Dead Enemies, We Have a Face

: ☆ Chapter blackout

"Director Ai, what a coincidence." Fang Xihan suspended close contact with Li Mu.

Li Mu was so nervous that his neck was red, and Ai Xi's words "President Fang" seemed to save her from trouble. She swears that tonight's Ai Xi looks really pleasing to the eye, so beautiful, so touching!

"Ai... Director Ai, that... I still have something to ask about that plan, I... I..."

Ai Xi just came back from the gym and happened to encounter this scene. It is obvious that Li Mu was "entangled" by Fang Xihan, probably because he had a similar experience, so he was extra sensitive, "Okay, now?"

"Yeah! Is it possible now?" Li Mu was completely moved by the tacit understanding.

Li Mu said incoherently, "Then... Mr. Fang, I'll go first, see you bye bye."

Ai Xi greeted Fang Xihan lightly, "Goodbye Mr. Fang."

"Working overtime so late, I really hired a group of excellent employees." Fang Xihan waved his hand, dampening his enthusiasm, "Don't work too late~ little newcomer~"

Now that Li Mu heard the words "little newcomer", his whole body felt uncomfortable.

When Mo Ran received the text message and chased after him, she found that Li Mu followed another woman. She recognized that it was Ai Xi, and was relieved.

"Can I buy you a drink?"

Fang Xihan looked at the woman wearing a black T-shirt in front of him. Although he changed his work clothes, Fang Xihan recognized Mo Ran as DO's waiter at a glance, because those soft and slender eyes were really hard to come by. Forgetting, "Okay, it's an honor."

"Your name... Mo Ran? I'm very impressed with you, you seem to be very popular with women..."

Mo Ran made her a glass of wine, "I'm also very impressed with you, because there are women here who cry for you every night."

"Really?" Fang Xihan leaned over and got very close, "Can I understand care about me?"

Mo Ran covered her lips with her hands. There are many people who come here to have fun, and she is one of them, but she despises Fang Xihan who has many boats and plays with people's feelings. It could even be said to be disgusting.

"What do you think... Casual." There was no friendliness in Mo Ran's eyes, "It's just, don't touch the girl just now, you are not suitable."

"What... your little lover?"

Mo Ran fended off Fang Xihan's unruly hand, "Is it okay to accumulate a bit of public morality? Not everyone can be pulled to play, can't you see that the girl and you are not from the same world?"

After drinking a glass of wine, Fang Xihan was still in the mood, and motioned for another drink, "This kind of thing has always been your wish, and the little girl did not refuse. You said that there are always women crying for me here, but I have never forced them. Give the truth, don't you?"

Mo Ran smiled and said, "You bastard—"

"What about you, do you and I belong to the same world? I don't want to play with that little girl, can I find you? You know, what I want to see most here is your tears for me." Fang Xi stroked Mo The corners of Ran's eyes, how could someone's eyes be so beautiful? She noticed Mo Ran when she first came to DO, and the only one in the entire bar was Mo Ran who regarded her as a transparent person.

"Then it's up to you."

"The person Fang Xihan wants, I haven't got it yet." Fang Xihan kissed the corner of the other's mouth, sending such an innocent kiss for the first time, "Mo Ran, I remember you."

Here, Li Mu and Ai Xi walked together, embarrassed by the cancer, if you don't tell me, everyone is quiet, all the way back to the apartment in silence, fortunately it's not far away.

It seems that Ai Xi is really not curious about anything, so she doesn't want to know why she is hanging out with President Fang tonight?

After getting out of the elevator, when the two walked to 2708 to open the door, Ai Xi suddenly said, "Keep a distance from Mr. Fang."

"Ah? What did you say..." Li Mu heard it, but subconsciously asked again.

Ai Xi opened the door without repeating the words twice, "It's nothing."

The five alarm clocks really played an immeasurable role. It took a hundred yuan to keep a job with a monthly salary of 6,000. Although Li Mu was not very smart, the account was still clear.

At 7:30 in the morning, Li Mu got up on time successfully, and even had time to carefully prepare a breakfast for himself. You must know that breakfast is the source of energy for the whole day, and Li Mu, a foodie, will never neglect.

A microwave oven, a juicer, a coffee machine... and even an oven, all kitchen utensils are readily available. When Li Mu was able to accept the lease with Ai Xi, it was largely because he liked the kitchen configuration.

Li Mu spread the thin slices of prosciutto on the toast, spread a layer of salad dressing, covered a piece of toast, then covered the ham slices and salad dressing, and finally covered the top layer of toast, as if completing a project Huge project.

