Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1213: Hidden beginning and end

"Hello ~"

A strange roar continued to sound, and a large number of night ghosts rushed out from all directions, making small humans tremble, except that Xia Fuji was still happy with the cigarette, as if the person being chased by the night ghost was not him.

"A real obedient baby ..."

Xia Fuer took a sigh of smoke comfortably. Compared with the living corpses blooming everywhere, these organized and disciplined night ghosts are much more cute. Where they appear, other night ghosts will automatically retreat, but they cannot catch up. The speed of the car, on the contrary, caused Xia Fuer to flow unimpeded.

"Ga ~"

Two black-skinned night ghosts suddenly rushed into the sky from the top of the building. It seems that they have been ambush for a long time. They held the sharp claws into the windshield of the car. Suddenly slowed down and turned over.

"Oh ~"

The two black-skinned night ghosts were swept away at almost the same time. A slight error in the volley was very tragic. The two night-ghosts were swept directly into the gutter. The pickup truck ran down a path and kept away. Night ghosts ambush the good road.

"Ka ~"

Xia Buer suddenly extinguished the lights. With the horrific fire burning over the hospital and the bright moonlight in the sky, he could see the surrounding environment with the naked eye. After all, he is wearing contact lenses. This era is still quite expensive luxury goods.

"Want to escape? Not so easy ..."

The two lights finally appeared not far away. The driver of the crown car obviously had little experience. The lights tossing around must be avoiding the night ghost's assault, and the distance from the rookie was not far away. His old bird is cunning.

"Om ~"

Xia Fuji flicked his tail and rushed to the main road. Xiaoye ghost yelled in the bucket, but he saw the crown car in front of him, and the body was about to roll over.

"Haha ~"

Xia Fuer suddenly laughed, there was a big night ghost lying on the crown of the crown, the claws had torn the roof, the people in the car were desperately shooting upwards, and the woman even cried and shouted. The voice is really self-defeating.

The panicked crown car didn't find him catching up. After they finally managed to get rid of the big night ghosts on the roof, the pickup truck was already with them. After Xia Fuji turned on the lights, The two men and two women in the car flew in fright.

"Afraid? Don't you want to call dad ..."

Xia Buer lifted Wei Chong with a smile, inserted directly into the protective net on the window, and slammed two shots at their trunk.


The two women in the back screamed in shock and the man in the co-pilot flinched. The driver begged in horror: "Don't shoot! No matter what we do, we are a bunch of dog legs, all of them. Zhu Helei forced us to do it! "

"Say! Where is Zhu Helei ..."

Xia Buerli sang, Zhu Helei and his wife really were not in the car, but the driver panicked, "I really don't know, he had brought us with us, but he suddenly turned around and ran, right Hongjiashan Scenic Area, he said he would join us there! "

"Stop! Raise your hands up and dare to shake you to death ..."

Xia Fuji hit them with a car, and the driver hurriedly parked and leaned on the edge of Tianyu. They were about to leave the city in a mad run, but a large number of night ghosts were still unyielding, and they could be heard across the distance. Running sound.

"Raise your hands all up, hurry ..."

Xia Fuji jumped out of the car and climbed up the hood. The four people got out of the car with their hands raised. All of them were strangers that Xia Fuji hadn't seen. Only Zhang Ziyu's memory contained the information of the male driver, but It is also limited to occupation and name.

"Don't bother you, take two steps back and slowly turn around ..."

Xia Buer suddenly jumped on the hood of the crown car and pointed fiercely at the pair of men and women coming down from the right. The man hurriedly threw the gun in his face and said with a sad face, "Brother! We can't help ourselves, you just let it go Pass us! "

"I'll say it again, take two steps and slowly turn around ..."

Xia Buer stared with disdain. He saw so many people, apparently afraid to die. In fact, he was always looking for a chance to fight back, but while the man turned slowly, his right hand was cold. Touched his waist.

"Bang ~"

Xia Fuyi shot the other person's head with a single shot. The man fell to the ground like a sandbag, and the explosives tied behind his waist were exposed. It is estimated that it can be blown with a strong pull.

"Don't kill me! I dare not ..."

The woman suddenly fell to her knees in shock, raised her hands and wailed, and tight skinny jeans quickly wet a large area, apparently frightening.

Xia Fuji immediately jumped out of the car and said, "I lay on the ground and held my head with both hands. The remaining two took me off my coats, and I dared to hide a bullet. I all fell apart!"

"No, no! You know me, Ziyu, I am most afraid of death ..."

The driver hurriedly took off his coat with his woman. Sure enough, he did not dare to hide a bullet. Xia Fuji immediately stepped forward and held down the woman in the urine pants, removed the explosives tied to her waist, and threw them into the pickup truck. Said: "I give you a chance to survive, go to the car and hold the steering wheel!"

The woman climbed into the driver's seat with a crawling belt, and supported the steering wheel. At this time, the night ghost army was about to kill. Xia Fuji quickly tied the woman's hand to the steering wheel with a wire, and then Xiaoye The ghost shoved into her trunk.

"Run! It's up to you to live ..."

