Hearing the decision to send her home, Abis jumped up happily and said, "Thank you so much, in order to thank everyone, I will cook for you every day in the future!"

Solon finally came to life and hurriedly said, "No, forget about this!"

Luffy asked suspiciously, "Why?" I feel pretty good!

Everyone looked at Luffy and was speechless for a while!

That is, you, as long as you can eat, you dare to put your mouth down!

The Merry turned course and set off towards Gunkanjima!

Not long after departure, the Meili was discovered by the Navy's fleet!

That fleet is here to find Apis!

Hearing the report of the observer, the commander of the warship looked at the Meili in the distance with his back and said, "Pirates! He actually ran to the sea area under the jurisdiction of Governor Nelson! A bunch of guys who don't know if they're alive or dead! Leave them alone, they must all be small characters!

At this time, a man wearing a formal suit with bells and whistles, a small sunglasses with a short frame, and a purple ice cream head came over and said: "No, that pirate flag is not a small character!" It should be Luffy the straw hat who offered a reward of 30 million Bailey, and his crew member White Feather was also a powerful pirate with a reward of 28 million Bailey! "

The naval mercenary, Eric, hired by Governor Nelson, is also here to find Abis!

"After looking for so long and not finding it, it is very likely that she was arrested, no matter what, there may be something wrong!" Major! Can't let go of a possibility! At

this time, Usopp on the observation deck of the Merry also discovered this naval fleet!

"Hey! It's not good, we have a naval fleet behind us! What a lot of warships! Hearing

Usopp's shout, Nami quickly ran to the stern to see that there were indeed many warships!

"Really! But how can there be such a large naval fleet here! Hearing

Nami's shout, Bai Yu hurriedly rushed out of the cabin and opened his eyes to look in the direction of the naval warship!

"Whew, scared me to death, I thought it was the fleet of the headquarters! That's all right!

Bai Yu wiped the sweat on his forehead, and was startled, thinking that the fleet led by the generals of the headquarters came to arrest him, what a false alarm!

At this time, Luffy also ran out!

Looking at the fleet in the distance, Luffy pressed the straw hat on his head and said, "Are they here to take my head?"

"But that's too much!"

Nami is still counting the number of warships in the fleet!

Luffy smiled heartlessly and said, "Hahaha! This means that it takes so many people to deal with me! I'm amazing!

Bai Yu waved his hand and said, "You think too much, Luffy, if you want to capture us two and take our dogs' lives, these navies in the East China Sea are not qualified!" At least the guys sent by the headquarters of the Navy are likely to pose a threat to us!

Nami turned to look at Haku and Luffy, "Why are you two so leisurely!" Looking

at the fleet in the distance, Abis took two steps back in fear!

Sanji looked at Abis and said, "What's wrong?" Abbis?

"That's the fleet of the eighth branch, I escaped from them, what should I do!"

At this time, the observers of the naval fleet also saw Abis on the Merly!

In an instant, the entire fleet turned its guns and fired at the Meili while chasing!

The shells landed around the Merly, making a huge splash!

Everyone grabbed the railing to stabilize their bodies!

At this time, the main ship of the fleet began to shout!

"The pirate ship in front immediately stopped the ship, just a warning! If you don't stop, you will be attacked by fire!

Solon looked at Luffy and said, "What to do?" Do you want to fight? If you hit it, it's on!

Luffy nodded and said, "Let's fight!"

Bai Yu also agreed: "Let's fight, aren't these navies bored enough to find trouble with Abis?" Let's train them well! "

Bai Yu is very upset with these navies who don't do business!

Sengoku is busy every day to explode!

The hair of the sad is all white, and for the image of the marshal, I have been dyeing my hair!

As a result, the navy of the East China Sea, first Monka, then Colonel Mouse, and now there is also these guys from the eighth branch!

TM doesn't get down to business!

The pirates don't catch either, and they want to find trouble with a little girl of Abis!

The fleet was also dispatched!

Although they were indeed performing their duties now, Bai Yu decided to give them a long memory!

Luffy, White Feather and Solon are ready for battle, and Usopp is in charge of covering the ship!

Sanji protected Abbis and wanted her to go to the cabin below, but Abbis looked at the seagull that fell on the ship and said, "It said that the wind is going to blow, it's a very strong wind!"

When Nami heard Abis's words, she quickly observed it and commanded: "Solon, Haku Feather tunes the sails to the south!" Usopp, Sanji is in charge of the rudder, right full rudder! Fast action! Hearing

Nami's order, everyone did not hesitate and took action!

