At this time, Ma Li saw the photo of Li Mu and Ai Xi hugging each other on the bedside table, and she was even more angry.

"Mom, where are you going...don't look for her..." Li Mu hurriedly dragged his mother Li who was about to get out of bed, because her sobbing voice became trembling, she had never been so helpless, since she was a child, Li Muyi The thought of Ai Xi being wronged for her made her heart hurt even more. She wailed again, "Mom, don't blame her... I fell in love with her first, even if I was wrong, it was my fault, and it was I who 'scourged' her..."

Li Mu cried so hard that he had developed lacrimal glands in the first place, but now he couldn't hold it anymore, so he hugged Li Ma's arm tightly, "...Mom, I really like can help us..."

It was just a slap in the face, and she didn't say much, why did she cry like this? Li Ma was not a hard-hearted person, and this slap tonight was also the result of a desperate attack, and she still regrets it...

"No, you're just on a whim now..." But you can't even like a woman on the spur of the moment, Ma Li is no less tormented than Li Mu now, and her eyes are red, "Xiao Mu, listen to mother's words, mother won't Harm are like will regret it in the future!"

His voice was hoarse, Li Mu shook his head and kept shaking his head, the whole person was like an idiot, he only knew how to shake his head and cry, "...I don't regret it, I don't regret it..."

Li Mu's heart hurts like a needle stick. Li Mu is her heart and soul. She is just such a daughter.

"Xiaomu?" Ai Xi knocked on the door outside. She vaguely heard crying and noisy voices from Li Mu's bedroom, "Auntie? Xiaomu...I'm in..."

As soon as she entered the room, Ai Xi saw that Li Mu was crying like tears, and the slap on his face was red... "Xiaomu, what's the matter with you..."

Ai Xi walked over, bent over to see the wound on Li Mu's face, but was pushed away by Li's mother, as if all her affection for Ai Xi had collapsed in an instant, "...don't touch her!"

"Axi..." Li Mu still couldn't stop crying. He looked up at Ai Xi, who was so close but felt so far away, "My mother knows...what should I do...I don't know what to do..."

In fact, the night when Ai Xi decided to be with Li Mu, she asked herself what to do, and she also had the answer in her heart. She said to Li Mu, as long as you don't let go, I won't let go, this is the answer .

After all, this day came as I expected. Seeing that Li Mu was so sad and flustered, he couldn't even hug her to comfort her. Looking at the wound on Li Mu's face... This is the second time that Li Mu She was slapped, but Ai Xi didn't sob, her tone was as calm as ever, but tears kept streaming down the corners of her eyes, "Auntie, let Xiaomu apply some medicine first? I want to talk to you about our business too..."

Only then did Ma Li remember to treat Li Mu's wound first. Ai Xi had already turned around and went to the living room to get the medicine box.

Stable, beautiful, intellectual and polite. This was Ma Li's first impression of Ai Xi, and she couldn't figure it out. It stands to reason that Li Mu would be confused occasionally, but how could Ai Xi be confused with her? Because of the previous contact with Ai Xi, this woman's speech and behavior are rational and wise, and she doesn't seem like a person who can act with anger.

"Auntie, I'll come." Ai Xi sat next to Li Mu with the ointment, and gave Li Mu a smile with tears in her eyes, and gently massaged Li Mu's cheek with the ointment with her fingertips, comforting: " ...I will always be with you, don't be afraid."

"Axi..." In front of Li's mother, Li Mu hugged Ai Xi by the waist and cried aggrievedly. He wanted to hug her so much that he would feel at ease, "Axi... you can't leave me..."

"Remember what I said to you?" Ai Xi wiped Li Mu's tears with the back of her hand.

"Remember, I won't let go." Li Mu also wiped away tears for Ai Xi, and finally calmed down, knowing that crying is not the solution. She waited for twenty-five years, and finally someone could see her, and finally waited. There is a relationship of mutual affection, the probability is lower than winning the lottery, how can you let go!

"You guys!" Li Ma watched the two hugging each other from the side, she only blamed herself for not being a ruthless guy, making her feel like a man-duck hit with a stick. If Ai Xi was a man, she would agree with it softly. . When it comes to Li Mu's relationship, she has never pushed her too hard. Li Mu said that she doesn't like blind dates, so she has never introduced someone to Li Mu, but this time, things are also prioritized. She spoils her daughter...but not Just like this blindly.

"You go out with me." After Li Mu's medicine was ready, Li Ma took a deep breath and said to Ai Xi.

"Mom!" Li Mu was anxious and wanted to follow along.

"You stay here!"

Li Mu stomped, "Don't embarrass her! You can't scold her!"

"Have you seen anyone I scolded!" Li Ma glared at Li Mu.

In fact, Li Mu's parents are soft-tempered, and they gave birth to such a soft persimmon.

"Auntie, I know it's hard for you to accept this for a while, but I want you to know that I'm serious about Xiaomu. To tell you the truth, we've been together for a year, and we'll be thirty in a few years. In an age group that pursues reality, we choose to be together. This is definitely not an impulse. Maybe many people can't understand our feelings, and even I can't accept it at first. I hide from Xiaomu every day and try to avoid talking to her. , to avoid meeting her. During that time, she was crying every day, just like tonight... She cried but I was sad for no reason. At that time, I understood that falling in love is falling in love, and running away will only make it more sad. We are under pressure to make promises to each other, in fact, more thoughtful than anyone else... Xiaomu is a good girl, auntie, if you give me a chance, I will cherish her. "

As Ai Xi spoke, she recalled the original scene. It was really not easy, and her eyes were red again. She had never seen a real coming out scene, but since Ma Li was willing to sit down with her and talk calmly, it showed that the situation was not bad. .

When she heard her daughter cry like this tonight, Ma Li felt a little tighter. This child usually looks at the hippie smiling face, how much thought is buried in her heart, but... "Xiao Ai, you are so good, you can find a very good one. My man, why did you choose Xiaomu... No, I still think you are fooling around, I can't accept it... You two women have no future together!"

"Auntie, what is the future? No one can predict the future. We only need to cherish the present. Xiaomu makes me feel very happy. I need her and she needs me. A city has its own home. Auntie, you have come here, and you must understand that you are looking for someone to live your life. You don’t want to be vigorous, just to help each other... You ask me why I choose Xiaomu, because she is sincere, because I think she is the one who can help me. people."

The author has something to say: Ma Li is not a strong person, and Director Ai can speak more 2333

The prediction is wrong, this article can't be finished within five chapters, and I have to continue writing it (applause)~~ When will it end... I don't know...

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