Dead Enemies, We Have a Face

: ☆Chapter Gambling

When Li Mu appeared in DO for the second time, he painted smoky makeup, but Mo Ran almost didn't recognize who the little woman who smiled coquettishly at her was.

"Xiaomu, why are you here again?"

"Come and drink to decompress—"

Li Mu sat down at the bar, and looked at the surrounding customers with his chin up. A grandfather threw her a charming and maddening smile, and she immediately retracted her eyes in shock.

"Here, I'll treat you to a drink." Mo Ran pushed Li Mu a cocktail, specially made for her, mixed with a lot of fruit juice and the wine tasted very weak, Mo Ran knew that Li Mu's alcohol intake was not good.

A woman swayed like a water snake, with a flamboyant feeling. She passed through the crowd. She sat beside Li Mu and smiled at Moran, "Little Mo, won't you invite me for a drink?"

"Mr. Fang!" Li Mu hurriedly got off the high stool, then nodded to Fang Xihan, "Mr. Fang is good—"

She is obviously a good girl, and she has to pretend to be a bad girl. This contrast makes Fang Xihan very interesting. "After get off work, there is no relationship between superiors and subordinates, so don't call me President Fang."

Li Mu pondered for a while, she didn't have the guts to call the boss Xixi Hanhan or something, and still replied dully: "Okay, Mr. Fang."

"...Little newcomer, can I invite you to a glass of wine?" Fang Xihan gave Li Mu a glass of spirits, but smiled at Mo Ran.

Li Mu was embarrassed to refuse the wine handed by the boss, but the wine was too strong, and Li Mu's throat was so hot that he choked and cried.

"Hahaha... The little newcomer is so cute..." Fang Xihan lifted Li Mu's chin and wiped the corners of her mouth with a tissue, "You have to practice your alcohol well, and socializing will be indispensable in the future. Come, try this cup? "

This is a terrible rhythm, Li Mu shook his head, just about to refuse, but fortunately there was Mo Ran to save her. Mo Ran grabbed the wine glass handed by Fang Xihan and drank it all in one breath, "If you want someone to drink, I'll accompany you."

It seems that this little girl is really Mo Ran's love, and seeing Mo Ran's distressed face, Fang Xihan is in a good mood, the merciful radish has such a dedicated side, which is really impressive, " Okay, then we can drink more than anyone else, and the loser has to agree to a request from the other party, any request—"

Fang Xihan almost had the words "I want to sleep with you" written on his face. Everyone in the bar, except Li Mu, could see Fang Xihan's intentions against Mo Ran.

Mo Ran was ready to take on the challenge, she was very confident in her drinking capacity, if she really drank it, Fang Xihan might not be her opponent, Mo Ran pointed at Li Mu, "Okay, if you lose, stay away from her. "

"You're so confident? Be careful of yourself..." Fang Xihan's statement that he can't protect himself is very charming. Because of this bet, many people gathered around to watch, after all, Mo Ran and Fang Xihan They are all DO reds.

Both of them are good drinkers. Li Mu hugged a plate of beef jerky and hid to watch the battle while drinking fruit wine, for fear of being involved in this war without gunpowder smoke.

Mo Ran's confidence is not without reason. Her drinking capacity is even higher than that of Fang Xi. The two of them have one cup after another, and Fang Xihan feels that she can't last long...

Victory is in sight, Mo Ran drinks with a smile, "Mr. Fang, it's not good to hold on."

The CEO of a listed company, Fang Xihan has never been questioned like this. Even if she vomited blood today, she would not admit defeat.

Suddenly, there was a high-pitched singing in my ear...

"One person's loneliness, two people's fault..."

Li Mu suddenly held Mai in the bar and sang aloud. Although the singing was like a pig butchering, it could be heard that it was full of emotion. . .

In the end, the audience watching Mo Ran and Fang Xihan all moved to the battlefield to watch Li Mu. .

Li Mu has literally opened the library of golden songs in his head, and all kinds of lonely lyrics are at his fingertips, giving people the most intuitive feeling: she is really lonely.

Mo Ran could hear Li Mu's voice, what a shame! She put down the wine glass and went to find Li Mu, Fang Xihan took her arm, "Where are you going? Continue the game..."

"Li Mu is drunk... I'll take a look."

Li Mu has been singing, and her voice is getting louder and louder, because tonight, she became famous in DO and became DO's "Lonely Little Queen". However, this is Li Mu's second and last time at DO.

"No, you have to finish the competition, quit lose." Fang Xihan knew that he couldn't hold it for long, and he would lose if he continued to drink, but it happened that Li Mu helped a lot at this time. Must win.

"Sister will keep you from being lonely tonight, okay?"

wow! Everyone exploded, all kinds of cheers, applause, whistles...

Li Mu felt that someone was wrapping his arms around his waist, very tight. He squinted dazedly. It was a strange woman in black suspenders with heavy makeup. At first glance, Li Mu was frightened. After all, she was brave. Small.

"kiss! kiss! kiss!"

The atmosphere is getting higher and higher.

Li Mu was too petite, and was hugged directly by the other party. He was about to kiss him, but he didn't have the strength to push him away, "Don't...don't..."

"Release!" Mo Ran yelled at Fang Xihan.

"If you leave, you will lose." Fang Xihan didn't mind being a rogue, as long as he could achieve the desired goal, the process was not important.

Mo Ran shook off Fang Xihan's hand, "Okay, I lost." Then he rushed into the crowd...

The result of the match was very oolong. Mo Ran Fangxi stood with a thousand cups in his hands, but Li Muyi was utterly drunk after the crowd drank a few cups of fruit wine.

"I'll take you home..." Mo Ran pulled Li Mu's arm around his neck. The little auntie's wine is poor, she'll get drunk after two drinks, and she likes to mess around. Mo Ran is the one who loves face. Man, I was really embarrassed by "Little Queen of Lonely" tonight, and I will never let Li Mu drink alone in the future.

"No! I want to... sing..." Li Mu said.

"Don't be so rude..."

Fang Xihan stopped Mo Ran, she had been hooking up with this woman for so long, and she was waiting for tonight, how could she let her leave easily? "Would you like to admit defeat, don't you want to break your promise?"

"Didn't you see her drunk?! I'll take her home first... Since I promised, I won't break my promise."

"I only know that from now on, you will be mine tonight." Fang Xihan stepped forward and put his arms around Mo Ran's waist and whispered, "I can't wait... Find someone to take her home, let's go to the hotel... "

Mo Ran glanced at Fang Xihan coldly, took out his cell phone with one hand, and was about to call Hu Xiaowan... At this time, Li Mu's cell phone rang.

Caller ID: Asi.

"When will you come back?"

It was already 9:30 in the evening, and Ai Xi hesitated again and again, but still dialed Li Mu's number...

The author has something to say: Director Ai, please take your "Lonely Little Queen" home.

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