The phone rang a dozen times, and Ai Xi ran out of patience and connected it when she was about to hang up.

"When are you coming back?" Ai Xi asked before the other party spoke.

Li Mu usually stinks Ai Xi in front of Mo Ran, Hu Xiaowan and the others. "Axi Bar" is Ai Xi's code name. When he opened his mouth, Mo Ran immediately recognized it.

"Xiaomu, she was drunk at the bar..." Mo Ran's body stood up as he spoke, because Fang Xihan suddenly hugged her from behind, and the tip of his nose and lips brushed behind her ears from time to time...

When Fang Xihan's hand undid the first button of her shirt and stretched out her hand through the collar, Mo Ran didn't care that he was on the phone with Ai Xi, and directly warned: "Hello!"

Inexplicably, Ai Xi did not speak, and continued to listen and wait for the next paragraph.

"Sorry, just wait a moment."

Mo Ran put down the phone, grabbed Fang Xihan's wrist, pulled her hard, and pressed her against the bar, pinched her chin and kissed her fiercely.

Fang Xihan was half-drunk and her body was soft. She didn't expect Mo Ran to kiss her so simply and rudely. There was no sign. They were both master kissers. hot…

" person's loneliness, two people's fault..." Li Mu sat crookedly on the chair, tilting her head and still humming the lyrics, she squinted her eyes, and felt that there were so many things in front of her, so many Fang Xihan, they Their heads were pressed together, as if they were very intense, Li Mu murmured, "Do you want to leave..."

Fang Xihan was completely teased by this kiss. If she could, she really wanted to do things with Mo Ran here. Just when Fang Xihan wanted to have a deeper contact, Mo Ran pushed her away and said in a voice. A little threatening and a little ambiguous, "Give me some discipline,'s still a long time."

"Well—" Fang Xihan straightened up her soft and boneless body, licked her lips with coquettish eyes, and said with a flushed face, "Tonight... I'm looking forward to it."

About half a minute later, Mo Ran picked up the phone again and continued to say to Ai Xi, "Can I trouble you to pick up Xiaomu? We are..."

What? Ai Xi suspected that she had heard it wrong, Li Mu was drunk again, and asked her to pick him up? The drunkard vomited all over the place last time, but the matter has not been investigated yet, which one is playing now? Ai Xi has always hated people who drink. Usually, she has to drink a little because of socializing, but she has never been drunk before.

"She's drunk..." Ai Xi was a little speechless, and she weighed it. Is the relationship between her and Li Mu so good? In the evening, she deliberately changed clothes, put on makeup, and drove to pick up one, she would vomit at any time. The drunkard of the land? At this time, she wanted to say more, what does it have to do with me when she is drunk.

Mo Ran could hear her hesitation. If it wasn't a serious matter, who would take the trouble? Mo Ran glanced at Fang Xihan and continued, "If it's inconvenient for you..."

It's not too much to describe Mr. Fang's hunger and thirst at this time. Her eyes were fixed on Mo Ran's collarbone, and the two buttons of her shirt were unbuttoned. , she wanted to take off Mo Ran with her own hands, and then entangled with her until dawn...

Therefore, in Fang Xihan's eyes, this phone call was undoubtedly very long. She took Mo Ran's mobile phone and said, "Why don't you just pick up someone? If you have any trouble, come here quickly..." This boss is used to being a boss and also has occupational diseases. Not everyone can imitate the aggressive posture.

"Mr. Fang?"

As soon as I heard it was Ai Xi, this matter was easier to handle. Fang Xihan directly used the tone of command, "Director Ai, that..."

Fang Xihan didn't know Li Mu's name, so he asked Mo Ran, "Little Mo, what's her name?"

"Director Ai, Li Mu is drunk. Show off your love to your colleague and send her back. I'll give you twenty minutes." Fang Xihan dropped the address, then hung up the phone smartly. This incident is enough to see that Mr. Fang is especially good at improving the efficiency of enterprise management. She only issues orders, and it is the subordinate's business to be embarrassed. What she wants is the result.

Fang Xihan put on Mo Ran's body, kissed her on the cheek, and smiled hookingly, "Baby, it's done—"

Fang is always consummated, and it is Ai Xi's business to hurt God.

Ai Xi changed her clothes in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, but she was helpless, she really found a "treasure" when she met Li Mu, and why did Li Mu get confused with Fang Xi again?

Twenty minutes later, it was naturally too late to put on makeup. She drove to DO. She had a little impression of the bar, which was not too far away.

This was a Les bar. Ai Xi was not surprised. She knew what kind of person Fang Xihan was. As soon as Ai Xi walked into the bar, someone immediately approached the bar. It was rare to come to a nightclub without makeup.

Ai Xi walked through the crowd with a paralyzed face, invisibly writing: Don't approach strangers.

"It's on time." Fang Xihan patted Ai Xi on the shoulder, "Beauty, that girl will be handed over to you."

