blocked Bai Yu's blow!

Although he screamed in pain and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, this guy still gritted his few teeth and punched Bai Yu fiercely!

The shock wave generated by the fight instantly knocked Poison Q and Lafitte off!

Lafitte felt that he should be treated in a different place, otherwise he might be directly hanging in the aftermath of this war!

"Day Tiger!"

Bai Yu's target is now only one person!

That's Lafitte!

Be sure to cut this residual blood!

The shock can't last long, you have to kill one first!

The moment the two sides went to war, most of the towns in the rear of Marin Fandor were directly destroyed!

The huge roar of that exchange can also be heard in the square ahead!

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