Dead Enemies, We Have a Face

: ☆Chapter is teased

Public is public, private is private, work and private affairs Ai Xi have always been clearly separated, Gao Wei said this, only to make her disgusted.

"Mr. Gao—" Ai Xi changed her title and replied in a working tone, "If you don't trust our company's professional attitude, it's understandable to suspend cooperation. It's a pity this time, and I hope you have a pleasant cooperation next time."

"Xixi... don't do this, it's my fault, I shouldn't mix public and private, but I really want to see you... can we talk? I will respect your choice, but anyway, I need a reasonable The reason for the breakup.”

Ai Xi pursues efficiency, whether it is work or life, she and Gao Wei meet and talk for no more than half an hour in total, the first sentence of the meeting, Ai Xi has the right to speak: "You don't talk, just listen to me and finish. ."

"The reasons for breaking up are number one...second...third..." Ai Xi listed them one by one, and finally came to a conclusion, "All in all, we just don't fit, do you understand now?"

As expected of many years of planning experience, Ai Xi's export is well-founded, well-founded, logical, and leak-proof. The word "inappropriate" is not a perfunctory answer, but a high-level summary of the reasons for breaking up.

Gao Wei was stunned, this situation was different from what he imagined! Originally, she planned to show her love and reason, but now Ai Xi blocked her speechless. In the end, she could only smile bitterly and say, "It seems... it seems that you really want to break up..."

"Well, we are all adults, we know what we want, Gao Wei, let's get together and break up." Ai Xi looked at the other party's reaction, the expected effect should have been achieved, but breaking up feels relaxed, perhaps it should have ended long ago. An unclear relationship.

In order to show the gentleman's generosity of the man, Gao Wei still insisted on sending Ai Xi home. Ai Xi did not refuse. She didn't want to make the relationship between the two too stiff. After all, there might be a relationship between Party A and Party B in the future. Take things too decisively.

After the thunderstorm, the temperature dropped a few degrees, which was more comfortable than the sweltering heat of the previous days.

In the evening, Li Mu sat on the bench downstairs with Erlang's legs crossed, crunching potato chips and gulps down Coke. Puffed food and carbonated drinks were the standard for her when she was in a bad mood.

In the evening, the couples went out in pairs, walking in front of Li Mu, and her eyes were tight. She nibbled at the biscuits in her hand, almost biting off half of her fingers.

Love and career, even if there is one that makes her go well~

He fed the remaining half bag of biscuits to the stray cats, and a large bag of snacks was almost wiped out. Li Mu got up and stretched, and there was a "click" sound between his bones and joints. It seemed that he would go to the gym another day. Just sweat.

A couple hugging each other downstairs in the apartment. Li Mu never watched this kind of crooked scene, so as not to be hit physically and mentally, but this time she took a second glance, because the woman's figure is good, especially that... buttocks.

Li Mu has a reverie about the same-sex body, which should have started after college. Compared with men, women's bumpy body, smooth and delicate skin, and refreshing fragrance are more attractive to Li Mu.

She resisted men, and at the same time didn't have the courage to pursue women. She wished she could put the word "bend" on her forehead. Why didn't she take the initiative to hook up with her? ! Even if she is thrown down, Li Mu is willing... It seems that her same-sex attraction is really zero.

Ai Xi... No wonder she felt that this figure was familiar, but Li Mu got closer to see it clearly.

"I'm curious about what kind of man can marry you, no matter what, he must be good enough..." Gao Wei hugged Ai Xi and said softly, "I must be invited to the wedding, even if I'm not the groom."

Ai Xi took the initiative to end the three-second hug, "You are also very good, and there will be better women waiting for you."

Li Mu couldn't hear what they were talking about, but her posture was very ambiguous, like a couple in love. She couldn't help but let out a sigh of "tsk tsk tsk". Sure enough, no matter how powerful people are in front of their lovers, they are all "delicious" .

Next, there was another unbalanced, love and career double harvest, how could any good thing fall on Ai Xi's head?

"Drive slower, bye."

"Li Mu—" After Ai Xi said goodbye to Gao Wei, he stopped Li Mu, who was walking slowly by his side. Over the years, Li Mu's "arrogant" attribute has not changed at all.

For a long time, Ai Xi was used to being admired by all the stars. No matter where she was, she was the focus of everyone's attention, but Li Mu, a short 160-year-old man, had never looked at her directly.

Everyone said that Ai Xi was proud, but Ai Xi felt that Li Mu's stinky temper was even more proud. No matter whether Li Mu really didn't see it or avoided it, Ai Xi has never been "ignored" in this way. The truth is, she actually wanted to know Li Mu a little bit. What kind of person is he?

"You hate me?" This was Ai Xi's first impression of Li Mu.

Ai Xi, why is she so crazy, why do you suddenly ask such a question, but think about it, why do you hate Ai Xi? Hate that she is out of shape and has a good face? Hate that her career and love are going smoothly?

Li Mu listed the reasons for hating Ai Xi one by one in his mind, only to realize that the seriousness of the problem is all advantages.

"Why don't you talk?" Ai Xi really wanted to pry open Li Mu's head. What was she thinking about?

If Li Mu simply hated himself, why did he take care of himself so much when he was scalded and sick? Ai Xi is not a hypocritical person, but she was really moved by Li Mu's behavior that night, and almost no one took care of her like Li Mu.

"You're not RMB..." Li Mu had no confidence in what she said. She always felt that she was indifferent to the world, but she didn't expect that there was a jealous fire in her heart, "Don't you hate me?"

A woman's sixth sense told Li Mu that Ai Xi must have hated her.

