Dead Enemies, We Have a Face

: ☆ Chapter embarrassing

Ai Xi has night blindness. Once the lights are off, she can't see at all. She had hoped for a call, but three minutes passed without any movement. She really couldn't stand the darkness.

"Li Mu!"

Ai Xi groped, and finally tapped the translucent glass door of the bathroom with her hand.

"Li Mu?" Ai Xi continued to tap, thinking that it would be miserable if she fell asleep.

The sound insulation of the apartment is so good, of course Li Mu couldn't hear someone "calling" her in the bathroom. If she hadn't had the habit of going to the bathroom before going to bed, she wouldn't have been able to find Ai Xi who was "trapped" in the bathroom.

The apartment was originally designed for singles. The one where Li Mu lived was supposed to be a study, so there was only one bathroom, which was shared.

As soon as Li Mu opened the door, he heard someone knocking on the door, and then Ai Xi's voice, "Li Mu?!"

"It's so noisy, let's not let people sleep at night!" Li Mu held up his mobile phone to illuminate, leaning on the wall and gloating.

"...Lend me the phone, I can't see it."

This is really, the way of heaven is good for reincarnation, who the heaven will forgive.

"Ah—" Li Mu screamed suddenly, then turned off the flashlight, crouched in the corner without saying a word, imitating the classic scene of a horror movie.

Li Mu just wanted to play a prank, but she didn't expect to really frighten Ai Xi. She didn't know that Director Ai was such an adult and was still afraid of ghosts?

With Li Mu's cry, the only light disappeared. Ai Xi knew that it was probably Li Mu's prank, but she couldn't contain her fear, especially the thunderous voices, "Li Mu?! Li Mu, you. do not scare me…"

Li Mu squatted in the corner with his mouth covered, trying not to laugh. It was rare to hear Ai Xi's flustered voice, so he had to listen more.

The bathroom door was pushed open, and Ai Xi asked tentatively, "Where are you, Li Mu? Stop joking..."

Li Mu got up and jumped in front of Ai Xi, and took a flashlight at her, "Hey, I'm here!"

Ai Xi was so frightened that her heart almost jumped out, she sighed, and whispered "neuropathy".

Li Mu stood there holding the claw machine and did not refute, because the scene in front of her made her stunned...because Ai Xi stood naked in front of her, and there was still a little foam on her body.

"Crazy..." Ai Xi grabbed her phone and slammed the bathroom door shut again, but felt very angry, unaware that Li Mu had just been possessed by a **** demon for a few seconds.

In just a few seconds, Li Mu had an unobstructed view, and the beauties peeped a lot. Her eyes were like an imaging camera in the blink of an eye.

That collarbone, breast enhancement, slender waist, long legs... For a moment, Li Mu had the illusion that the cover model came out of the album.

Ai Xi's foundation is not bad, and coupled with regular fitness and shaping, there is really no choice for her figure.

Li Mu shook his head and turned back to the bedroom. When he thought that these were all grown on Ai Xi, he instantly lost his desire to be a nympho. Some people were born not to call, just like her and Moran.

The thunderstorm was getting bigger and bigger, and two lightning bolts fell from time to time, and the thunder was rumbling, disturbing sleep.

Of course, Li Mu was an exception. As soon as she touched the pillow, she fell asleep.

Ai Xi tossed and turned on the bed and couldn't sleep, even putting on earplugs couldn't isolate the roar...

After thinking about it for half an hour, Ai Xi picked up a quilt and stood in front of Li Mu's room, knocking.

It was the sound of wind, rain, and thunder, and it was strange that Li Mu's dead pig could hear it. The people inside didn't respond, and Ai Xi couldn't help it, so she pushed the door and went in...

Li Mu has lived alone for a long time, and usually does not have the habit of locking the door.

Ai Xi took a flashlight and took a picture of Li Mu, who was sleeping. No one was sleeping, but they were lying upright along the diagonal of the bed. . .

