"Hey! I see the Red Earth Continent, and the Upside Down Mountain is ahead! Bai

Yu opened his eyes and saw a shocking scene on the observation deck!

In the upside-down mountains of the Red Earth Continent, there is a straight upward sea route, and the current is rushing towards the mountain!

The sea is really climbing!

I'm afraid Newton can't explain this, only his brother Niu Wei can explain it!

Hearing Bai Yu's shout, everyone looked forward!

"Ah, you can't see anything!"

"Where is the Incredible Mountain!"

Bai Yu pointed to his white eyes and said, "At this speed, you will see it in a moment!" Nami, the picture is right! After

a while, the red red earth continent and the Upside Down Mountain appeared in front of everyone's eyes!

Luffy pointed ahead and said, "See, that's the incredible mountain of the Red Earth Continent!"

Usopp opened his mouth wide in shock!

"It's so high! Obscured by clouds, you can't see the top!

Nami grabbed the railing and said, "Is that the entrance to the Great Passage!"

Bai Yu shouted to everyone: "There is an entrance in the upside-down mountain ahead!" Watch out for the currents and steer well!

Nami raised her head and shouted, "Haku Yu, where is the entrance?"

Bai Yu pointed ahead and said, "It's in the gap in that rock wall in front!" "

Usopp and Sanji are fighting with the rudder again!

Usopp looked at Nami and shouted, "Nami, what to do!"

Nami nodded and said, "The direction is correct!" Just keep this direction straight!

Luffy jumped over to Nami and said, "Is the front really the entrance!"

Nami nodded and said, "That's right, Bai Yu has already seen it above!"

Solon held the binoculars and looked ahead, exclaiming with some shock: "It's unbelievable!" The sea is really climbing!

Nami instructed, "You must pass through that water gate smoothly, otherwise the boat will be hit and shattered!" "

The Meili was rapidly approaching the entrance, when Bai Yu suddenly found that the course was a little off!

If you go down like this, you will directly hit the water gate at the entrance!

"Biased! Turn the rudder to the right! Otherwise it will hit the door! Hearing

Bai Yu's shout, Luffy quickly turned his head and shouted, "A little more right, to the right!" When

Sanji and Usopp heard this, they quickly pushed the rudder hard to the right!

"Got it! Right rudder, right rudder! The

two people gritted their teeth and turned the rudder hard, but the current was too strong!

The rudder is directly folded!

Usopp and Sanji fell directly to the floor!

"The rudder is broken!"

Luffy, Solon, and Nami instantly widened their eyes!

Luffy reacted quickly, did not hesitate, and jumped out of the ship directly to block between the Meili and the water gate!


Luffy not only acts as a buffer between the Watergate and the Melly, but also corrects the course of the Melly!

But the Merry is speeding forward, and Luffy has been left behind!

Bai Yu turned his head to look at the Nine Lamas on his shoulder and shouted, "Nine Lamas! Pull Luffy back!


The Nine Lamas used Chakra to condense into a big hand, grabbed Luffy and pulled him back!

Luffy stood on the observation deck and looked at Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas and said with relief: "Ah~ It was so dangerous just now!" Nine Lamas, thank you! Nami

and Solon breathed a sigh of relief, and Yamaji and Usopp had jumped up with their arms around their shoulders in the helmsman's room!

The Meili followed the current and rushed smoothly and quickly towards the top of the mountain!

Nami took off her pink raincoat and shouted with a smile: "Now, you only need to rush to the top of the mountain in one breath!" Everyone

ran to the bow of the boat, and Luffy and White Feather jumped down with the Nine Lamas!

Looking at the scenery in front of them, they all laughed happily!

"Come into the clouds!"

Luffy climbed into his seat and laughed happily!

"It's spectacular!"

Bai Yu said while constantly taking pictures, taking a few more pictures, and then pick the most satisfactory one and save it!

Nami looked ahead and shouted with a smile: "Look at it, it's the top of the mountain!" We're almost at the top of the mountain! "

The Merry rushed to the top of the mountain, and then landed on the official route to the Great Sea!

Everyone is smiling and looking ahead!

The man in Solon's heart, Hawkeye Mihawk is here!

The ALL, BLUE that Yamaji is pursuing is also here!

Nami can draw the perfect map of the world!

Usopp can go and prove that he is a brave warrior of the sea!

And for Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas, more peculiar scenery, delicious food, and interesting people and things await them!

Luffy sat in his seat and said, "See!" This is the great route that is rumored! ONE, PIECE is somewhere in the sea ahead! Hahaha! Come on! "

The Meili pierced through the clouds and rushed down!

Everyone is excited!

At this time, suddenly a strange cry sounded!

Solon tilted his head and asked, "Did you hear anything just now?"

Nami turned to look at Solon and said, "Maybe it's the wind!" After all, the terrain here is so peculiar!

"It doesn't feel like the wind, and something is wrong, let me take a look!"

Bai Yu opened his eyes and looked at it, and was instantly stunned!

"I lean! Find a way to slow down! There's a huge whale in front of you! Nine Lamas! The

Nine Lamas hurriedly hugged the mast, condensed Chakra's big hand and stretched out the Meili to try to slow down!

"How can there be oversized whales!"

Hearing Bai Yu's words, everyone squinted and looked forward!

Sanji squinted and said, "I seem to see a mountain?"

Usopp nodded and said, "It really looks like a mountain!" Bai Yu, you read that right!

Nami looked at the busy Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas covered their heads and said, "Bai Yu won't be mistaken!" There can't be mountains ahead! Listen to Bai Yu's quick way to slow down! But how can this slow down!

Only Luffy was fearless, raising his hands and shouting, "Leave it alone!" Rush it!

"I'm a ghost at you! That huge whale is blocking the exit!

Bai Yu gave Luffy a popping chestnut and said, "Such a big whale, once the Meili hit it, it will be directly shattered!" "

Rushing through the clouds, everyone's vision was completely clear, and a huge whale was just blocking the exit!

"Aaaaah! It's true!

"What a big whale!"

"Quickly find a way to slow down!"

"Do you want to fight it?"

"Hit you in the head! Unless you fly it! But how could you fly with such a big physique! "

If I could open the kaleidoscope chakra eye now, I would be able to open the Gundam, but now I am only two jade!"

Bai Yu turned his head and shouted: "Left, left can go through, quickly turn the rudder!" Left full rudder!

Usopp shouted in panic, "But the rudder has been broken!"

"Then find a way!"

"I'll help too!"

Solon and Sanji rushed to the helm room together and fought with the broken rudder with Usopp!

"By the way, I thought of a great idea!"

Luffy suddenly became intermittently witty and turned and ran towards the cabin!

Nami turned to look at Bai Yu and said, "Bai Yu, think of a way to do it!" "

Bai Yu gritted his teeth, there is really no move, the ninjutsu he now masters is basically attacked, in the face of this situation, use, don't hit the whale and break a piece, first by himself to smash!

"I'll try my best! You can only try ninjutsu that you developed but haven't used yet!

"Stop grinding, you try it!" I'm dying of exhaustion! "

The Nine Lamas are still rowing desperately to slow down!

Bai Yu's hands quickly froze, this is a self-created technique developed by Bai Yu after being brought out by mistake in the windless belt a few days ago!

"Wind escape—ride the wind! Inverse! "

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