Well, the Lost Island has been found!

I'm back in the Dragon's Den!

Thank you, Abbis!

However, Long Ye is a little sleepy now!

Want to get some sleep!

Well, Apis, see you in a moment!

Long Ye finished speaking to Abbis and slowly closed his eyes!

Luffy looked at Apiss and said, "Apis, Long Ye told me before that it has been lonely in this thousand years, and it is only the happiest in the year you live with Apis, so it will protect you once no matter what!"

Abbis's tears welled up and cried, "Long Ye! Long Ye! Don't sleep! Get up! Doesn't it mean that returning to the dragon's den will restore your spirits! Looking

at Long Ye lying on the lost island and slowly closing his eyes, Abis cried bitterly!

"Long Ye, you lied to me! Doesn't it mean that if you return to the dragon's den, you will recover your spirits! Long Ye, wake up!

Luffy hugged his arm and said, "Long Ye didn't lie!" It says that the Millennium Dragon returns to the Dragon's Den every thousand years and then resurrects!

Bai Yu walked up to Abis and wiped her tears and said, "Abis, don't be sad, the dragon's den is not only the end but also the beginning of a new life for the thousand-year-old dragon!" You see! "

Abbis followed the direction of Bai Yu's finger and saw a small thousand-year-old dragon that broke out of its shell!

"Maybe there is Long Ye among them!"

Bai Yu looked at the little thousand-year-old dragon that broke out one by one and said, "Actually, Long Ye has always been alive in your heart, hasn't he?"

"When the breathing heart stops, the death of the body does not mean the end, because it is still alive in your memory, and it is only when the last person who remembers it is gone, it is truly gone!" So, Apis!

Abis wiped her tears and looked at those little millennium dragons and said, "I see!" Long Ye is still there, there must be Long Ye in those little thousand-year dragons! I decided that I would protect the Lost Island in the future! Guard the Millennium Dragon!

Usopp clenched his fingers and calculated, "However, the Lost Island is estimated to sink again soon, and if they return, it is estimated that it will take another thousand years!"

Sanji looked at Usopp and sighed, "You guy, don't spoil the atmosphere at this time!"

Albis said firmly: "It's okay, although I can't see it, my descendants will definitely see it!" I want to protect the Lost Island and the Millennium Dragon for generations to come!

"That's a great idea! Apis! "

Grandpa Bogudan and the people of Gunkanjima were also attracted!

I didn't expect the legendary creatures to really exist!

Grandpa Bogudan touched Abbis's head and said, "Then Abbis has to work hard!" Thank you so much, how about you come to my house and eat a pork bun and listen to me tell me the story of the past?

"Ehaha, thank you for your kindness, we are still in a hurry, so we won't eat!"

Nami and they quickly waved their hands, the story told by Grandpa Bogudan really was....

Too long!

Sanji looked at Grandpa Bogudan and said, "However, you can teach me how to make pork buns, I'll make them for them!"

"Okay, first this way, then that, and finally it's fine, but pay attention to the process!"

"Well, I see!"

"Naw, Apis, we're leaving!"

Luffy jumped on the Merry and shouted, "Guys! Let's set sail! It's time for the Great Route! "

It's coming, it's coming!"

Bai Yu took a picture and took a cool shot!

The Lost Island floats up from the sea, and the scenery above is the work of nature!

It's really beautiful!

The Nine Lamas were feeding the Millennium Dragon, heard Luffy's call, and jumped on White Feather's shoulder!

Everyone boarded the ship and came to the stern to wave goodbye to Abis and everyone on Gunkanjima!

Albis waved her hand at everyone and said, "Everyone! Take care! It's really fun to be with you guys during this time!

"Abis take care too!"

"Haha! Abbis and everyone, goodbye!

"Don't forget me, the great sea warrior Usopp!"

Bai Yu took a panoramic view of Abis and the warship island and the dragon's den floating up from the sea!

This trip received really a lot!

