When the Meili left the strange sea area and reappeared, the fleet parked on the periphery immediately discovered the Meili and the dragon master dragged behind!

The commander of the fleet directly ordered the pursuit!

Bai Yu stood at the stern of the ship and looked at the fleet slowly chasing in the distance, covering his forehead!

This group of beeps really TM annoying!

Usopp shouted, "The navy is chasing again!"

Nami hugged her arm and said, "They can't catch up, compared to the huge naval warship, the Meili is faster!" But when we get to Warship Island, how are we going to find the dragon's den?

Luffy sat on the exclusive seat and turned back and said with a smile: "Don't worry, don't worry, we will find the dragon's den before them, and then the dragon master will recover his spirits!"

Nami sighed and said, "That's why I said where are we going to find the dragon's den!"

Bai Yu stretched out and said, "I don't know!" Big deal, I'll jump down and find it!

"You better forget it!"

Solon glanced at Bai Yu and said, "I'm afraid that after you go down, you will find it and lose it!" Bai

Yu silently clenched his fists, hateful!

But, Solon, he's right!

Nami nodded and said, "Anyway, let's go back quickly!" We don't have much time and navy to consume!

At this time, Yamaji looked ahead and said, "Miss Nami, it seems that things are not so smooth!" "

Not far from Warship Island, a huge warship with a beast head appeared ahead!

The fat Mountain Devil Bogang-like Ilsen Tidu looked at Meili and smiled: "Hahaha, the little fish is in the net!" It is now, unfold left and right, and turn into a crane wing formation! "

With the raising of the signal flag, behind this warship, a whole row of warships blocked the route of the Merry's advance!

Sanji took a cigarette and said in disbelief: "Are these guys crazy!!"

Solon also shook his head and said, "How many warships does the navy have!"

"This is a family diggar!"

Bai Yu seriously suspected that this specially drove out all the warships of the entire eighth branch of the Navy!

When the Crane Wing formation was unfolded, Governor Ilsen ordered to prevent the Meili from escaping, and all the warships were connected with iron chains, creating walls with no escape!

Abis looked at the warships lined up in front of him and said, "What to do, we will be caught between the front and back!"

Usopp hugged his arm and said, "Of course, jump into their boat and slaughter them, and then cut the chain!"

Abis looked at Usopp and said, "That's awesome!" Did you do it? Usopp!

Usopp instantly raised his hand, pointed at the warship and shouted: "Get on!" Luffy, Hakuba, Yamaji, Solon!

Solon smiled and raised his knife, "That's a good idea!"

Bai Yu smacked his lips when he looked at this scene!

What is this for!

I don't know how fast the iron cable dies!

"Huh? Do you really want to do this? But if you do that, a few lives are not enough!

Nami patted Abis on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Abis, it'll be fine, but please hurry up and get it done!"

Bai Yu waved his hand and said, "Don't bother so much, I can handle it alone!"

Luffy turned his head to look at Bai Yu and said, "Ah, Bai Yu, do you really not need to help?"

Solon and Sanji looked at Bai Yu and said, "Don't force it!"

"Don't worry, keep rushing forward!" Just watch it!

Bai Yu walked to the bow of the boat and smiled: "If they are not connected, then it's fine, but since they are connected, then I will force them to untie the chains themselves!" "

White Feather Knot Shadow Doppelganger!

"Yo, White Feather No. 1, White Feather No. 2, thanks to you guys last time in the windless belt!"

"Hands up!"

At this time, Governor Ilsen ordered the whole ship to fire on the Merly!

In an instant, countless shells smashed towards the Meili!

"Just protect Meili and Long Ye!"

"Tudun—Earth Dragon Bomb!"

"Fire Dragon Bomb!"

"Combined Ninjutsu—Fire Flowing Earth Flame Bomb!"

The shadow avatars used combined ninjutsu, while Haku jumped up and spewed flames at the warship closest to the Merry!

"Fire escape—the fire is extinguished!"

Most of the shells fired at the Merry were blocked by the Fire Flame Bomb, and the ones that missed, Luffy, Sanji, Solon and they solved it!

