Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1188: Mist

"Oh ~"

Xia Buyi attacked without hesitation. In such a place where he could not see his five fingers, he not only locked the other two people, but was also not afraid of accidental killing. He pierced the leader's chest, and seemed to want to wear even the people behind him. Into sugar gourd.

"Om ~"

The opponent waved his weapon violently and wanted to block. He clearly found the existence of Xia Buer. Such a keen sense is definitely not an ordinary person. In general, he was shot in the past, but Xia Fuer did not do so, but received. While the gun kicked the other side to the ground.

"噗通 ~"

The opponent directly fell to the ground and fell back and forth, but Xia Buer was undecided. The fish king gun in his hand was like a serpent spitting a letter, and stabbed at the person behind him, but his response was also extremely extreme. Quickly, one side of the body ran back quickly.

‘Dead! ’

Xia Buer suddenly threw the fish king gun out, although his strength was much worse than before, but the opponent's strength was obviously not good, otherwise he didn't have to sneak into them like a chicken and a dog.

"Oh ~"

The fish king gun pierced the opponent's body at the same time, while nailing the opponent to the wall, he let the other party make a clear scream. Xia Fuji rushed over immediately, holding the opponent's head directly to the wall. It hit quite a few times.

The other party was stunned and **** in his mouth, Xia Fuji quickly touched her face again, and it turned out to be just the copycat Joe, but at this time he discovered that The clothes on the other side were completely different from those of Da Qiao, who had been too anxious before and ignored this.

"Oh ~"

He no longer kept his hand this time, while pulling out the fish king gun, pierced the back of the opponent's head directly, the other party immediately fell to the ground softly, and he closed his eyes and turned away, feeling carefully Everything is moving around.

The man kicked by him has climbed to the corner and squatted away from the crowd alone, but Xia Fujie has already guessed that she is Bai Ji, Bai Ji's senses are very sharp, but she hardly uses the corpse claw spear. As soon as Xia Buer approached her, she panicked, and only she could not understand the secret sign.

It may be found that the companion was killed, the fighting suddenly disappeared, and the surroundings returned to a quiet state again. Only two heavy breathing sounds were heard, but Qiu Xiaosi suddenly knocked on the ground and told Xia Bu There seemed to be someone on her left.

"Dangdangdang ..."

Xia Fuer responded a few times to let her come over. Qiu Xiaosi's courage was also quite big. He walked along the way and hit the ground. Xia Fuer also released a mobile phone video again. Soon Qiu Xiaosi found him. You are welcome to start checking.

"Put a fart! It's me ..."

Qiu Xiaosi punched him strangely, and he could speak normally, followed by Hou Fu Xia in his ears and said: "I just held my breath and I can still hold on for a while, but I found that the number is wrong. I only hear two more people, and I never find a third! "

"Do not……"

Xia Fuer opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but when he opened his mouth, he found that the sore throat was like a knife cut, which was more serious than the situation just now. He had to pull the handwriting of Qiu Xiaosi and write a few words. He nodded and jumped directly onto his back.

"Second Brother! You left me right, let's scramble together ..."

Qiu Xiaosi deliberately raised his voice and shouted, Xia Buer slowly walked to the right carrying her, he knew that the other party could not see anything, but he was more sensitive than their senses, so he didn't go far, so Put the phone quietly on the ground, double-tap, then turned and touched in the other direction.

"Dying! Don't shoot, people see me looking for you ..."

Chu Qin's strange sound suddenly rang from the mobile phone, about six or seven seconds apart, Qiu Xiaosi suddenly shouted: "Second brother! I found it, it's here, you come over!"

"Oh ~"

A fierce wind stabbed from behind, Xia Fuji immediately flung Qiu Xiaosi to the side, and stabbed directly with a shot while turning, but the other party was also flexible like a monkey, and "Dang" opened. The fish king gun flashed out.


A loud drink sounded loudly from the side. Qiu Xiaosi actually launched the attack when he actually fell. He even considered the direction in which the other party was escaping. He only heard a muffled sound, and the other party was directly knocked down by her. Screamed.

"Oh ~"

Xia Buer immediately slashed past with a shot, and did not know where it was cut. He immediately heard the sound of blood falling. Qiu Xiaosi immediately rushed to hold him and shouted, "I caught him. Come on! Where else do you have a companion? "

"Oh ~"

Xia Buer squatted and whimpered a few times, and directly stuffed a rolling thing to Qiu Xiaosi. The aggressive Qiu Xiaosi slammed suddenly. Xia Buer actually plugged a head to her and waited for her to touch it. Only to find out that she actually caught a headless corpse.

"No way! I have a sore throat, cough ..."

Qiu Xiaosi suddenly coughed in pain, and soon lost his voice and couldn't speak. Xia Buer patted her shoulders and straightened up, closing her eyes again to feel the surroundings.

However, Guan Zhu's voice suddenly rang again, and said with a sloppy smile: "That's great! You can find two intruders so soon, but you only have five minutes. Find out the last one. Friendship reminder , It is likely to be hidden among you! "

"Huh ~"

Xia Fuji snorted coldly, and suddenly turned back to learn the dog barking a few times, and soon Rhubarb crawled over from the back, searched for the call and came to his leg. Xia Fuji immediately touched it with his usual method It took a few clicks, and then fell into its ears without knowing what to say.