I didn't expect to really meet the thousand-year-old dragon and find the lost island and the dragon's den!

The Meili is heading towards the Red Earth Continent!

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas were preparing to make a cabinet out of wooden dun in the cabin to put some photos and some interesting ornaments!

Yamaji and Solon observe the sea from the observation deck!

"Miss Nami! Love report! A large rain cloud has been found ahead! There must be a storm there!

Nami looked at the chart and said, "It seems to have returned to the original route!" It should be almost time to see the Red Earth Continent!

Upon hearing this, Luffy rushed directly to the lookout and patted Solon and Sanji, "Finally going to the Great Voyage!" Sanji, it's almost there! Almost there! "


"It hurts!"


Nami looked at the chart in her hand and thought, is the entrance to the Great Passage really like the picture on the chart?

At this time, Usopp, who was whistling in the helm room, dining room, kitchen and conference room, suddenly found that the rudder seemed to be unable to move!

Nami gathered everyone to the conference room and slapped the chart on the table: "I have heard people say before, and the chart is also drawn like this, the entrance to the Great Passage is on the mountain!" Bai

Yu looked at it with his ability to barely read the chart, and found that this was indeed the case!

Solon held the knife and said, "Want us to hit the mountain?" What do you mean? "

Usopp behind Luffy is battling the rudder!

Nami shook her head and said, "Although I also think it's impossible, I should climb up the canal!"

Luffy grabbed his cup and said, "That's fun!"

Solon sighed and said, "Where is it interesting!" How could the ship climb the mountain!

Nami pointed to the chart and said, "But that's how it is drawn on the chart!"

Bai Yu leaned back in his chair and said, "That's right, I specifically asked my grandfather before, and he told me that if you want to enter the Great Voyage, you really need to climb a mountain!" Although I don't quite understand how boats climb mountains, it's certainly true!

Solon looked at Bai Yu with his chin and said, "You didn't hear it wrong, how is this possible!"

Sanji raised his hand and said, "Miss Nami can't be wrong!" This time I support the heterochondria batch!

"You're a lustful cook!"

At this time, Usopp was still fighting with the rudder!

Usopp held the rudder and shouted, "Hey! Who of you will help! The rudder can't move!

Nami sighed and said, "Sanji, I can't even think about it when you go to help Usopp argue!"

"Okay! Miss Nami! "

As soon as Sanji started to help, he felt that something was wrong!

Together with Usopp, he couldn't get the rudder back to right!

Usopp sweated profusely: "Don't you think the current is very strong!" "

Ocean currents!"

Nami instantly raised her head and pointed at the chart, "I see!" Look here! The

Nine Lamas waved his paws and said, "You better explain directly!" None of these guys can understand it!

Bai Yu looked at the others except Nami and raised his hand proudly, "I! I still understand a little!

Solon waved his hand, "So what! You get lost as soon as you get out to sea! Not like us yet!

"You're a road idiot!"

Nami sighed and said, "Okay! Stop arguing! Listen to me! Simply put, there are four currents in the four seas that follow this canal to the top of the Upside Down Mountain, and then flow to the Great Voyage!

Nami slapped the table and said, "In other words, if we don't succeed in entering the canal, the Meili will hit the rock wall of the Red Earth Continent!" Ship wrecked and killed, understand!

Luffy nodded and pretended to understand, "So it is!" In short, it is an incredible mountain!

Nami sighed and said, "I always think you don't understand, anyway, our ship has already taken the current!" As long as you have a good helm, you should be able to rush to the top of Upside Down Mountain in one go! "

At this time, the Meili has already sailed into the range of the rainstorm!

"But don't take it lightly, Bai Yu from now on, you open your eyes to observe the situation ahead!" Solon and Usopp are at the helm! Yamajifan will be handed over to you!

"Yes, Miss Nami! Luffy come and help! "


Red Earth Continent, Upside Down Mountain, here we are!"

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