"Two years ago."

When a group of people didn't react immediately, Li Mu was the first to react. She moved in and shared a lease with Ai Xi for more than a month. It can be said that Ai Xi's private life is more monotonous than her own. Li Mu has a slightly dull intuition, Ai Xi doesn't look like a woman in love, shouldn't all women in love look like Hu Banxian?

But how does Gao Wei explain it? Everyone hides secrets in their hearts, just like they like women, there is no need to tell the world, but Li Mu can't help but want to spy on Ai Xi's mind.

Li Mu was still immersed in Ai Xi's answer of "two years ago", unaware that he was about to get burned.

When the group of people who had just been booing together heard Ai Xi's answer, they suddenly became quiet again. The group was at a loss for words. What does this mean? For the first time, everyone began to reflect on whether the rumors about Director Ai in the company were not very reliable...

Except for Fang Xihan who exclaimed "Wow", everyone else remained silent, and then smiled tacitly: "Continue to continue..."

The laughter was full of embarrassment.

Saying this, don't say that other people don't believe it. Ai Xi herself also finds it incredible. She and Gao Wei's specious relationship has been maintained for two years. Although she promised to be with him two years ago, she never thought about it in her heart. Thinking about it this way, everything is just a compromise for the family. Ai Xi also guessed that her relationship with Gao Wei will definitely end, sooner or later.

"I'm a little tired, you guys are playing, I'm sorry." Ai Xi rubbed her forehead, not wanting to stay in this atmosphere.

"Play the last round, and everyone will disband, okay?"

Li Mu suddenly hated Fang Xihan. She has always been very tolerant towards beauties, but this time she really hated Fang Xihan. The question just now must have hit Ai Xi's sore spot, but Fang Xihan seems to have Didn't notice at all. Yes, people are used to being a big boss, maybe they just like to expose their scars and make jokes.

Although it was a little unfair for Ai Xi, Li Mu couldn't do anything, he had to say with a smile, go on, go on...

Fortunately, it was the last round, and Li Mu's dangling heart fell to the ground. She had been trembling for so long, and she could finally catch her breath. It would be best to end this **** game as soon as possible.

In the last round, Ai Xi didn't want to spoil everyone's interest, "Yeah."

If a person is unlucky, drinking cold water is stuck between their teeth. Seeing that she hadn't lost a round today, Li Mu thought she was finally waiting for the day when the salted fish turned around. It was time to get through the difficulties safely, but I didn't expect to be planted in the last round. Li Mu's heart was a collapse, so he relaxed a little bit, lost his mind a little bit, and lost...

Seeing that the last unlucky person was picked out, everyone was happy. This feeling was like when the teacher called the class and said, "I'll call the last student to answer." It is conceivable that the last student was bewildered. Now, at this time, Li Mu was in this mood.

"Little rookie, you're lucky—" This is really interesting, Fang Xihan wants to make fun of whoever will lose, she fixed her eyes on Li Mu, with a pure natural and pollution-free appearance, if she answered the hot question just now, Could it be cuter?

"Li Mu, what's your favorite pose? Answer truthfully, don't be shy, everyone is an adult, right?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Fang always has the ability to respond.

This time, everyone started to boo again, because Li Mu is more easy-going than Ai Xi. Since ancient times, there has been a famous saying that persimmons are soft and pinch. Li Mu is undoubtedly the softest one here. If you take the opportunity, everyone will not go dead ***.

Posture... Posture? Li Mu panicked as soon as he heard these two words, and then a burst of heat shot straight to his forehead, and his whole head was about to ignite. Li Mu blushed and everyone couldn't help booing, "Xiaomu blushed and blushed~~~"

Anyone who has experience knows that his face was not that red at first, and his face temperature will rise when he is teased like this. Li Mu only regrets that he didn't put two more pounds of powder on makeup when he just went to the bathroom, so he can cover his blush. .

"I still can't think of too many poses... Then you can just talk about which poses you have tried?"

Mo Ran, Mo Ran actually laughed there! Li Mu thought she would come forward to help her, but she was wrong!

Li Mu felt that his heart was very bitter, and he didn't even try to know which posture was comfortable. He didn't say anything and his face became so hot. If he lied later, he would be punctured without even a single glance, not to mention that Mo Ran is still here. , I can't understand my own situation any more.

"Isn't it possible to take a big adventure?" Ai Xi couldn't help but reminded that Li Mu's situation was too embarrassing, not everyone was as thick-skinned as Fang Xihan, but Li Mu was a little more shy than he thought. It seems to be quite open, but it turns out that it is all a matter of mouth.

How could Ai Xi know that Li Mu was shy for a reason. She was not shy, she should be described as shame. After this night of tossing, Li Mu's determination to get off the list has increased several levels. She must get off the list this year!

right! You can still take big risks. Li Mu feels that Ai Xi is like a virgin at this time. As long as she doesn't answer this question, she can accept any big adventure that loses her integrity, as long as she doesn't answer this question!

