Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1187: Invisible fight

"Hmm ..."

Quirky whimpers kept ringing, and everyone seemed to be dumb-spoken with poison. They could only make such unpleasant sounds, but it was more terrible to be blind than to be able to make sounds, and within half an hour If no sneakers were found, they would all have to die.

'Fuck! This is to let us kill each other ... ’

Xia Fuji looked up at the roof in anger. Although he couldn't see anything, he could still feel that the voice of Yasha came from above, but none of them dare to act lightly, three intruders. Mixed with them, if they make a mistake, they will kill themselves.

"Bang Bangbang ..."

A violent gunshot suddenly came from the right side, and Xia Fuji stunned suddenly. Because of the strong magnetic field, they discarded the gun when they came in, but maybe someone brought a pistol in. After all, modern Most pistols are made of engineering plastic, and a small amount of metal will not make the gun too heavy.


They immediately held their breaths and stopped humming. Listen carefully to the sound of the gunfire. The shooter is likely to be his own, but at the same time when the turbulent gunfire stopped, a crisp bang sounded again. It started, and kept repeating a rhythm.

‘Morse code? big flower……'

Xia Fuyi reacted at once. Because they were too bored when wandering at sea, Dahua taught them simple Morse code, and he quickly recognized the meaning of the code—two people! attack! Nine people! defense! Launch password!

The meaning of the big flower is already obvious. As long as anyone who can understand the code can understand, he is to let the turtles shrink up to defend, only two people attack the invaders, and at the same time use the code to reveal their identity, so that they will not be Injured by accident.

‘No! As long as we are attacked by the enemy, we will be confused, and invincible, they will not Morse code ... ’

Xia Buer heard it in his ears, but he couldn't say any more, but he immediately pulled past Angela and Xia Wangchuan, and touched two on his body to determine two. The identity of the sister, and then let them stay hand in hand, followed by another person.

'female! Navel set with diamonds, two of the same size, ponytail, little flowers ... ’

It took Xia Fujii only two seconds to figure out who the other party was. He grabbed directly on Hua Wuyan's waist. The familiar technique made Hua Wuyan understand, and he immediately leaned together with Angela. The three girls raised their arms and swept around.

‘Dangdangdang ...’

I don't know who suddenly knocked on the ground, he immediately identified it as Qiu Xiaosi, but a soft body also fell on him. Before he started, the opponent was a dragon grasper, Xia Fuermen I took a breath, but with such a ruthless method, no one except Chu Qin.

"You and An Qi, don't move, leave it to me ..."

Xia Bu'er tried to whisper to Chu Qin with his throat. Chu Qin clearly understood, and he murmured in his ears and said unclearly: "I don't think it's right. This is too straightforward. It doesn't make any sense. You must Be careful, killing an infiltrator may not pass the level! "

"I know……"

Xia Buer loosened her and continued to walk along the wall. The tumultuous Wang million was best to distinguish, followed by the rhubarb and Zhu Wuji, who were all around the ground, but the percussion suddenly broke up at this moment, actually Someone intentionally interfered with Morse code, preventing Qiu Xiaosi from communicating with Dahua.

'Oh shit! ’

Xia Buer swears secretly, he has found that the other party is on the left front, but he is afraid to rush out, but he suddenly took out the mobile phone in his pocket, unlocked it with his fingerprint, and opened it with the memory point. Phone Album.

"Brother! Good or bad, I'm your sister-in-law. I want to tell my sister you take off my pants ..."

Xia Wangchuan's voice rang from the mobile phone at once, and the sound of the small hoof was almost in the bones, but at this time Xia Fuji couldn't care less about the harm. Now he can play small movies, but no one else, Definitely the strongest authentication.


The percussive knocking sound disappeared. Qiu Xiaosi and Dahua quickly rushed a few times to explain their identity and location. Xia Fuji held the mobile phone and continued to explore, sweeping back and forth with the tail of the fish king gun. He heard the sound of "Dang" within a few steps.

I heard a fishbone spear, but unfortunately the smell of black mist was pungent. He couldn't use the sense of smell to judge the identity of the other party, but the other party came to him in front of the gun, grabbed his hand and placed it on himself. Face.

'Big Joe? ’

Xia Fuyi touched the other's tall nose, and the one-seven-five-year-old Yanma was only a big Joe. He immediately drew Big Joe over and whispered it, and repeated it many times. Listen clearly, and touch the wall directly to find Angela.

"Dangdangdang ..."

A sound of knocking on the ground suddenly sounded on the right side. This was someone who deliberately stated that he had come towards him. Xia Fuji immediately paused and touched the phone. Who knew that he was a girl when he started and his face was scared. Jumped.

'Oops! What a big Joe ... ’

Xia Buer hurriedly pulled the other side over. The nose bridges of the two big Joes were exactly the same before and after. He quickly touched down the big Joe's shoulders. Big Joe had a secret that outsiders didn't know. She had a scratch on her right chest. There were three scars left on her right chest.