Luffy, who was going to fight, asked, "What's wrong?"

Nami looked at Luffy and explained, "An instant hurricane is coming, we're going to escape by the wind!" Conflict with them head-on, a few lives are not enough!

"Okay then! It's okay with me though! But listen to you first! "

Just as the naval fleet was about to open fire, a strong wind hit!

The Meili instantly raised its sails and accelerated to escape!

However, the naval fleet did not choose to pursue!

On the Meili, Luffy covered his straw hat and smiled: "So fast, so fast, this wind is so comfortable!"

Usopp looked at the naval fleet that was left far behind and stopped pursuing: "Look, Luffy, the naval fleet has all been thrown away by us!" Hahaha! "

The fleet commander knows that he can't catch up with the Meili!

Moreover, this position, further chasing can be finished playing!

"The whole ship stops, prepare to turn around!"

Eric looked at the fleet commander and frowned: "Wait a minute, why stop the ship and not continue the pursuit!" The

fleet commander turned to look at Alec and said, "I'm about to enter the windless zone after chasing!"

"So what! That little girl was on that boat! Aren't you afraid of Governor Nelson!

"No matter what you say, I can't let my subordinates and fleet die in the sea!" I will explain to Governor Nelson, if you want to chase, I will give you a small boat to send you to death, I will not stop it!" "

On the Merry, Usopp, Luffy, and Sanji are praising Nami!

"Hahaha, worthy of being my navigator!"

"Miss Nami is amazing!"

Nami ruffled her hair and said, "It's okay, it's just intuition!" Only

Solon noticed, at this moment the sails were down!

The pirate flag is not flying anymore!

Bai Yu knows where he is now!

This TMD is a windless zone!

I have gone to the headquarters of the Navy with Karp several times before!

But that was a warship of the headquarters, and there were special devices on board!

The Merry doesn't have it!

Bai Yu shouted with a serious face: "Usopp, don't be happy!" Go and find me the strongest rope! We're in big trouble!

Nami looked at Bai Yu and said, "What's wrong, Bai Yu?" Bai

Yu didn't answer, quickly formed a shadow doppelganger, took the rope from Usopp's hand and ran towards the stern!

Although he didn't open his eyes, the Nine Lamas had already sensed that a large group of super-large sea kings were coming here!

Oversized Neptune class!

A ship like the Meili is not as big as anyone's teeth!

Solon pointed to the sail and the pirate flag and said: "I don't know if it's my illusion, I feel that the ship has not moved since just now, and the sail and the pirate flag are not floating!"

Nami reacted instantly, opening her mouth wide!

"Ah! It's over!

Luffy looked up at Nami and said, "What's wrong?"

"We're running into the windless zone!"

"No wind belt? What is that?

"That's a sea with no wind at all!" Our ship is no longer moving!

Bai Yu ran over from the stern at this time and said, "There is no time to explain to them, Nami, you guys hold on to the railing!" Sanji take care of Apis! Nine Lamas!

The Nine Lamas clenched his fists and said, "Understood!

Luffy tilted his head and asked curiously, "What?" Bai Yu, what are you doing!

"Just look back!"

Bai Yu tied the rope around his waist, tied the other end tightly to the bow of the boat, and then jumped directly into the sea!

"Hey, White Feather, it's dangerous!"

"What? There is behind it... Good, so big! "


A large group of sea kings, rushing out of the sea and then bowing their heads and noticing the people on the Meili!

Hearing the scream, a sea king class that was relatively small, but whose eyes were also larger than the two Meili pounced!

Everyone's eyes widened, and they looked at those huge sea kings in shock with their mouths open!

The Meili is not as big as the sea king class!

Nami grabbed the railing desperately and silently wept: "The windless belt is not only without wind, but also a nest of sea kings, and they are all super large!"

"I'm all holding on and starting to run for my life!" Eight Doors of Dun Jia Art! Open! Strange power! "

White Feather pulls the ship in front, and the two shadow doppelgangers are tied to the stern, constantly using spiral pills to push the Meili!

"It's horrible!"

The Nine Lamas held the mast on the middle deck of the Meili, condensed two Chakra big hands on both sides of the Meili, and began to row wildly!

In an instant, the Meili directly turned on the crazy mode!

Before the sea king class pounced, and the rest of them had not reacted, they had already run away with a puff of smoke!

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