Everyone was eager to hear the answer to the question of posture, but ignored the option of the big adventure, Li Mu raised his hands: "I choose the big adventure!!"

As soon as Li Mu changed his mind and said that he was going to take a big adventure, everyone collectively "cut", and after two seconds, the enthusiasm came up again, Fang Xihan opened the big adventure punishment on the game software, "Then I will just take one. "

"Little rookie, it's really cheap for you, this challenge is so simple..." Fang Xihan frowned at the phone screen, shook his head and sighed.

Hearing Fang Xihan's simple words made Li Mu feel less nervous, and it was the right choice to take a big adventure, but... Fang Xihan's difficulty standard is different from that of ordinary people, Li Mu doesn't seem to have noticed this. .

"Kiss the first person on your left." Fang Xihan raised his head, looked at Li Mu and the people beside her, read out the sentence word by word, Mo Ran watched, the phone screen Shang Mingming wrote: Stop a stranger from singing "Conquer" affectionately, so Fang Xihan is talking nonsense with his eyes open.


Fang Xihan ordered Mo Ran to shut up with his eyes.

kiss, this word can easily arouse everyone's enthusiasm, and the sound of "wow" began to spread again~~

Anyway, Li Mu's head was always hot and never cooled down, so what should I do... She turned sideways to face a female compatriot in the planning department, and the female compatriot shrank in fright, as if she was about to be eaten As usual, the tongue is knotted: "Hey hey hey...left...the left side is over there! It's not me, it's not me!"

Li Mu is indistinguishable.

On the left is Ai Xi. . .

Ai Xi lowered her head slightly, she swore that she would never want to participate in such boring games again.

Li Mu's hand was clutching the corner of his clothes, and he asked Fang Xihan, "Can I change another one?"

Fang Xihan: "No, no, no answer, no big adventure, no rules!"

Li Mu asked Mo Ran for help, but Mo Ran actually lowered his head and played on his phone without speaking... "This way..."

What about Ai Xi? Ai Xi, it's okay for you to come out and refute. Li Mu looked at Ai Xi and couldn't help but focus on her lips. There was something very shameful that Li Mu never wanted to admit. She kissed Ai Xi in a dream. On the night that Ai Xi hugged her from behind, she dreamed of Ai Xi, and also dreamed that Ai Xi leaned her head from behind and kissed her.

"So twitchy, is this your first kiss?!"

Everyone has a minefield, and the first kiss was Li Mu's minefield. Fang Xihan was just joking, but he didn't expect to step into Limu's minefield by accident. However, even stepping into Li Mu's minefield is not a big problem, it's just that someone's microcosm will explode on its own, so when Fang Xihan stimulates it, Limu's microcosm will explode...

The two sat side by side, Li Mu was already very close to Ai Xi, and when they kissed him, they were close at hand.

Li Mu had never kissed, let alone kissed someone else. She didn't know where she had the courage to reach out and brush Ai Xi's face with her right hand. She paused for a few tenths of a second, and then firmly kissed the other person's lips.

When people are in a state of brain congestion, when they are stimulated by others, their potential is simply infinite. Li Mu kissed Ai Xi and held her face with one hand. It was as soft as in a dream, clinging to her lips, and the whole process was like a dream.

Li Mu, closed his eyes.

The sudden kiss left Ai Xi at a loss. Even though it was a kiss, she thought that Li Mu would only brush her cheeks, and the task was completed, but... Ai Xi did not push her away, even though Li Mu did not kiss her before After a pause, maybe Ai Xi knew what she was going to do at that moment, but she didn't refuse, maybe her actions hadn't caught up with her thoughts. Li Mu's palm was very hot, her face was also very hot, and even her lips were scorching hot. She kissed her lips well and didn't move. Just as Ai Xi glanced down, she saw Li Mu tightly closed. When the eyes and the drooping eyelashes were drooping, his heart beat wildly, as if he could hear it.

Ai Xi felt that she should push Li Mu away. At the same time, Li Mu also noticed that she kissed too seriously. The two seemed to be separated in a calm manner, but in fact, no one could calm down. down.

Her heart was still beating wildly. For the first time, Ai Xi experienced this uncontrollable feeling. Li Mu's face was very red, and Ai Xi's face also began to flush slightly.

Although it was only two seconds, maybe even shorter, it was a long time for the parties involved, especially Li Mu. She used the excuse of the game to be a hooligan. She took the initiative to kiss Ai Xi. It's the impulse that exists in her heart. It is said that when she likes someone, she will be moved when kissing her.

So now his indiscriminate heartbeat, is it a move?

The author has something to say: The little wood is dried and brewed, remember to stick out your tongue next time, you just like Asi, and start to concentrate on chasing your wife.

Silently code words, silently change the text, so as to get the love of the little angel (╯3╰)

Isn't coriander very good, please praise me ╭(╯^╰)╮

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