Then carefully cut the toast into two triangles along the diagonal, Li Mu meticulously brushed a layer of egg wash on the surface of the toast, then sprinkled shredded cheese, and put it in the oven for ten minutes.

Since there is an oven, how can she miss her favorite cheese toast for breakfast.

Ai Xi expressed disdain for Li Mu's behavior in the kitchen. She calmly walked into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, took out a bag of whole-wheat bread, and made a glass of milk for herself. The same breakfast pairing that Ai Xi pursues is to save time and not open fire.

In the end, they came out of the kitchen with breakfast at almost the same time, and Li Mu, who was in a good mood, specially decorated the plate with cherry tomatoes.

Glancing at each other...

Ai Xi: It's so frustrating to eat breakfast.

Li Mu: Your breakfast is too shabby.

Sitting down face to face, after scolding each other's mental retardation in their hearts, the two began to silently bow their heads to eat.

The toast is browned and browned, and it looks quite appetizing, coupled with the cheese that can turn decay into magic.

Li Mu feels that the only thing he can beat Ai Xi now is his good cooking skills. Seeing Ai Xi dryly chewing bread, he can't help but want to say a few sarcastic words...

Li Mu took a big bite of the sandwich. It was a mouthful of happiness. After she was satisfied, she didn't forget to care about her compatriots. She puffed out her mouth and asked Ai Xi pitifully, " eat these in the morning~"

Can you feel superior by eating breakfast?

"Convenient." Ai Xi said two words, spread jam on the bread indifferently, continued to take small bites, and finally took a sip of milk, and the breakfast time was over.

Li Mu pouted and complained in his heart: Eating coarse grains is really elegant~

There is no harm without contrast.

Li Mu watched Ai Xi drive a car to the warm petty bourgeoisie apartment in a petty bourgeoisie, but she could only look up at the sky, her face full of depression, why does God always like to rain after get off work? Anyway, it's spring rain, why don't you be gentle...

The enlarged version of the umbrella can't change the fate of Li Mu's skirt being wet. When crossing the road, a BMW stopped in front of Li Mu with a high profile, splashed her with muddy water, and left. She really doubted whether it was Ai Xi who was driving...

She finally stopped a taxi, and was rejected all the way by the driver's uncle. Finally, when she got out of the car, she remembered that the umbrella was returned to the taxi, and she slipped into the community all the way in the rain. .

Tomorrow, you must read the almanac before you can go out.

"Don't come in, it's dirty..."

Li Mu returned to the apartment in embarrassment, her hair still dripping with water. When she was most vulnerable, sad, and most in need of care, Ai Xi actually said these six words "destroy the conscience", and each word was like a handful of words. The knife turned Li Mu into a hedgehog.

Li Mu was so angry that his teeth were fighting, Ai Xi, you'd better not ask me for anything, otherwise...

Without even changing his shoes, Li Mu strode down and left dirty footprints on the floor, and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Ai Xi didn't know what was wrong with herself, why did she always want to be angry with Li Mu? It may be that Li Mu's expression this morning was too... untidy.

Appears to be angry.

Ai Xi got up and took a mop to wipe off the water stains on the ground, then went to the kitchen to boil a pot of hot water.

After a while, Li Mu came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel. Ai Xi was sitting on the sofa and holding an iPad to browse the latest financial news. Hearing the movement behind him, he did not look back and said lightly, "There is hot water in the kitchen. ."

Seeing that the floor had been wiped clean, Li Mu sneezed and went to the kitchen to pour water with a cup in her hand.

It seems that Ai Xi's conscience has not been completely wiped out, but the six words he said before cannot be forgiven! Li Mu feels that the trauma he has suffered in his heart cannot be healed by a cup of boiling water...

It rained more and more at night, so both of them stayed at home and didn't go anywhere.

boom! A roar of thunder!

power cut…

When the thunder struck, Li Mu felt that the bed board shook.

"Shit..." Li Mu scolded angrily, the latest Lily movie, the Internet was disconnected when he saw the bed.

Come on, I can't do anything when the power goes out. Li Mu closes his laptop and sleeps honestly, it's getting late.

In contrast, the situation on Ai Xi's side was more embarrassing. She had just taken a shower in the bathroom and had foam on her body, and the electricity went out with a dull thunder...

The author has something to say: I have encountered a person who took a bath and washed half of the water without water, and his body was still full of foam, and he felt that it was worse. So next, you should be able to guess what's going to happen... right?

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