Then, Fang Xihan just left...

Ai Xi didn't expect Li Mu to follow Fang Xihan to this kind of place. The last time Fang Xihan did something like that to her, and he kindly reminded her to stay away from Fang Xihan, did this wood not have any precautions? ? She is pure or stupid.

That's right, what made Ai Xi even more unexpected was that Li Mu was naturally curved, but she also thought about it later, if she knew from the beginning that Li Mu was curved, she probably wouldn't be able to get together.

Having been a straight daughter for more than 20 years, it still takes some time to truly accept that love has nothing to do with gender.

Li Mu was lying on the bar, still singing, but after making a fuss for a while, he lost his strength, and his voice became smaller and smaller, like the humming and chirping of mosquitoes.

"Hey! Let's go..."

He was as heavy as a dead pig and smelled of alcohol. Ai Xi didn't even know how she got Li Mu into the car. Human potential is really limitless.

The car was parked in a temporary parking space outside the bar, and the distance of more than ten meters was also difficult.

She was so heavy that when Ai Xi shoved Li Mu into the back seat, she fell down with her.

"Who are you...who?" Li Mu asked Ai Xi in a daze, only to think that the faint scent on the other party's body was particularly pleasant, unlike the pungent scent of those women in the bar, so instead of resisting Ai Xi, she hugged Ai Xi instead. took her.

This scene is not very harmonious when others see it. There are four legs and two pairs of high-heeled shoes outside the car door, because it is next to the Les bar. This kind of thing has long been seen. impatient.

"Li Mu, let go!" Ai Xi felt that she should just put her in the trunk.

Oh, she must be dreaming, Li Mu thought. In real life, how could she have the courage to hold a woman in her arms? Besides, she was singing at the bar just now, well, it was definitely a dream.

"Kiss me...I'll let go." Li Mu smiled foolishly with her eyes closed. Since she was dreaming, she had nothing to worry about.

"Crazy..." Ai Xi struggled, "Let go!"

"Then kiss me..." The drunk Li Mu sold cheaply, no doubt even cheaper than when he was sober, he looked like a hooligan.

The situation is a bit stiff now, Ai Xi can hear the rustling laughter outside the car, but Li Mu is still playing a rogue.

"Just kiss..."

"Kiss... just let go... hee hee..."

Ai Xi closed her eyes when her mind was flooded to take care of this mess...


She couldn't do it either. After Ai Xi kissed Li Mu on the cheek, "... Now let go."

"Well, I'm very obedient." Li Mu did what he said this time, let go of Ai Xi, and fell asleep contentedly.

"When I first saw you, I wanted to sleep with you."

Mo Ran took Fang Xihan's words, "When I first saw you, I knew you wanted to sleep with me."

"We're all adults..."

Swipe the card, open the door, close the door.

Mo Ran pressed Fang Xihan against the wall, "Then play some adult games..."

Moran really suits her very well, even the way of conversation, the first impression is always the same, Fang Xi has read countless people, she believes that Moran should be a very good bed partner.

"Little Mo, I like you more and more, what should I do?"

Mo Ran hugged her, opened the zipper of her skirt on the back, faded it down little by little, and a low, hoarse voice reached the other side's ears, "Then you must never fall in love with me."

Fang Xihan couldn't stand the slow motion, his arms hooked on Mo Ran's neck, and he took the initiative to kiss it. In an instant, it was like dry wood hitting a raging fire, and it ignited!

The game has just begun.

Kissing Mo Ran, Fang Xihan is going to be addicted, domineering with a little gentleness, Fang Xihan, who always likes to take the initiative, actually begins to enjoy such a passive feeling, enjoying himself doing nothing and letting the other party "dispose". Feel.

Fang Xihan was pushed on the bed by Mo Ran, and when the last restraint on her body was torn off, she let out a low groan, "Hmm~"

Her lips were entangled, her limbs were also entangled, and Mo Ran was still wearing clothes. Fang Xihan didn't like the feel of the skin rubbing against the fabric. Her hands went down Mo Ran's neck, one by one, to untie each other. shirt buttons.

Mo Ran released her lips and pressed her hand, "What are you anxious about... Let's play another way..."

Then, Mo Ran rubbed her upright, got up from her, and smiled wickedly, "Honey~ wait for me, I promise to make you comfortable."

Sure enough, it's a luxury love room with everything.

Fang Xihan was lying on the bed. Although she didn't have an inch of strands, she didn't wiggle to hide it. She always believed that the naked body was the ultimate beauty.

"You...have this hobby?" Fang Xihan was a little surprised when he saw the rope in Mo Ran's hand.

"It's been a long night, don't play a few tricks, can I feed you?"

The author has something to say: the painting style of the main and deputy Xipi...

Mr. Fang is used to being strong. In fact, he has a tendency to tremble in his bones~~~

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