"Oh, Miss Abis, do you want another copy?"

Bai Yu looked at Yamaji obliquely and said, "Sanji, Apiss is still a child!" Be a person!

"You're a different eye, think about yourself before you say this!"

Abis raised her hand and said, "Hmm! One more copy!


Luffy raised his hand and said, "I want a copy too!"

"You boy served it himself!"

The next day, it was just dawning!

Luffy and Solon put away the anchor, and Usopp, Sanji and Hakuba are packing up the sails!

The Nine Lamas are sitting on the side of the boat, fishing with their rods!

As for Nami, she just got up and is now getting dressed!

Don't ask how Bai Yu knows, ask is that the white eyes inexplicably opened themselves!

Suddenly, there was an explosion from the ship!

"What's wrong?"

"What happened!"

Everyone hurriedly looked for the place where the explosion occurred!

I saw Albith walking out of the kitchen dizzily after being blown up, and behind her, a black smoke rushed out of the kitchen!

"Apis! Are you okay? "

Bai Yu jumped down from the observation deck to check on Apis's situation!

"I'm okay!"

Albis's little face was blackened!

"I'm preparing food, everyone, it's time to eat!"

Bai Yu looked at Abbis and then at the kitchen that was still smoking!

What does this do?

Blew up the kitchen!

Stir-fry gunpowder?

"It's time to eat!"

Luffy smiled and ran straight towards the kitchen-dining room, meeting room, and helmsman's room!

Solon looked at Abis and said, "What kind of food would it be to make such a big move!" At

the table, everyone looked at the dark food on the plate in front of them and didn't know what ingredients were made of!

Nami looked at the food in front of her, tried hard to control her expression, and said with a smile: "Did you do this?"

Albes had a few bandages on her face and nodded proudly!

Yamaji, who was beside her, looked at the things on the table that looked like food, and sweat flowed down!

Usopp wiped his sweat and looked at the contents of his plate and said, "It looks okay, it's quite personality!"

"Haha, I'm moving!"

Luffy deserves to be a werewolf who is a little more ruthless, and he will send it directly to his mouth without hesitation!

Albis watched Luffy eat the food she made and smiled happily, "You not only saved me, but also gave me food to eat, so from today onwards, I will try my best to help!" Sanji

turned his head and looked into the kitchen, the magnificent shovels, spoons, pots and other kitchen utensils, and took a deep breath of smoke!

He wasn't sure how many days his spare kitchen utensils would live!

Nami looked at Abis trying to squeeze out a smile and said, "That, that's great, thank you!" Bai

Yu and the Nine Lamas looked at Abis with expectant eyes, and each person and a beast were mentally prepared!

But the moment you eat it!

The psychological defense line that has just been built has completely collapsed!

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas suddenly felt that if they had a choice between fighting with Hawkeye Mihawk and eating a bite of food!

They'd rather go and fight Hawkeye Mihawk for their lives!

No, if you stuff this food into Hawkeye Mihawk's mouth, it's worth it to be hacked to death by him!

"Can you really eat this?"

When Solon, who had always been unscrupulous, looked at the Nine Lamas and Bai Yu, who were about to roll their eyes and drink water madly, he hesitated at this moment!

Nami glanced at Solon and decisively stepped on Solon's foot!

Being stepped on by high heels, Solon subconsciously opened his mouth and shouted!

"Don't talk so much nonsense, hurry up and give me food!"

Nami directly poured all the food on her plate into Solon's mouth!

"Wait a minute!"

Before Nami was about to close Solon's mouth, Haku directly poured the food on her plate into Solon's mouth!

The Nine Lamas even ran to Solon with his own plate, poured food into Sauron's mouth, and covered Sauron's mouth with Nami!

"Solon boy! This is an exercise in your willpower! Hold on for me! Eat it all!

Nami also nodded and said, "That's right, this is Abis's intention!" Don't waste it!

Usopp looked at Nami and the Nine Lamas, who were transformed into demons, the corners of their mouths twitched slightly, and looked at their food and said with some doubt: "This, no matter how you look at this, you can't eat it!"

"Is it? But I think it's delicious!

Luffy stuffed his mouth slowly, not only eating, but also eating more than half!

Bai Yu looked at Luffy silently giving a thumbs up, it's worthy of you! Luffy!

Originally a little unconfident by Nami Shirahata's operation, Abbis watched Luffy gulp and ate it, and was instantly full of confidence!

"Yes, some dishes just don't look good! As for Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas, maybe they just didn't suit their appetite! Sanji

bent down from his dinner plate and put a piece into his mouth with a fork, hearing Sanji's words, and looking at Luffy, who was eating Masaka, Usopp chose to believe that they also inserted a piece into his mouth!

Nami's own food was all stuffed into Sauron's mouth, so she inserted a piece from Sauron's plate, and just as she was about to put it in her mouth, the Nine Lamas stretched out his paw and held down her hand!

Bai Yu shook her head at Nami, but seeing Abis's expectant eyes, Nami still decided to take a bite!

Just one bite, nothing....

Just as they were about to be sent into their mouths, Sanji and Usopp exploded instantly!


Pick up the water on the table and pour it into your mouth!

Nami looked at them and finally decided that this bite should be fed to Solon!

Nami's backhand is another familiar set of operations, stuffed in, cover her mouth!

Solon, who had just regained his breath, was hit by a crit again!

In a trance, he seemed to see Gu Yina waving to him!

"So, is it that tasty?"

Abbis watched everyone's reaction, and she also inserted a piece with a fork and sent it into her mouth!

Instant explosion!

"Well, it's so spicy! How, how? Am I misplacing the seasoning?

Sanji eased up and looked at Abis and comforted, "This kind of mistake is often there!" Just be careful next time! She is kind enough to give everyone food, don't leave it! Don't live up to Apis's expectations! "

Bai Yu, the Nine Lamas and Nami looked at each other, fortunately, they were all fed to Solon!

Solon looked at the food on his plate, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly!

The Nine Lamas hugged his paws and looked at Solon and said, "Hey, do you hear that!" Don't leave it behind!

"Abominable stinky fox! Who wants you to give me your share!

Solon saw Bai Yu, who was snickering on the side, and roared, "And you!" Bai Yu, I will cut you two sooner or later!

Yamaji leaned over to Nami and said, "I'll make you another copy later, Miss Nami!" "

Usopp and Solon can't wait to put food on the face of this colored cook!

Albis looked at everyone and said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, but I'm actually not very good at cooking!" But I would love to help!

Nami looked at her and smiled, "It's okay, we received your wishes!"

Sanji took a cigarette and said, "Just leave the cooking to me, there are many other things waiting for your help!"

Albis nodded and said, "Hmm! Thank you! After

everyone finished eating and rested in their chairs, Nami asked why Abis was drifting alone at sea!

When Abbis said that he escaped from the navy ship, Bai Yu had already chosen to swing rotten, can the navy of the East China Sea rely on it!

Can you still get down to business!

Although Abbis did not say the specific reason, Bai Yu believed that Abbis was a good boy with a kind heart and bravery!

After all, dare to flee a warship alone in a storm and float on a small boat!

Listening to Abis talk about her home, on Gunkanjima, it was a small island that looked like a warship, and Nami looked at the chart, which was not far from the Great Passage!

However, it is not in the way, and the pirate ship cannot get close to the passenger ship to send Abbis home!

In the end, Luffy decided to send Albith home, Warship Island is not far away, and there is no delay, the main thing is that they have nothing to do now, there is time!

Bai Yu leaned against the wall and said, "An island like a warship!" I haven't seen it yet!

Luffy stood up and shouted, "Go! It's time to head to Gunkanjima! "

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