"Hey..." Ai Xi put the quilt on Li Mu's bed, then reached out and pushed Li Mu, "Wake up."

The lights were a bit dazzling, and she was disturbed to wake up before she was full. Li Mu was a little dissatisfied, but her dissatisfaction was limited to pouting and complaining, "What are you doing..."

It's not an ordinary person. There were lightning and thunder outside, and he still slept so deeply. Ai Xi threw the phone to her, "Return your phone."

"Let's put it there." Li Mu casually pointed to a place, turned over and closed his eyes again. What mobile phones are still in the same room at night, just put them anywhere...

fell asleep again.

A sound of thunder didn't wake up Li Mu, but it scared Ai Xi.

"Li Mu..." Ai Xi had the cheek to shake people up again.

"I said, what are you thinking, sister..." Li Mu yawned, unable to open his eyes, "I'm really sleepy, go to sleep, darling~"

"Go ahead and I'll sleep with you."

Ai Xi's words were much more refreshing than the thunder and lightning outside, and Li Mu immediately woke up, "Why???"

Do you say that you are afraid of the dark and thunder? Ai Xi couldn't speak, she almost used the commanding tone of her boss, "Go ahead, do you have any comments?"

"I..." Li Mu thought, of course he has an opinion. There is one more person on the bed, which is related to her sleep quality.

"You're not afraid of thunder, are you?" Li Mu asked suspiciously, "Such an adult is afraid of... thunder..."

Ai Xi didn't want to discuss this topic, so she threw out a sentence: "I think this house is too crowded for two people, so you should move out tomorrow..."

Li Mu wanted to ask her if she disagreed, was your name written on the property deed? In a 90-square-meter house, you say it's crowded for two people, Ai Xi, your body is really huge.

But the boss is the boss after all, so Li Mu doesn't dare to be too arrogant, so he still finds time to look for a new nest. He is always irritated by the director here.

Li Mu moved his body wrapped in the quilt, leaving half of the space for Ai Xi. He didn't speak, but it was a compromise.

Ai Xi lay down beside Li Mu and pulled her quilt to cover it. She had been used to sleeping alone for so many years, but now that there is another person next to her, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Li Mu was even more uncomfortable. She rolled up the quilt and lay on her side, freeing up almost two-thirds of the space for Ai Xi, but Ai Xi only took up one-third of it, and there was still a three-point gap between them. one of the distances.

"I don't sleep well, don't blame me if I kick you and kick you." Li Mu said while holding the quilt and turning his back to Ai Xi. First, let me remind her as a friendly reminder. down the steps.

Ai Xi didn't speak, maybe she fell asleep.

The next day, a sunny day.

Li Mu is still very farsighted. Last night, her short legs really kicked randomly, but it was not Ai Xi who kicked her own quilt under the bed.

I don't know when they broke that third of the distance. No matter how well they slept last night, the two of them were completely different in the morning...

They were covered with the same quilt, Ai Xi was lying flat, Li Mu was lying on his side, hugging Ai Xi like a koala, and a short short leg was squeezed between the other's two long legs...

Li Mu's hands were even more unruly. He didn't know when it started. He reached into Ai Xi's nightgown and held onto a ball of softness.

Today, Ai Xi woke up earlier than usual. When she opened her eyes, she saw Li Mu's head resting on her shoulder, and then there was a strange feeling on her chest. Ai Xi lifted the quilt, where was Li Mu's hand!

After the opponent squeezed twice, Ai Xi instantly blushed.

Li Mu was awakened by Ai Xi's movement for the first time today. His first reaction was to realize that his hand was holding something he shouldn't be holding. outside.

so awkward. . .

"You, you... you don't wear underwear?!"

It's unreasonable, how do you think it's you Li Mu who is playing hooligan? Ai Xi's answer made Li Mu unable to refute: "You are still qualified to talk about me when you sleep naked!"

The author has something to say: The hungry Xiaomu classmate probably had an indescribable dream again last night.

PS: I will be lazy for a day without updating tomorrow, you can't hit me, la la la~~~

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