"Eat chicken wings."

Mo Ran put a wing in Li Mu again, pouring wine and holding a tissue, how diligent and diligent it is

After Fang Xihan cleared his throat for the third time, Mo Ran finally turned his attention to her completely, and then lowered his head to eat his own.

"You don't have to worry about me, I will eat it myself." Li Mu moved his chair and kept a distance from Mo Ran.

Originally it was very loose, but after adding two people in, it seemed a little crowded. Ai Xi sat beside Fang Xihan, opposite Li Mu.

Li Mu looked anxious, Ai Xi, why are you so reserved, this group is not a reserved person, plus the above has always explained, there are no superiors and subordinates in the rest time, only friends, and the meat is completely roasted. Slow hands.


Li Mu kept winking at Ai Xi, indicating to her that which piece of meat was ready, hurry up, but did not notice that Mo Ran was calling her. Ai Xi was not reserved, but she saw that the barbecue was too greasy to eat at night.

"Xiaomu..." Mo Ran was speechless and a little embarrassed.

Li Mu still didn't hear it.

Fang Xihan's eyes were like torches, and he could see at a glance where Li Mu was thinking. Li Mu was winking at Ai Xi next to her, but he didn't have time to answer Mo Ran.

Seeing Xiao Mo sitting on the cold bench, Mr. Fang felt better again, laughing while drinking.

Under the direction of Li Mu's eyes, Ai Xi took a piece of beef shoulder and was about to dip it in the sauce.

"Don't dip in that!" Li Mu suddenly shouted loudly, it was an excitement, not only shocked Mo Ran next to him, but also attracted the baptism of the eyes of a table of people, Li Mu quickly added a name: " Director Ai..."

Ai Xi's hand hovered, only after Li Muyi's reminder did she realize that the dipping sauce had garlic juice and chopped green onion added. She personally didn't like the taste, but Li Mu's posture made people who didn't know thought that Ai Xi wanted to dip it.

Li Mu got up and left, went to prepare the dipping sauce himself, and prepared a dish for Ai Xi by the way. When he came back, he found that Mr. Fang was already sitting in her seat, "Li Mu, let's change the seat."

"Ah? Hmm..." The boss said that he wanted to change, how could she not agree, so Li Mu squeezed next to Ai Xi and sat down, then pushed the dipping sauce to her, "You can eat this."

Li Mu took a green lettuce leaf, held it in the palm of his hand, spread a piece of roasted pork belly, squeezed a circle of barbecue sauce, covered it with a piece of tofu, and wrapped it into a ball.

When it comes to food, Li Mu doesn't know how many times he is more serious than his work.

"Here you are." While everyone was focusing on eating meat, Li Mu calmly handed the pork to Ai Xi, and poked her with his elbow to let her continue, "I just washed my hands!"

"Aren't you going to eat it?" Ai Xi didn't want to eat it at all, but the smell of barbecue was too gluttonous. It wasn't that she didn't like it, but for the sake of her figure, she had better endurance than the average person.

Li Mu is reluctant to eat the leaves when there is meat to eat. She has always despised the way of eating meat wrapped in vegetables, so how can you taste the original taste of meat, but she thinks that Ai Xi should like this way of eating, "You can eat it at ease. , if you can't grow a few taels of meat, I'll accompany you to lose weight."

Once you bite into it, the aroma of the meat fills your mouth. Lettuce and tofu can be greasy, and the taste is neutralized with the roasted pork belly, which is the light taste that Ai Xi likes.

"Is it tasty?"

"It's okay." Ai Xi said it was okay, but it was actually delicious. According to her temperament, it was absolutely impossible to say things like "too delicious".

Li Mu numbly peeled the prawn, and after peeling it, he "threw" it into Ai Xi's dinner plate subconsciously.

"I won't eat it."

"It won't kill you!"

Li Mu didn't know that there were two pairs of eyes watching her silently across the dining table.