Xia Fuer slammed the door and patted the roof. The woman obviously knew what Xiaoye Ghost was, and immediately kicked off the throttle to escape. Xia Fuer turned and said, "Chen Kang! Go ahead and drive. Your girl sits behind me! "

"Okay ..."

Chen Kang climbed onto the pickup truck in a hurry, and Xia Fuji pulled the young girl into the back seat. Chen Kang scrambled to drive the car, and Xia Fuji smiled: "Don't be nervous! Night ghosts chase That woman, you turn left to Hongjiashan Scenic Area! "

"Brother Yu! You know I'm innocent ..."

The girl leaned over tremblingly, put her hands on Xia Fuji's legs, and said poorly: "I don't know what's going on until now, they will let me do it, and you will spare me a life Well, I'm waiting for you like last time, okay? "

Xia Buer stunned for a while, but didn't expect Zhang Ziyu to have had a leg with this girl, but his memory was completely absent, so the rhetoric was incomplete, he had to sneer: "Do you think I am like Zhang Ziyu, I am him Twin brother Zhang Tianzi! "

"Ah? Twins ..."

Chen Kang and the girls were all surprised to shut up, but the girl immediately realized: "No wonder you have such a great ability, Zhang Ziyu was so courageous. He was scared when he killed the first time. Later, I helped When he took off his pants, he found that he was scared of shit! "

Xia Fuji lighted a cigarette lightly and said, "Tell me what you guys have done with my brother. I suspect the kid didn't tell me the truth. Is he doing anything wrong?"

"In fact, you can't blame him all, all forced by Zhu Helei ..."

The girl said helplessly: "When they were still staying at the hotel, Zhu Helei organized them to steal supplies, and then kidnapped the girl to play in the basement. It gradually developed into killing and cannibalism. Zhu Helei also photographed the whole process. Make them afraid to regret and tell! "

Xia Fuer asked, "How long! Where did the person who just killed me come from, shouldn't it be a hotel survivor?"

"It's been almost a month ..."

The girl hugged him and said, "We were hiding in a school before. There were almost thirty people. The same couple who wanted to kill you, but they took the initiative to join the team, and they were mischievous. They have won the trust of Zhu Helei. , Unlike me is a plaything, can only break the jar! "

"Where is your old nest, how many people, and who shot me before ..."

Xia Fuer directly asked for three consecutive times, and the girl said without thinking: "We live in the basement of the Red Star Mall, and there are a dozen people in total. The people who fire at you are the United Nations defense team, and the black-faced steel men. First, we have already followed Zhu Helei, and a few of us are abandoned! "

Xia Fuji also asked: "Where is Zhou Jinxiu, as Zhu Helei's wife, she should also be one of the masterminds?"

"Zhou Jinxiu is not Zhu Helei's wife at all, she was forced like me ..."

The girl said with a gaze: "Zhou Jinxiu accidentally discovered their business and was finally forced by Zhu Helei to get on the thief ship, but she served Zhu Helei very well and had an ambiguous relationship with many people. Zhu Helei saw that she was useful. She didn't force her to kill! "

Xia Fuer wondered: "Ambiguous relationship? Isn't Zhu Helei angry?"

"Limited to ambiguity, Zhou Jinxiu knows how to grasp the right attitude, and their actions will cause a lot of psychological pressure. A few people could not help but commit suicide ..."

The girl said very seriously: "Zhou Jinxiu is like a psychiatrist, constantly comforting those who are psychologically fragile. Your brother Zhang Ziyu is one of them. If Zhou Jinxiu had been cheering him up, he would have collapsed! "

"So it is ..."

Xia Buer nodded gently. No wonder Zhou Jinxiu had been confused with him before. He was a psychologist in a criminal group, so he asked again: "Have Zhu Helei told you what is his next step? Specific plans? "

"I know this……"

Chen Kang said in a hurry: "Zhu Helei secretly collected weapons and supplies. He wanted to wait for the manpower to occupy the mountain and take the king of the factory. They killed everyone and took everyone to Hongjiashan, but there was something strange. He kept us observing everyone. Behavior ~ ~ If you find that you have amnesia or abnormal behavior, report it to him immediately! "

"Have Zhu Helei ever eaten human flesh ..."

Xia Fuji immediately stood up, the girl grinned and said, "Yes! When we were forced to eat for the first time, we vomited, only he had the taste, and he would eat whenever he came, sometimes he could eat For several pounds, we all felt that he was particularly perverted, but he did not dare to resist! "


Xia Fuji nodded his head thoughtfully. At present it seems that Zhu Helei is a black corpse, and eating humans is a black corpse's instinct, and he allows people to observe the behavior of all people, showing that they are looking for a few of them. After confirming the target, the killer died.

"Zhu Helei! Kill it before you say it ..."

Xia Fuji patted his legs hard and said, "Chen Kang! You should know the path to Hongjiashan. When you find a place to park there, I'll see if Zhu Helei will go to Hongjiashan!"

(Thank you all for your care, I would like to say thank you to my father, I will continue to work hard in the future!) @B

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