Dead Enemies, We Have a Face

: ☆ Chapter exposed

"What?!" Li Mu gasped, but she answered her mother's phone call when she was so embarrassed, which made her blushing. She wanted to say something casually and hung up now, but...

"Weekend...the weekend is over...come over?"

"It's so late and still exercising... I want to drink the full moon wine of my friend's grandson, and I stopped by to see you... People are younger than me and have grandchildren, you don't even see the shadow of the object @#%..."

Li Mu's head is rumbling, isn't she exercising, her partner is "tortured" her on the bed, Li Mu gritted his teeth and reluctantly asked, "...What time is the plane, I'll... pick you up."

"Hmm..." Ai Xi just twitched her fingers unintentionally, and Li Mu called out unprepared, but didn't dare to move, her face flushed with shame.

Li Mu hung up the phone with trembling hands, and threw it to the pillow. Ai Xi was getting more and more nasty and wanted to teach her a lesson, but she was immediately unable to fight back, so she could only blame her tenderly: "...Ah ...Axi...Axi, slow down...I can't take it anymore..."

"Then don't hold back, be obedient..." Ai Xi said softly, then added another finger with a smile, causing Li Mu's body to bow suddenly, and took a pillow to cover his face, his expression must be very ecstasy at this moment, I usually do it with the lights off, but today is the first time I have the lights on...

"Xiaomu, are you alright! What can't you bear..."

Can you imagine how terrifying the mother's kind voice suddenly came when rolling the sheets?

God, the phone didn't hang up. It must have been dazzled and missed the place just now. Li Mu hurriedly shut his mouth, holding back the "promiscuous words" he was about to say, "The treadmill is too fast... I can't keep up..."

The other party was silent for a while.

"It's ten o'clock and you're still exercising—is there anyone to accompany you? Go home early, it's dangerous at night!"

"Someone to accompany... That's it, I hang up..."

After confirming that the call had been hung up three times, Li Mu turned over and put Ai Xi under him. The quilt was kicked under the bed during the entanglement between the two, and his body appeared in the other's field of vision without reservation. With the light from the chandelier, Li Mu looked at Ai Xi's figure with a blushing face.

Everyone in the company knows that Director Ai is in good shape, but only he can see it so thoroughly, so deeply, and still able to touch...

"You're so wretched..." Ai Xi's skin that was touched by Li Mu's fingertips had a thin layer of goose bumps.

"Then you weren't obscene just now!" Speaking of "obscene", Director Ai just went beyond that. "But if you say I'm obscene, then I'll continue to be obscene!"

Li Mu started to ignite with her lips, from her chest to her waist to her thighs, and finally squeezed her head between her legs...

"Hmm..." The rush of enjoyment hit, Ai Xi covered her eyes with the back of her hand, feeling Li Mu's hot cheeks pressing against her inner thigh, so real.

During the nearly one year in AG, Li Mu has not been idle. Perhaps after meeting such a person, he will try his best to make himself better. After meeting Ai Xi, Li Mu couldn't stay in the position of the junior staff. The theory of getting by and passing by was also left behind by her. Sometimes she often got off work later than Ai Xi. class.

Li Mu thought that although she didn't need to raise Ai Xi, at least she had to have this ability. She wanted to have a better life with Ai Xi and have a small nest for them in this city.

Saturday, eight in the morning.

Li Mu knew that Ai Xi had a biological clock, and eight o'clock was already too late, so he wanted to get up and make breakfast for her.

"You worked so late last night, sleep a little longer." Ai Xi turned off the alarm clock for Li Mu, and took her into her arms, "I'll accompany you."

Li Mu put his arms around her waist, drilled his head into her chest, and said lazily, "It's obviously you who want to stay in bed—"

Indeed, sleeping with Li Mu made me want to stay in bed, and when I opened my eyes again, it was already ten o'clock in the morning. With Li Mu's attributes, it would not be a problem for no one to wake him up until the afternoon.

Ai Xi got out of bed lightly, turned around to tuck the quilt for Li Mu, closed the door, and went to the kitchen. Li Mu knows how to teach, and Ai Xi is not stupid. A few home-cooked dishes are still easy to use. Sometimes Li Mu gets off work late, and when he comes back, he can eat the noodles ordered by the director. She thinks that the two of them live together, which is almost the same. .

If she doesn't go out on weekends, Ai Xi doesn't deliberately put on makeup, and her hair is just loose and loose. Sometimes wearing pajamas can be with Li Mu greasy all day long. Anyway, when Li Mu woke up, it was almost noon.

After cooking a pot of pork rib soup, Ai Xi washed Li Mu's favorite small greens, knowing that she would not be able to get up, so she bought the ingredients for today's cooking the night before. Since being with Li Mu, Ai Xi's self-care ability has skyrocketed, and she even knows how to take care of others because she doesn't want Li Mu to be too tired.


Thinking it was a courier, Ai Xi put on a long coat over her nightgown and opened the door...

"Auntie? Why didn't you tell me in advance, so we can pick you up—" Didn't it say that I would come tomorrow, and Ai Xi was dumbfounded.

"I'm afraid tomorrow will be tight, so I'll come a day earlier, Xiao Ai, didn't I bother you?"

"Why, auntie, come in quickly..."

"Where's Xiaomu? Are you out?"

"Xiaomu is still sleeping... Sit down first, I'll call her..." Ai Xi poured a glass of water for Mama Li.

"No, where is her room?"

Ai Xi didn't have time to think, should I say left or right?