And the warships with iron chains burst into flames, one after another!

And because they are connected to each other, they can't dodge at all, either they are smashed and ignited by the fire flow and flame bombs, or they are extinguished by the fire but ignited!

The entire warship in the crane wing formation was all in chaos!

Governor Ilsen looked at the chaotic fleet and angrily ordered to continue directing the battle!

The chains did retract, but they were warships on fire, and those warships were abandoned, while the other warships continued to pack towards the Merlie under the command of Governor Ilsen!

As long as you can get the keel, even if all the warships are sunk today, it will be worth it!

"Cut! Not dead yet, is it! Bai

Yu looked at the flagship of Ilsen Tidu!

Governor Ilsen intuitively ordered, directly all warships bombarded the plate, it doesn't matter if the thousand-year-old dragon is dead or alive, as long as you get the keel!

At this moment, Long Ye seemed to have a premonition of something, and raised his head and roared!

The roar instantly spread throughout the entire sea!

And the next moment, the shells, harpoons all shot at Long Ye, who was roaring up to the sky!

Luffy jumped onto the scooter, grabbed the harpoon and threw it back, then ejected all the human shells!

Luffy glared angrily at Ilsen and said, "You guy, what do you want to do to Long Ye!"

"Luffy, get that Ilsen out of it! As long as he is knocked away, then the Navy will retreat! "

Bai Yu chose to stop, if he shoots, a spiral shuriken goes down, there will be no living mouth on that boat!"

Although these navies helped to cause abuse, Bai Yu felt that if they changed their bosses, these navies could still do it!

As for the matter of killing Ilser alone, let Luffy do it!

Because, Bai Yu felt that there was something approaching in the sky and under the surface of the sea!

"Okay, I see!"

At this time, Long Ye didn't know if it was a return to the light, but he flew up with his wings flapping, and rushed towards Governor Ilsen's warship with Luffy!

Luffy was on Long Ye's back, shouting with a smile while shooting flying cannonballs, "Hahaha! Long Ye, you are amazing! Abbis

looked at Long Ye, who was flying again, and jumped up happily!

"Nami, Usopp and everyone, look! Long Ye, it's flying again! "

Well, it seems that Long Ye seems to have recovered!"

"Ah! I envy Luffy so much, I can actually ride on the flying thousand-year dragon! Only

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas looked at each other!

Long Ye, it's really back to the light!

It wanted to protect Abbis once before leaving!

At this time, a large group of thousand-year-old dragons flew towards this side, and they were circling non-stop!

Everyone was shocked by this scene!

Only Long Ye did not go to greet the other thousand-year-old dragons, but flew straight to Governor Ilsen's warship!

When the distance is enough, Luffy directly slams a rubber-tomahawk and splits Idtori's warship in half!

Ilsen was kicked directly in the face!

The entire Ilsen Governor of the Demon Bogang of a small mountain directly passed out in the sea, and then sank to the bottom!

And at this time, the other warships, seeing that the main ship was destroyed, lost their command, and there were so many thousand-year-old dragons around, afraid of being beaten by the group, they unchained and turned the bow of the ship and ran!

Long Ye supported his body and slowly flew to the side of the Meili, and then looked at Abis and everyone on the ship!

Thank you for sending me home!

You guys really did it!

Found the Lost Island!

I, too, have returned to my hometown!

"Dragon, Long Ye, what's wrong with you!"

Abis looked at the weak Long Ye and felt that something was wrong!

At this time, suddenly there was a violent shaking on the surface of the sea!

Gradually, the Lost Island, which had sunk, really floated up as Bai Yu speculated!

"Long Ye, Long Ye, look! The Lost Island! The Lost Island is really coming to the surface! Long Ye, you will recover your spirits, right! Long Ye! Abis

looked at Long Ye, who was getting weaker and weaker, and tears flowed unconsciously!

"Long Ye, what's wrong with you, we found the Lost Island and found the Dragon's Den! It turns out that it is around Gunkanjima! Just sinking! Long Ye! "

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