Solon held his arm and nodded, "That's indeed a mast!"

Yamaji took a cigarette and said, "Well, Bai Yu is right, it's still from our ship!"

"It's the main mast!"

Holding his head, Usopp shouted, "Hey! Don't destroy the ship! Raab

, who was inserted into the wound by Luffy with the main mast, burst into tears!

There was a roar in an instant, stirring this sea!

"What are you idiots going to do!"

Bai Yu, all of them, including the Nine Lamas, all roared with their teeth and claws!

Rab directly jumped with a water splash and crashed into the Red Earth Continent!

Kulokas's eyes widened instantly, "That kid!

Bai Yu waved his hand and said, "It's okay, that guy is a Devil Fruit ability!" This level is fine! "


Luffy sat on the ground and smiled, and then went straight to Raab!

The Ninth Lama looked at Luffy, who was fighting with Rabu, and shook his head, "Bai Yu, what is Luffy doing!" Aren't you going to stop him?

Bai Yu looked at Luffy and smiled: "No need, I believe Ku Luffy, he must have his reasons for doing this, he, ah, can always come up with some tricks!" Just

when Solon was also confused, the battle between Rab and Luffy stopped!


Luffy put on his straw hat and looked up at Rabu and said, "I'm strong!" You want to beat me! We haven't won or lost yet! So we have to keep fighting! Although your companions are dead, I will always be your opponent! We must fight again and divide the winner and loser! We will come to you again after a week of detouring the Great Voyage! Then let's have another fight!

Rab looked at Luffy with tears in his big eyes!

Is this the new convention!

Luffy is really witty!

Since the agreement has been lost, then give Rab a new one!

New hope!

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas looked at each other and applied for a call again!

That's right, Rab, it's the new convention!

Trust Luffy!

He does what he says!

And we, as witnesses, will come back together and witness your duel again!

Raab looked at Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas and the others, and then at Luffy!

Raise your head and roar excitedly!


I will wait for you!

Luffy drew a crooked straw hat pirate flag on Rabu's head with waterproof paint, and nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, this is my agreement to fight you!" Don't break this mark until we get back here!"

Rab looked at Luffy and opened his mouth!

I know!

Luffy nodded in satisfaction, and then Bai Yu took a photo of Rab and Luffy, and after taking Bai Yu, it was a fist!

"You idiot! Next time, you have to fight with something, don't use the Meili! Tell me what you want! You just want a pink sledgehammer and I can make it for you!

"Ah, got it, got it!"

The Nine Lamas are a popping chestnut when they jump!

"Are you listening carefully?"

"Some are listening, some are listening!"

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas sighed!

Forget it, this guy!

However, Bai Yu glanced at the Meili and didn't notice for a while that the two guys had escaped!

Miss.Wednesday and MR.9!

Forget it, don't care, if they still come to fight the idea of Rab, Old Master Kulokas is afraid that he will really kill them!

"Luffy, that guy, actually made the Melly like this! Really! "

Usopp is repairing the Merly!

"Hey, Solon, you're here to help too!"

Solon is sleeping against the wall!

Yamaji took advantage of the rare break to take out the elephant tuna and prepare it for cooking!

Nami, on the other hand, sits in a chair under the lighthouse and prepares to make a sailing plan for the Great Voyage!

Then, she found the compass, which was spinning in circles like crazy!


"Nami, what's wrong?"

Hearing Nami's marmot call, Shiraba rushed over with an instantaneous technique!

"Miss Nami, what's going on! Food is ready! "

Sanji came from the Merley with two large plates of prepared elephant tuna, and Usopp climbed up the rope ladder!

Nami pointed to the compass on the table and said, "Finger, the compass is broken!" No direction is indicated! "

Bai Yu, they came over to take a look, and it was really not good, and they kept spinning in circles!

Luffy hasn't realized the seriousness yet, and is still saying it's funny!

"It seems that you came here without knowing anything!"

Kulokas looked at everyone: "Really, are you here to deliver your lives?" At

this point, Luffy's attention had been drawn to the food on the table!

The Nine Lamas glanced at Luffy, and then came to his side!

"I should have said that all common sense does not apply in this sea!"

Kourokas said: "That compass is not broken!

Bai Yu looked at Kulokas and asked, "Because the magnetic field here is very chaotic?"

"That's right!"

Kulokas nodded and said, "The islands of the Great Voyage have a large number of magnetic minerals!" So the magnetic field of the entire route is chaotic! And the currents and wind direction are changeable! Your navigators should understand the horror here!

Nami touched her head and smiled embarrassedly: "Indeed, if there is no means to indicate the direction, it will be too desperate!" I didn't even know before, don't mind!

At this time, Luffy had already opened his mouth wide and gnawed on the food on the table, and the Nine Lamas decisively pounced on Luffy and raised his paws to cover Luffy!

"You bastard, don't think about eating alone! Let's eat together!

"Hmm, I'll take a bite and taste it in a small bite!"

"How beautiful you think!"

The Nine Lamas and Luffy are making a fuss!

Nami turned around and instantly turned into a form of dancing claws and shouted, "Count me begging you!" Can you guys be quiet!

Bai Yu raised his hand and said, "Leave it to me!" Luffy, I have a drink here, would you like to take a sip first! "


Luffy grabbed a mouthful!

"Well, Bai Yu, how does this taste..... Strange, weird! And my body is so numb! Can't move! "

Ah, it's okay, just water mixed with anesthetics, it'll be fine for a while, the Nine Lamas covered Luffy's mouth and told him not to disturb people talking!"

The Nine Lamas nodded and directly covered Luffy's mouth with a paw!

Usopp and Sanji gave a thumbs up to Hakuha!

Well done! White feathers!

Kourokas looked at everyone and said, "If you want to sail on the Great Voyage, you must have a record pointer!"

Nami shook her head and said, "Record pointers? I've never heard of this kind of thing!

"I've heard of it!"

Bai Yu touched his chin and said, "It seems to be a special compass that can record magnetic forces!"

Luffy struggled to get rid of the Nine Lama's claws and said, "Is it a strange compass?"

Kulokas nodded and said, "It is indeed very different in appearance!"

"I just picked one up, right in my pocket!" It was that weird duo who dropped! "

The Nine Lamas pulled out a bracelet-like pointer from Luffy's pocket!

Kulokas nodded and said, "That's it!" Without this record pointer, it would be impossible to sail on the Great Route!

Nami took the recording pointer handed over by the Nine Lamas and looked at it, "Is this the recording pointer?" There is nothing written on it!

Kourokas explains: "To find the next island route, you need to record the magnetic force connecting the island with a recording pointer, and in the Great Voyage, the only thing that can be relied on is to record the magnetic force recorded by the pointer!" You'll have to choose one of the seven magnetic lines starting from Upside Down Mountain, but no matter which island you start from, the route will eventually stick to one line and finally reach the final island! Ralph Drew! The end of the Great Voyage!

Usopp crossed his waist and smiled: "Then ONE, PIECE must be there!"

"This kind of thing, just go and see it!"

Luffy tried to stick out his tongue and try to lick the food!

"In other words, Bai Yu, when can I move! I'm so hungry! "

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