Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1214: Ann can tell if I am male or female

The population in the 1990s was 200 million to 300 million less than later generations, but it did n’t feel obvious at all. Night ghosts were still everywhere in the city, and the suburbs were just as rich. The only difference was in architecture. Without dense factory buildings, supplies are scarce enough to make people crazy.

"What do you mean? I'm afraid the night ghosts will eat you ..."

Xia Buer was driving in a hurry, and the pickup truck was driving on potholes on urban and rural roads. It had been dozens of kilometers away from the city. Chen Kang was tied to the back seat by him, while the girl Bao Qin was Sitting on the co-pilot, shaking with only underwear left.

"You ... aren't you afraid? There are many night ghosts in the country, as well as night dogs and night owls ..."

Bao Qin's pitiful appearance was almost crying, and Chen Kang at the back was also very nervous. The headlights of the car were like night ghost attractors. On this way, they encountered numerous attacks, although they were all nimble by Xia Fuji. It was resolved, but they were still scared.

"Ah ~"

Bao Qin suddenly exclaimed, only to see a huge shadow rushing over, there was actually a pair of sharp horns on the head, but Xia Fuji suddenly braked, and the front of the car stopped the other side and bumped into the fly. Then, after landing, it was discovered that it was a mutant big ox.

"Heavenly brother! You are so amazing, I admire you ..."

Bao Qin straightened up in surprise, Xia Fuji relaxed his cigarette and said, "If you don't even have the courage to face fear, then you are not far from death. Only valuable women can survive in the last days. , This value is not just to open a leg to make a man comfortable, but to mind and ability! "

Bao Qin nodded earnestly: "Well! I know. I won't make useless vases in the future. I must be a useful strong woman, but I'm willing to make you comfortable unconditionally, no matter how comfortable!"

Bao Qin smiled timidly at him, but Chen Kang asked later: "Heavenly brother! How do I think you have been living in this environment for a long time, do everything you want, teach me?"

"You're not this stuff. Find a place to be a little brother honestly ..."

After Xia Buer stopped talking, he stopped the car. The car had already reached the hillside of a small hill. He went out with a flashlight and a gun after he turned off the fire. Who knows that Baoqin followed him too, He wondered: "Aren't you afraid?"

Bao Qin said in a pinch: "You are not afraid of me, besides being idle is also idle. Zhu Helei still doesn't know when to come, why not ... let me be comfortable for you!"

"Haha ~ you are a true temperament pussy, what did you do before ..."

Xia Fuji walked up the mountain with a smile, Bao Qin followed and said, "I was a salesperson at a supply and marketing company, and someone told me that it was Chen Kang, but he was so useless, I made people bully him. I didn't dare to say a word, I just broke the jar, but Zhu Helei was very strange. He never touched me! "

"Isn't he with Zhou Jinxiu? Isn't he physically weak?"

Xia Buer walked to a vacant lot and looked around. The roads extending from the city were unobstructed, and the black light driving must be turned on. As long as Zhu Helei and others came from the city, he could see at a glance.

"No! I think there is something wrong with him ..."

Bao Qin shook his head and said, "Although he always carried Zhou Jinxiu and sometimes kissed him in public, but no one had ever heard them truly affectionate, and they had caught many women before, and he had never touched any of them. If it ’s not a problem in that area, if you do n’t do well, you just like men.

"is it?"

Xia Buer thoughtfully pinched his chin. There was only one possibility for this situation. Zhu Helei's real body was a parasite, Zhou Jingxiu. Naturally, she could not like women, but he always felt that the black corpse was not so stupid. May expose you as soon as you come up.

"I can't see the car here, they won't run to us ..."

Bao Qin stomped around and looked around, but Xia Buer said, "Zhu Helei can't be faster than me, not to mention he knows we are going to Hongjiashan. If he goes there, isn't he looking for death, he will definitely find a place first. The cat gets up and waits until dawn! "

"Then who are we waiting for ..."

Bao Qin looked at him in surprise. Who knew that Xia Buer pointed at the foot of the mountain and laughed: "Do you really think your object is useless? He never told me the truth, so I deliberately left him an escape. Opportunity to see where he is going! "

Bao Qin was surprised: "It's impossible! He obeyed Zhu Helei's words. He didn't have his own opinion at all. Zhu Helei could not tell him the real plan, and we were all abandoned. He ..."

"Om ~"

suddenly! An engine roar interrupted her, and the pickup truck stopped on the mountainside not only turned on the lights, but also rushed down the mountain like crazy.

"See? It's only you who's really stupid, you're so honest ..."

Xia Fuer smiled and patted Bao Qin's face. Bao Qin immediately cursed angrily, but immediately asked in panic: "He drove our car away. What can we do?"

"He can't run, I just want to see in which direction he runs, so he can't lie ..."