Ai Xi didn't even hesitate for a moment, and answered directly, "I hate it."

In such a comparison, Li Mu felt that his answer just now was too merciful. .

The two stood at the elevator door and waited for the elevator, chatting between one and the other. Ai Xi seemed to be full of desire to speak today. "I hate you because you are cheap, so what do you hate about me? I don't think there is anything wrong with you."

I have a cheap mouth, but I have a good heart, Li Mu said in his heart.

The elevator came, and the two walked in. The smooth elevator wall reflected their figures. Li Mu didn't look at Ai Xi carefully, but through the reflection on the wall, she could see that her hip-packed skirt was very figure today.

"I hate you..." Li Mu naturally didn't dare to tell the truth, that would make her look too small. She turned her head to look at Ai Xi, trying to find her shortcomings, "I hate you..."

Ai Xi also raised her eyebrows to look at her, waiting for the next sentence, the two of them stared at each other.

"I hate it because of you... facial paralysis! Yes, facial paralysis!" Li Mu breathed a sigh of relief when he finally found a plausible reason.

"Facial...facial paralysis?!" Ai Xi smiled, although she might be a bit stricter at work, it wouldn't be such a pronoun, right? "Which eye do you see my face is paralyzed..."


The elevator stopped when it reached the fourth floor, and a large crowd of people suddenly poured in. A dozen people filled the small space. Naturally, Li Mu and Ai Xi were squeezed to the innermost part.

A tall man glanced at Ai Xi, and then rubbed his body against her intentionally or unintentionally. Ai Xi had her back against the elevator wall and had no way out.

Being so close, Li Mu also saw this scene. She didn't know where the courage came from. She stretched out her slender arm and pushed the man. After finding a gap, she stood between Ai Xi and the man. .

Li Mu's actions caught the attention of others in the elevator, so the man restrained himself.

She didn't dare to get too close to Ai Xi, leaving a punch or so between their bodies. Speaking of which, it's cowardly. Since Li Mu knew about her sexuality, she didn't dare to have too close physical contact with the same sex, because she was prone to blushing and heartbeats, which caused a series of abnormal reactions.

For Li Mu's thoughtful actions, Ai Xi gave her a smile, lest someone always think she was paralyzed.

Laugh, can you still laugh? Li Mu looked at Ai Xi's clothes out of the corner of his eye, and complained in his heart, isn't it a crime to wear such cool clothes before it's summer?

But the figure is really good, Li Mu's face is a little hot, because when looking at Ai Xi, her eyes have turned on the perspective function, she has seen Ai Xi's naked body, so it is easier to substitute...

The elevator went up so slowly, Li Mu's eyes didn't know where to look. It should be said that wherever he looked, he saw Ai Xi, looking down was his chest, and looking up was his face.

It's too close. When you get so close to a woman, she will have an unnatural reaction. Ai Xi is very natural. She didn't notice Li Mu's nervousness.

Perhaps because of the conversation just now, Li Mu's affection for Ai Xi has increased. She likes such simple and rude conversations, and Ai Xi is not as pretentious as she imagined. Now her smile doesn't look so dazzling, and it's really a bit beautiful, no wonder she can be ranked as the chief beauty of the company.

Why are you staring at me all the time? ! Li Mu's face was getting redder and redder, it seemed that Ai Xi's eyes were more vicious than the noon sun and would burn her to death!

Ai Xi said that she had been wronged. She just looked ahead and met Li Mu by chance. After all, the space was too small, and Li Mu blocked her right in front of her again, surrounding her in a corner of the elevator.

According to the development of this situation, it is estimated that when the 27th floor is reached, Li Mu's head can smoke.

Seeing that Li Mu was being squeezed behind her from time to time, but still keeping a loose distance from herself, Ai Xi reached out and wrapped her arms around Li Mu's waist, making her come closer to him. "Come here"

Li Mu took a half step forward, and the tip of his nose almost rubbed against Ai Xi's profile.

Maybe Ai Xi didn't think there was anything wrong with her actions, but when her hand was placed on Li Mu's waist, with the subwoofer, Li Mu was "ignited" directly! The woman is very soft and fragrant, Li Mu's breathing becomes rapid, and his heartbeat is also very fast...

To use the popular saying, at that moment, Li Mu seemed to be "sucked" by Ai Xi...

Ai Xi felt a warm breath sweep across her cheeks, only to realize that she and Li Mu were too close.

Li Mu's body froze against Ai Xi, she was useless, and a cold sweat broke out on her back, which was more exaggerated than the last time Fang Xi slapped her against the wall.

How thirsty this must be to think about Ai Xi's body, Li Mu feels that he needs to find a girlfriend, it is very necessary, and he will go to Mo Ran tomorrow to ask for resources!

"...Go over there." Ai Xi pushed Li Mu.

"Ah?" Li Mu was dumbfounded.

When all the people in the elevator left, I didn't notice it at all! There were only two people left in the empty elevator, and Li Mu was still "cuddling" in Ai Xi's arms, blocking her in the corner, which was a bit beautiful.

"Good good..."

Li Mu hurriedly moved back a few steps and distanced himself, feeling that his legs were weak.

When his leg became weak, his left foot stumbled over his right foot. With a scream, Li Mu fell directly to the ground. Not everyone has the skills to fall on the ground...

The author has something to say: Xiaomu is all kinds of cowards, and he is willing to be thrown down 23333, well, in fact, I also think so, that's how I suffer ╮(╯_╰)╭

I went to forage last night, so I didn't update it. I'll see if I can make it up today. If you want to update it at 8 o'clock in the evening, please raise your paws~~~

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