"Oh ~"

Rhubarb was suddenly thrown into the air by Xia Fuer, and a dagger was thrown out by him. Suddenly he heard a "click". The corpse claw dagger hit the roof of the tile, and Rhubarb was also pushing **** the pillar. A kick, suddenly opened his mouth and bite into the air.

"Oh ~"

The two falling sounds sounded almost at the same time. Although it was impossible to see what was happening, the falling sound was obviously light and heavy. Then I heard the whistling sound of rhubarb. It seems that what is being bitten is tearing. Xia Buer and Qiu Xiao Four rushed immediately.

"I am the Lord! You dare to attack me just to die ..."

The other party roared angrily, but if they did not fall, they took Xia Buer's foot, Qiu Xiaosi's knife was also killed at the same time, a piece of blood sprang up directly, the other party screamed and slammed out, and followed directly. A pillar hit the roof.

"Wow ~"

suddenly! The thick poisonous fog began to dissipate, and the flashlights and light sticks that fell on the ground all lit up. Everyone quickly pulled out the signal rods and lit them, throwing out the empty tower, and finally saw the surrounding red. Happening.

The two who were fainted by Xia Fuji were Chu Qin and Xia Wangchuan. They were lying straight together and hadn't woke up. The fat man had a large **** body. Zhu Wudi had taken out the powder to stop him from bleeding. While Bai Ji, Hua Wuyan, and Da Qiao, the three women did not dare to squat in the corner.

"Huh ~"

Xia Fuer snorted and looked up. A black humanoid monster was lying on the pillar, about the size of a boy in his teens, and a mouse-like tail was thrown behind his butt, but his left leg was already He cut it off with his knees and trembled holding the pillar tightly.

"Oh ~"

Hua Wuyan drew out a petal and ran over. Xia Buer didn't know if he could detoxify. Anyway, he pulled off the mask and stuffed two pieces into his mouth. A strange sense of coolness instantly poured into his throat, paralyzed. The sore throat immediately became much more comfortable.

"What the **** are you ..."

Xia Buer shouted with a husky voice, pointed his gun directly at the black monkey on the pillar, but the other party shouted fiercely: "I am the master of this level, and you dare to attack me ,I will……"

"Oh ~"

Two fishbone spears suddenly shot into the air. It turned out that Dahua and Zhu Wudi shot at the same time. The black monkey hurriedly closed his mouth and hurriedly jumped onto the beam, but everyone guessed that it would do this, Angela quietly Silently shot the corpse claw dagger and hit its back heart at once.


Strange black monkey screams from the sky fell down, took a big stride rushed past, grabbed its head to punch a few punches, then "Kaka" twice broken its arm, pull it out The corpse claw dagger on the back pressed directly on its back.

"Don't kill me! You can't get through killing me ..."

The black monkey yelled in horror, and Xia Buer stepped on his face and scolded: "Are you an idiot? Every level here has its meaning. Only you are killed for killing, I count At three, if you never say what you are, I will cut you into a stick! "


The black monkey's anxious eyes turned round and round, but there was a poisonous mist behind the buttocks, and the big flower immediately struck his buttocks, blocking the poisonous fart.


The black monkey screamed again and again, and the painful tears came out, begging in horror: "I said! I said everything, as long as you don't torture me, no! As long as you let me go, I put me I will tell you everything you know! "

"Say! What the **** are you ..."

Xia Fuer squatted down and pinched his hair, but the other side looked at him wondering: "You ... who are you again, is your father Xia Fuer, you look so much like you, you must Don't kill me, I know where your father is! "

"Don't talk nonsense, who sent you here ..."

Xia Fuer looked at Dahua, and it seemed that the other was really here, and the other party said, "I am the exorcist, and I am here to block your father Xia Fuer, but ... But he was so powerful that he almost killed my men, and we could only let him go!

Xia Fuji wondered: "Who is your master, how many layers are there above, and what is the owner of this level?"

"The master is the master, I don't know her name, but a pretty woman ...

Wu Mo reluctantly said, "I don't know how many floors there are, and I haven't been there. The entrance to the passage was hidden by me, and this level was not concerned. It was cancelled by my master with props. The master It didn't take long for your father to come after you went up, it might be a few hours! "

"How many hours? Are you sure ..."

Xia Buer and others all looked at it in shock, but the fog demon resolutely said: "Okay! I have been waiting here for the owner to come down for more than five or six hours, but I know so much ~ ~ I'm also a poor wage earner, it's not easy to come out, you can just let me go! "

"Get out of the passage ..."

Xia Fuer released it and stood up. The misty demon moved his finger crookedly. A wooden door appeared on the wall at once, but the top of the tower still did not disappear, unlike the higher level.

"Ahem ~"

Dahua cleared his throat and said, "Leader! The time here should be different from the outside. Maybe you are not trapped, but you are still trying to get through the barrier!"


Xia Buer nodded and winked at him. Dahua immediately resolved the mist magic, and he stood up and said, "The exchange items really are pit goods. I saw this guy on the shelf before, and said it very well. Niu, the result is just a coward! "

Xia Buer looked at the wooden door deeply and said, "The master of this guy is probably the parasite of the black corpse, otherwise I would not be so desperate to chase her. Let's repair it quickly, I am afraid that it will be true after going out Top level! "@B

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