"The one on the left!" Ma Li saw the familiar doll hanging on the door panel, and at first glance it was Li Mu's style.

"Auntie..." Li Mu didn't know how long he hadn't been in that room. He thought that Ma Li would come tomorrow, but he packed up today, but he didn't think Ma Ma would come today.

Ai Xi turned to push the door of her bedroom, but Li Mu opened it first, and came out in a daze, smelling the smell of food, hungry, she jumped on Ai Xi and hugged her, "Wife So virtuous, you already know how to cook... Come on, give me a kiss..."

"Your mother is here..."

"Xiao Ai, is Xiao Mu not here?" Li Ma came out of the room and saw Li Mu "hanging" on Ai Xi, wearing only a pair of underwear...

"Mom! Why are you here! Isn't it tomorrow!" Li Mu hurried back to his room and put on his pajama pants.

" live in the same room?" Ma Li looked at the two of them thoughtfully.

"...There was a thunderstorm last night, so I took Xiaomu to accompany me."

This reason is simply too bad, the sun is shining brightly, there is no way, Li Mu followed Ai Xi's reason and said, "Yes, she is afraid of thunder."

The two opened their eyes and talked nonsense together.

"Mom, why are you staring at us all the time, eat!"

Ai Xi asked Li Mu, "Xiao Mu, does Auntie know about us?"

"No." Li Mu put a thousand hearts and comforted Ai Xi, "My mother...she wouldn't think about that."

In fact, this matter will be known to the elders sooner or later, but people are always like this.

At night.

"Mom, you sleep in my room, and I'm with Asi."

"You're not afraid of crowding people!" Li Ma turned to Ai Xi and said, "Xiao Ai, don't listen to her, rest early."

It seemed that after her mother stayed here for a few days, she would have to split up with Ai Xi for a few days. Thinking about it, a sense of melancholy arose in Li Mu's heart.

"Mom, do you have something to tell me, keep looking at me like this." Li Mu put on his hand cream, lifted the quilt and got in, acting like a spoiled child, "I haven't slept with you for a long time—"

"Xiaomu, honestly, do you have a partner?"

"No, what's the matter? Mom... You don't want me to go on a blind date..." Li Mu was dumbfounded.

Li Ma's expression was very serious, and she was not in the mood to smile with Li Mu, "Are you in a relationship?!"


"What is this?" The neckline of Li Mu's pajamas was very large, and Ma Li pointed to the place just below her collarbone, and there was a dark purple mark.

"I was bitten by... insects..." Li Mu's voice was smaller than that of mosquitoes.

Li Ma was so angry that she pulled her collar down a little bit. Sure enough, there were several hickey marks near her chest, "Is it all bitten by bugs... Mom is a visitor, how long do you want to hide from me..."

"Mom, I... I'm almost thirty, you don't have to react like this when I have a partner! Shouldn't you be happy!" Seeing Ma Li's eyes turning red, Li Mu realized the seriousness of the matter, "Why are you crying? , what happened..."

"Xiaomu, tell mom...Are you with Xiaoai?" It was as if something that had been worrying for a long time finally happened.

"Mom, what are you talking about!" Although he and Ai Xi are a little closer, it's not so obvious. I usually fight with Hu Xiaowan and I don't see her suspicious, so I only met Ai Xi twice. Face, how can intuition be so accurate? !

"The night I called you... you were with her too, weren't you! You..."

Li Mu lowered his head and fell silent. Sooner or later, he had to say something. Tonight is also an opportunity.

"'re really gay...don't scare mom, just say something...don't scare mom, okay..." In fact, a long time ago, Li Mu saw some movies and pictures on the computer that Li Mu used. Mu has never had a boyfriend for so many years, and only gets close to girls... She even suspected the relationship between Li Mu and Hu Xiaowan. Later, Xiaowan also got married. She wondered if she was too suspicious.

"Don't cry..." She cried so much that Li Mu wanted to cry, she was at a loss, she really didn't know how to deal with this situation, "Mom, I wanted to tell you and dad about this for a long time...but I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it for a while..."

"Do you know what you're doing?! You guys are bullshitting! How can you two women... You'll move out tomorrow, and it's too late to break up... Don't make mistakes again and again!"

"Mom, don't be like this... I like her, I love her, and I was the one who took the initiative to chase after her. Don't you always say that you have to be responsible? Ai Xi is my responsibility. I said that I will be good to her for the rest of my life..."

"Are you responsible! Have you ever thought about me and your dad..." Then there was a slap in the face, looking at the distinct fingerprints on her daughter's face, and regretting too much force.

This is the second time Li Mu has been slapped in the face, but it is much more uncomfortable than the first time. This time, it is the person he is closest to. He has loved her and loved her since he was a child, and he has never even scolded her.

But it was this slap in the face... Li Mu's tears were like beads with a broken thread, flowing down his cheeks, and soon, drop by drop, fell on the sheet, Li Mu's hand gripped the sheet tightly and the back of his hand burst into blue veins, she choked up Crying makes people feel distressed, "Mom... I'm so sad... I'm so sad... It's okay if others don't understand us, but... You are my dearest and most loved person... Mom... I'm so sad..."

The color of the palm print on Li Mu's face was getting darker and darker, but she couldn't feel the pain anymore, there was no heartache.

"Xiaomu, how can you be so confused!" Thinking of Li Mu's obedience since he was a child, he doesn't need adults to worry about it.

The author has something to say: no update on Wednesday, alright.

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