Xia Fuji pulled away Da Qiao's collar directly, Da Qiao subconsciously avoided it, but immediately understood what he was going to do, and quickly pulled open his placket to confirm his identity, but Xia Fuji even felt cold sweat Come down, this girl has three scars on her chest.

"Someone is imitating you. There are painters here ..."

Xia Buer hissed and screamed in her ears. Da Qiao's body suddenly trembled. After whispering to him, he squatted down against the wall. Xia Buer quickly patted her head and walked back. Suddenly I heard someone scream.

‘Wang million! !! !! ’

Xia Fuyi heard Wang Million's voice at a glance. The deep scream was very easy to distinguish. He quickly walked over with a fish king gun, and the continuous video sound also moved with him. I felt several people ran towards him, but he couldn't tell who it was.

"Oh ~"

A person suddenly fell on his side, he immediately crouched on the ground and reached out, but his intestines suddenly felt a pain before touching the other side, and he was bitten by a red corpse, although he didn't foresee any picture, But this was obviously a warning from the red corpse.

"Oh ~"

Xia Fuji's instinct was partial, and a strong wind swept past him. He almost cut off his head. He immediately shot him, but the gun was blocked by the other person. He jumped up in front of him, and suddenly lost a sound after a vertical leap.

"Hoo ~"

suddenly! Three people ran towards Xia Fuer at the same time. Xia Fuer hurriedly retracted his gun and backed up again and again. He didn't know how many people were in the other party, but even if there was only one person in the mix, he only had to give him a knife. Defense is also impossible.


A scream came from the rear, and I did n’t know who was attacked again. Xia Buer's eyes were red, and he suddenly swept his heart and swept out directly with the tail of the fish king gun. Dangdang two Smashed over two people who were running.

"Oh ~"

The remaining one stopped suddenly on the left side, and a shocked whine sounded in his mouth. Xia Buer quickly rushed forward and made two more. He felt the two on the ground stunned by feeling, and then jumped suddenly. , Grabbed the last person's collar.

"Oh ~"

The other side hurriedly twisted around his waist, letting him press on his own chest, this touch and method was definitely that Angela did not run away, Xia Fuji quickly pulled her aside and crouched down, letting her distinguish the coma Who are they?

"Dangdangdang ..."

Xia Fuji slammed on the ground. This was not a rhythmic Morse code, but a set number they had agreed to. Everyone would move closer to him when the voice came out.

"Hmm ..."

Immediately someone whine crawled over, and it sounded like Wang million, but Xia Buer didn't give him any chance. He swiped the gun to confirm his head, and then knocked him out. In order to prevent him from fainting, he also opened up the weapon in his hand and poked his face with the tail of the gun.

"Dangdangdang ..."

The big flower knocked on the ground and came over. The complicated rhythm can not be imitated by ordinary people. The two quickly confirmed the identity of each other.

Xia Buer screamed in his ears exhaustedly: "There is a painter here. I stunned three people. Big Joe will not come by leaning against the wall. Behind it is Angela. Who are you with her, everyone Dare to come over and stun him directly, and leave the rest to me! "

"it is good!"

Dahua promised a moment and dragged Wang million, and touched Angela directly. Who knew that there was a fighting sound coming from the front left? Xia Fuji instinctively wanted to rush through, but just took the first two steps. Stopped again, in case it was a trap.

‘Master! I hope I've really started ... ’

Xia Fuer took a deep breath and took off all his clothes. He even threw the fish and leather armor on the ground, closed his eyes directly with his shirtless, and used the method that Chen Guangda taught him to open. All the hairs feel everything around.

Losing sight and smell, the other senses seemed to become sharper, and the dark space gradually became clear in his mind.

‘Some people are approaching on the left. The feet are light like flowers. The fight is a man and a woman. The man may be Zhu Wuji. The other person may be squatting in front of the left and may not be a fourth.

Xia Fu'er closed his eyes tightly and did not move, nor did he dare to take the initiative, but soon he felt that four people were approaching him at the same time. He immediately paused the mobile phone in his pocket, and the space was restored to the extreme. How quiet ~ ~ 咚 ~ '

The woman on the left stopped abruptly, and was generally disengaged when she lost her direction, but the person on the right continued to walk towards them. Xia Fuji immediately tightened the fish king's gun. The other party could not see it and continued to walk towards them. It may be one of the sneakers, but in case it is not troublesome.

‘Two? ’

Xia Buer suddenly found that the other party was two people, one of whom was very light-footed, and stomped behind him, I was afraid that he wanted to sneak attack on Angela and others, but there is also a possibility that his own people would like to meet in the past. .

‘Kill or not? Time is coming without killing ... ’

Xia Fuji hesitated to bite his teeth, but he might start the operation without killing the other party, so he suddenly turned the fish king gun, slammed forward, and stabbed him directly with the gun, with a little hesitation. nothing.

(I'm really sorry for everyone, all the energy was spent on the end and the new book, just in time to catch up with the two events, do not want to let the poison corpse rot, and can only calm down and write carefully, the back must be constantly updated , I will work harder and harder!)

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