"Understood, thank you Mr. Kulokas, let's open the meal!" Luffy can't wait, old man, let's have some food!

"Oh, that's a big thanks!"

Everyone shared the elephant tuna, not to mention that the taste of this fish is really good!

Especially the meat of elephant tuna is particularly delicious!

Luffy's guy even chewed and swallowed the bones!

There were still two plates left after everyone had eaten, one for Sauron, the guy was still sleeping on the boat, and the Nine Lamas sent it over after eating!

The other plate is to give Rab a taste, although for Rab, that plate of elephant tuna meat is not as big as the teeth, but it should be able to taste more or less!

Luffy looked at Bai Yu holding that plate of elephant tuna meat, and his mouth watered!

Or Bai Yu had the foresight to fill Luffy with anesthetic water, otherwise, it is estimated that no one can rob Luffy of these meats!

"Rab! Let's try the elephant tuna made by Yamaji! It's a little too little for you, but you can taste it somewhat! Raab

surfaced with a pirate flag drawn by Luffy, pushed the two people to the shore, and then opened his mouth wide!

Bai Yu threw the elephant tuna meat into Rab's mouth!

Rab exclaimed happily!

Bai Yu turned to look at the person who was taken ashore by Rab, it was Miss.Wednesday and Mr.9 who ran away!

"I said didn't you run away? How is it back again!

At this time, Sanji rushed to Miss. Wednesday and said, "Come, hold my hand!" Sweetheart!

"Thank you so much!"

"What a beautiful weather today!"

Yamaji pulled up miss, and on Wednesday he started flirting with girls!

Bai Yu glanced at Yamaji with his white eyes, and then silently opened his eyes!


"You bastard is rolling your eyes again, aren't you?"

Nami flashed over and punched!

I don't know when Bai Yu opened her eyes, Nami could feel it!

Emmm, a woman's intuition?

"Don't look at it! Bastard!

"Hug, sorry!"

At this time, Mr.9 got up and looked at everyone: "Wait a minute! We have something to ask for! "

Whiskey Peak? What a strange name! What is that!

Luffy sat cross-legged on the table watching Miss.Wednesday and Mr.9 who begged to take them back to Whiskey Peak!

"That's the town we live in!"

Nami looked at them both and asked, "What about your ship?"

"It's broken, and our record pointer is also..."

Mr.9 glanced at the record pointer already worn on Nami's wrist!

"Look at what? It's mine!

Nami leaned over to Mr.9 and said, "And you guys just wanted to kill the whale!" Do you want us to take you back now?

Bai Yu sat on the chair and said with his hand pestle on his face: "In other words, who are you?"

"I am the king!"

The corners of Bai Yu's mouth twitched slightly, you don't really think that you can call yourself a king with a crown!

"I can't say!"

"Would like to go back to town though! We don't want to be so sneaky either!

Wednesday and Mr.9 looked at Luffy and said, "Our company's purpose is mysterious!"

"So we can't say anything!"

"We value the character of several of you the most to ask for help! We will definitely return this kindness! "

Oh? Is it so mysterious?

Bai Yu stood up and smiled sinisterly, "Then I'm very interested!" Since you don't say it, then I'll take a look for myself! I still know some of the means of torturing ninjas! Looking

at the white feather who changed his face in an instant, miss.Wednesday and Mr.9 hurriedly took two steps back in fear!

"You, what are you going to do?"

"No, don't come here!"

"Okay! Get on board!

Luffy stopped Bai Yu and said, "You said you're going to Whiskey Peak!" Just go there!

Bai Yu sighed helplessly and said, "Luffy, you are too direct!" Can't you just let me scare them? What if they did! After all, letting unidentified people on board is risky!

Usopp nodded and said, "Bai Yu is right!" Luffy!

Luffy shook his head and said, "What does it matter, don't worry about this little thing!"

"Alright, alright!"

Bai Yu spread out his hands and sat back down!

Bai Yu just scared them, and because the torture type of ninjutsu was not used, he had never practiced!

But these two people Nine Lamas also watched, mr.9 is a little malicious, but not much!

But that miss. Wednesday was fun!

The Nine Lamas told Bai Yu that deep down this product was actually a kind person, a kind overly good person!

Since that's the case, it's okay!

If there is really a bad deed, every minute will kill them!

Kulokas looked at Luffy and said, "You can only choose a route here at the starting point!"

Luffy turned his head to look at Kulokas and smiled, "If you're not satisfied, it's good to go around in a circle!"

Kulokas looked at Luffy and smiled, "Is that so?" "

This kid is really similar to Roger's guy!

That straw hat is very familiar!

"Okay, it's almost time to go! And Rab also made an agreement!

Luffy stretched and said, "Let's go!"

Wednesday looked at Luffy and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

Luffy turned around and showed his big white teeth and said confidently, "Me? I'm the man who wants to be One Piece! "

The magnetic force was stored, the Meili was repaired, and everyone boarded the ship!

"Goodbye, old man Kulokas!"

"Rab, take good care and don't forget our agreement!"

"Come laugh one! Rab, take a picture of you!

"Towards the Whiskey Peak, full speed ahead!"

Cape Gemini, Kourokas and Rab say goodbye to everyone!

"Well, goodbye! Interesting little ghosts!

Kulokas looked at the distant Meili and smiled: "Will they be the pirates we have been waiting for!" What an incredible man! Right! Roger! "

On the way to the Whiskey Peak!

There was heavy snow above the sea!

Wrapped in a thick cotton jacket, wearing a bib and earmuffs, Nami said, "What the hell is going on with this heavy snowfall!" Obviously it was still warm just now! "

Luffy and Usopp are building snowmen, while White Feather is building tailed beasts with the Nine Lamas!

Yamaji is shoveling snow, and at Nami's orders, Yamaji directly took out two hundred percent enthusiasm!

Solon, Solon has been sleeping, and woke up once in the middle of the way, or when the Nine Lamas woke him up and stuffed elephant tuna into his mouth!

Now the goods are still sleeping, and they are covered with a layer of snow!

At this time, suddenly there was thunder!

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas looked at each other, they had heard of thunderstorms, but your thunderstorms were outrageous!

And the snow stopped, and the wind was hanging!

Nami wrapped her cotton jacket tightly and said, "What the hell is the weather here!" At first it was sunny, then suddenly snowed, and then thunder! The weather and the seasons are a mess! Old man Kulokas is right!

Wednesday and Mr.9, who were sitting in the room, looked at Nami and said, "This is the great route!"

"You don't seem to know anything!"

"You haven't been at the helm since the beginning, is it okay?"

"I just confirmed the directions! Aaaah! Nami

walked to the helm and instantly let out a marmot-like scream!

"Nami, what's wrong?"

"Miss Nami, what happened?"

Bai Yu Luffy and they all looked at the cabin, and Bai Yu even opened his eyes!

Nami rushed out of the cabin and shouted, "Turn the ship one hundred and eighty degrees!" Hurry up! I didn't pay attention to the direction for a while, and the boat turned around on its own! And the sea was calm before! "

Shiraba and Yamaji hurriedly took action!

Wednesday looked at Nami and said, "Are you really a navigator?" In this sea, whether it is the wind, the sky, the waves or the clouds, you can't believe it, the only thing that does not change is to record the direction pointed by the pointer, you understand! "

And then...

They were kicked out of the cabin by Nami!

"Don't look like you can't stop talking! Give me a favor! "

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