
Wednesday covered his mouth and laughed wildly: "Don't do meaningless resistance!"

Mr.9 nodded and said, "If you want to protect it so much, try it!" This whale is going to be our town's food! Aha! Listening

to the rampant laughter of the two, Luffy pouted and jumped up, directly giving them one punch!

"I don't know why, I just want to beat them!"

White Feather and the Nine Lamas gave Luffy a thumbs up!

It's you!


On a private holiday centre in Kourokas!

"Thank you for helping me, but what are you for?"

"I'm not here to help you, it's just that for some reason, I see them very unpleasant!"

Kulokas leans back on the recliner, Miss. Wednesday and Mr.9 have been stunned by Luffy and have been tied up!

Nami looked at the two inexplicably underwhelmed guys and asked, "Who are they?" And old man, what are you doing in the belly of this whale? "

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas looked at Kulokas together!

They also want to know why this old man is here after he retires, and this strange whale!

Kulokas spoke: "These guys are scoundrels in the nearby town, and they caught Rab to provide food for the town for two or three years!"

Bai Yu looked at Kulokas and said, "Rab is the name of this whale!"

Kulokas nodded and said, "Well, Rab is an island whale that only lives in the West Sea and is the largest whale in the world!" The reason why it keeps crashing into the Red Earth Continent and roaring towards the Upside Down Mountain is because it is a whale with human feelings!

"It has been waiting for a group of pirates! That was fifty years ago..." The

crowd listened to Kulokas tell Rab's story!

It turned out that Raab, who originally lived in the West Sea, came here with a ship, and it regarded those pirates as companions and followed them here from the West Sea!

Due to the problem of the ship and staying for a long time, Kulokas and the pirates became good friends, and when they separated, the pirates knew the danger of the Great Voyage, so they entrusted Rab to the care of Kulokas, and agreed to return to pick him up in three years!

They told Raab that they would definitely come back!

Kulokas leaned back on the recliner and said, "That's it, Rab has been waiting until now, it's been fifty years!" "

Fifty years?!"

"Has Rab waited for them for fifty years!"

The Nine Lamas hugged his paws and said, "No wonder I feel that incomparably strong longing!"

Bai Yu nodded and said, "That's why it keeps roaring and hitting the Red Earth Continent!" It wants to go back to those pirate companions!

"Okay, after listening to the story, I'll take you out!"

Kourokas stood up and led the way in his private resort center boat, followed by the Merly, passing through Rab's body!

"What a powerful waterway!"

Solon looked at the wide waterway and sighed: "It's really thanks to it that it has so many holes in its stomach and is still alive!"

Sanji looked at Kulokas and said, "Is this also your pastime?"

Kulokas said while reading the newspaper: "This is a doctor's pastime, don't look at me like this, I'm a doctor!" I used to run a clinic in Cape Twin and had experience as a ship doctor, although only for a few years! Bai

Yu looked at Kulokas, what a relaxed one!

But, your ship as a ship doctor, that is One Piece's ship!

Luffy sent out the invitation very bluntly!

"Then you come and be our ship doctor!"

Kulokas shook his head and said, "No kidding, I don't have the strength to fool around like you guys!" The

corners of Bai Yu's mouth twitched slightly, a guy who was suspected of mastering two-color domineering, said that he didn't have the strength to mess around!

Nami looked around and said, "So that's the case, these are all traces after treatment!"

Kulokas nodded and said, "That's right, after it grows up, it can't be treated from the outside!" "

As Kulokas opened the gates, the sun shone in outside!

Luffy stood in front of the Merly, which had lost its bow, and shouted with open arms, "Come out!" What a real sky! Coming

out of Raab's body, Usopp was resurrected again full of blood and sighed, "But has it been fifty years? That group of pirates really made it wait for a long time!

"Stupid! It's a great route!

Yamaji took a cigarette and said, "It must be dead, no matter how much you wait, you won't come back!"


Bai Yu nodded and looked at Rabu: "If it is still alive, those guys will definitely come back to find it!"

Nami nodded and said, "If it had been fifty years ago, the situation here would have been even more dangerous than it is now!"

"What if! Don't say so deadly, leave some leeway to think about the good!

Usopp said, "That's not certain!" Maybe you'll be back! What a touching story! I have always believed in the whales agreed with my companions!

Usopp looked at Kulokas with expectant eyes and said, "Right! Old man!

Kulokas pushed his eyes and said regretfully: "Yes, but the truth is cruel!" I have already received accurate intelligence and they fled! What a flight from this great voyage! "

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas looked at each other, Kuloka was lying!

Immediately afterwards, Kulokas glanced at Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas and said, "But it left some thoughts for Raab, didn't it?" There are also talking red foxes!

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas were stunned, and instantly nodded like pounding garlic!

"Ah, yes, yes! The old man is right!

"That's right! It's good if you don't die, you'll always see it! "

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas instantly from the heart!

Their attitude towards the old man is half-service!

There are two strokes, but it is not easy to kill them!

However, there is no need to be beaten because of more mouths!

Moreover, this is also for the good of Rab!

Usopp said with some disbelief: "How come! Did they leave Rab alone!

Luffy turned to look at Rab, not knowing what he was thinking!

Nami frowned and said, "Did you escape?" So say that they passed through the windless belt alive!

Kurokas did not answer, but continued: "Even if they are still alive, they will not return here!" This season, the weather, currents, and wind direction are all messy! All common sense is not suitable in the sea area here, and its horror will occupy the hearts of vulnerable people!

Sanji looked at Kurokas and said, "Those people you mentioned, in order to save their lives, fled from this sea without even fulfilling their agreement!"

"Is Raab abandoned?"

Usopp looked at Rab and said, "It's been waiting for fifty years!" This is too much!

Nami looked at Kulokas and said, "Since you know the truth, why don't you tell Rab!" Doesn't it understand!

Bai Yu held the Nine Lamas and looked at Rab, didn't he keep listening!

Kulokas sighed and said, "I said it! It said it all without reservation, but it didn't believe it and didn't accept it, from that day on, Rab began to roar at the Upside Down Mountain, and also used his body to hit the Red Earth Continent, and now it still firmly believes that they will come back from the opposite side of the rock wall!

Sanji sighed and said, "What a whale!

Usopp nodded and said, "Obviously the meaning of waiting has been lost!"

Kulokas stood up and said, "It is precisely because of this that it will not listen to me, and losing the meaning of waiting is more terrible for it than anything else!" Its hometown is the West Sea, but it can't go back, so only those guys are its partners and its hope!

Kulokas looked at the wound on Rab's head and said, "Look at the wound on its head, if it hits it with all its strength like before, it will die!" I've been with it for fifty years, and I can't watch it die!

At this time, Luffy jumped off the boat, dragged something very familiar and shouted towards the wound on Rab's head!

"What is that idiot doing!"

"Leave him alone for a while, and he will start enjoying climbing!"

"Isn't the point of your attention?"

Bai Yu pointed at Luffy and roared, "What he's dragging in his hand is the mast!" It's the main mast of the Meili! When did this idiot do it!

Luffy roared and rushed to Raab's wound!

"Rubber—flower arrangement!"

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