Mo Ran only drank and didn't eat. When he saw Li Mu peeling shrimps for Ai Xi, how could he stretch out his hand to eat and open his mouth with a little clothes, and remembered the photos Hu Xiaowan sent her before... Li Mu really fell in love with this woman?

Because Li Mu likes to give food to people when he meets people he likes, which was the case many years ago.

"Why, you're jealous when you see the lover in your dream flirting with other women?" Fang Xihan leaned into Mo Ran's ear and whispered, "I think they're a good match."

"You are Les, see the whole world." Mo Ran snorted coldly, but with her understanding of Li Mu, Li Mu seemed to be a little excited this time.

"Your piece of wood must be bent... As for Ai Xi, I don't know..." Fang Xihan raised his glass to cover half of his face, and secretly commented on the two people opposite Mo Ran, "But I can be sure It's your piece of wood, which is interesting to Ai Xi."

Fang Xihan changed his words, pinched Mo Ran's thigh with one hand, mercilessly, and bit her ear: "Look at people, they are peeling shrimp and meat, I'm still your girlfriend , did you do this to me?"


After dinner, just drink, chat, and play games by the way...

It was originally some vulgar games played at parties. The most boring thing, Li Mu felt that the main reason was because he often lost, and he was punished when he lost. All kinds of rude things.

Rather than drinking and playing games, Li Mu wanted to take a walk around the old street to digest food.

But Fang Fang was always enthusiastic, she greeted her, and whether she wanted to or not, she had to stay and play games with her. Who told me that they were the bosses holding rations, Li Mu sat down obediently.

Sure enough, it was Truth or Dare again, Li Mu couldn't figure out why they were so keen on this old-fashioned thing.

"How many boyfriends have you had?" The questions at the beginning are often small and fresh, and the more you get behind, the more you lose your morals, and there are all women here. Just imagine how dirty a group of women can be together.

It's very happy to see others accept punishment, but Li Mu is still walking on thin ice. The feng shui turns around, and if he can't keep up, he will lose the next round... Listening to the questions they ask is all about the color. If this exposes himself to be 25 years old The fact that the first kiss was still there, and the relationship was empty, was not to be laughed at, Li Mu felt good. . .

The feng shui took turns... This turned to Ai Xi, Li Mu breathed a sigh of relief, and passed another round safely.

"Truthful or a big adventure?" Mr. Fang played harder than anyone else, and it was not easy to catch Ai Xi, so he naturally had to seize the opportunity.

Ai Xi thought for a while, "Tell me the truth." Hearing that the question they just asked was nothing more than a love story, Ai Xi was a little mentally prepared.

I usually look at Director Ai's serious appearance. If such a serious person is asked to answer a question that is not serious, the contrast will be very exciting. Fang Xihan raised his eyebrows at Ai Xi, "Director Ai, can you? Tell the truth-"


Although the previous question was a bit of color, it was running on a serious track anyway. This time, Ai Xi's question was asked by Mr. Fang himself, and everyone sighed as soon as he asked.

"When was Director Ai rolling the bed last time, and what's your favorite posture?" Fang Xihan was very curious, and wanted to hear the answer from Ai Xi himself.

When I heard the posture, everyone collectively: wow~~~

In addition to Li Mu, Li Muzheng was dumbfounded, and the scale suddenly became bigger... Catching her off guard.

Fang Xihan actually asked this kind of question in front of his subordinates. It was really fun. Ai Xi didn't expect that she would ask such a question. Li Mu's, follow along and stir up the muddy water.

Li Mu also sweated for Ai Xi. No matter how much he heard this question, he felt ashamed. How should he answer it?

"Mr. Fang, these are two questions."

Director Ai's attitude is really strict. Fang Xihan can't help it. The rules of the game are to ask only one question. She was too excited, so she said, "Then choose one? Leave the rest to the next person."

Ai Xi said lightly, "Two years ago."

No one present reacted, because the concept of time two years ago was too far away.

The author has something to say: Guess if I can update tomorrow...

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