Xia Buer walked down the mountain in a hurry, and saw the pickup truck rushing to the west in the distance. I did not expect to go to the direction of Hongjiashan.

He frowned immediately: "Bao Qin! Has anyone ever been out of the city before, who proposed the plan to Hongjiashan first?"

"Zhu Helei himself ..."

Bao Qin replied, "I do n’t know if anyone has been out of the city, but once I heard him ask others, where are the most survivors? Several people talked about Hongjiashan, and he said a few days later. The plan to go to Hongjiashan seems to be pretty secure there! "

"Damn! He must have sent someone ..."

Xia Fuji kicked a stone angrily, followed by a gunshot from Bang, and the pickup truck galloping on the highway suddenly stopped in the middle of the road, and was blocked directly by the two gunmen before and after. Watch Chen Kangzheng get out of the car.

"Primary 4! Come and pick me up ..."

Suddenly Xia Buer took out a walkie-talkie from his waist, Bao Qin immediately responded. Xia Fuer must have contacted people long ago and let them ambush halfway. It should be when he got out of the car to pee .

The two waited for a while on the mountainside, and Dahua returned by driving in a pickup truck alone. Her current name is Luo Sha. In order not to reveal Xia Fuji's true identity, he can only pretend to be Xiao Qiao's cover. Anyway, after she came in the bus, everyone could see that she was not an ordinary person.

"Little sister! Go pee ..."

Dahua stopped the car and jumped out, Bao Qin consciously walked not far away and crouched.

Dahua took out a cigarette and said, "The kid made me punch with two punches. He didn't lie, he just concealed a very important thing ..."

"There are a lot of survivors in Hongjiashan, right ..."

Xia Buer took his cigarette and raised his eyebrows. Dahua immediately raised his thumbs and said, "Nothing can be hidden from you. He said that Zhu Helei had sent someone to Hongjiashan long ago. There were at least seven or eight hundred. People, they are also connected with them, and they have promised to accept them! "

"finally, I understand……"

Xia Fuer nodded and said, "The black corpse came more than a month earlier than us, and has never found our trace, so it sent people to explore the countryside, and finally set its target on Hongjiashan, and wanted to wait for the hospital to be completely controlled We just passed by collectively, but we were suddenly killed! "

"No wonder it's going to be brutal ..."

Dahua also realized: "It wants to wipe us out first, and then go to Hongjiashan to find the remaining people. At that time, none of them can run, but then we can be passive. They have already hooked up with Hongjiashan. We are not familiar with each other! "

"So what? When did our Heavenly Army fear? Don't forget that we also have internal abilities ..."

Xia Fuji lit the cigarette in disdain, and Dahua immediately laughed: "Ha ~ Right! An Qi and they are probably in Hongjiashan, but their status is probably not too high, but as long as they have internal coping, we are completely You can brazenly play the banner of the King of Heaven! "

"Don't do that for the time being ..."

Xia Fuji shook his head and said, "As long as one person is not found, the black corpse will be a little bit jealous. After all, Hong Jiashan and we have nearly a thousand people. It is difficult to do everything in one go, and the end of the world has just begun. Hong Jiashan is not a lawless place, we have a chance! "

"Yes! Anyway, our goal has been clear. If Zhu Helei is found, he will be killed, and the people around him will be killed together.

Da Hua glanced at Bao Qin in the grass, and the killer flashed in his eyes, but turned his head and whispered, "I just talked with Zheng Kun for a while, although he knows our past well, But I always think he looks like a stranger, and gives me a very gloomy feeling, not like another you at all! "

Xia Fuji reluctantly said: "You can't blame him. He spent twelve years in that turbulent age. He can't live without restraining his character. Moreover, he is almost forty years old, and he can't always follow him. Be impulsive when you are young! "

"It's the same, but it's weird for two summers ..."

Dahua nodded thoughtfully ~ ~ turned and pulled the car door to get on the car, but Xia Buer pointed at her **** and said, "Big flower! Why are you **** blood? Not hurt? "

"No! I didn't ... lie down! Aunt Laozi is here ..."

Dahua slammed his legs and wailed, saying tearfully: "Master! Let's finish the task and go back. I don't want to be a woman anymore. Just now a man wanted to soak me, I almost vomited him. With a look on his face, it was really disgusting! "

"Haha ~ It's only a few days to adapt. How **** your **** is ..."

Xia Fuyi slapped him on the buttocks, big flowers suddenly covered his **** and sighed loudly, and then said in shock: "It's over! How can I have such a reaction, I feel very irritating when you pat me , I won't be completely denatured, right? "

"Gee ~ Stop talking, I'm nauseated ..."

Xia Fuji shook his hand with a disgusted face. Who knew that Dahua covered her belly and cried, "It's terrible! My stomach suddenly started to hurt, it seemed to be dysmenorrhea. Help me, I really don't want to live!" @ B

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