Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1100 It is agreed that you must marry me!

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi was coaxed into joy by Xiaotuanzi.

I couldn't help but kiss Xiaotuanzi on the cheek again and again: "Baby, you are so cute. When you get out of the hospital, my sister will make porridge for you. It's a hundred times more fragrant than this! It will make you happier eating!"

"Then can I grow up faster?"

"Well, maybe! Duanzi, why are you so anxious to grow up? Isn't it good to be a child?"

"Not good. I have to grow up quickly before I can marry my young lady. Because the empire can only get a marriage certificate at the age of 18."

"Ah? Hahaha! Duanzi, you are so cute that you explode! The little sister is waiting for you to grow up. You agreed to marry me, but you are not allowed to marry anyone else!"

"Then Miss Sister, you can't marry someone else."

"Of course, the dumpling is the cutest and most handsome in the world! My sister is not blind, why did she marry someone else?"


At this moment, Gong Jue was holding a bowl of porridge, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot...

As the head of the family, does he still have a sense of existence?


Does anyone else care about him!

Obviously, no.

Gu Qiqi and Xiaotuanzi seem to have endless things to say, even if a grain of rice falls on the table, both of them can laugh for a long time.

Talking about what to eat and what to play when we live together in the future, we are even more eloquent.

"Miss, it turns out that you really like chili peppers so much! I thought you were just teasing me before! Let me tell you, after you let me eat chili peppers last time, I came back and ate them secretly several times, and found that it was really delicious. Good time! I also love chili last time!"

"Haha, really? Actually, I still like to eat ice cream in winter!"

"Really? What a coincidence, young lady, me too, me too!"

"What about you? What do you particularly like? Or are you particularly good at playing?"

"I... I can solve a Rubik's Cube in 10 seconds!"

"Would it be such a coincidence that when I was young, my record for solving the Rubik's Cube was also 10 seconds!"

"My king is playing Li Bai!"

"Me too!"

"I don't like to cover my feet when I sleep with the quilt at night..."

"Yeah, it's too boring to cover my feet, but I must cover my hands."

"Me too! Young lady, I actually use left-handers, I never told them, I always pretend to be right-handed..."

"Haha, let me tell you quietly, I can use both left and right too!"

"Miss, there is a swirl on the top of my head. They say it means I am more arrogant and disobedient, and it will affect the handsomeness of my hair. I am so distressed..."

"Oh, I completely understand! The swirl on my head makes me need skills to tie my hair..."


The two of you talked to each other, excitedly talking about similar living habits, not like a stepmother and stepson who are not relatives, but like a pair of lovers in love, desperately looking for a common topic.

And Gong Jue coughed several times, and there was no more porridge in the bowl. Neither his son nor his daughter-in-law noticed him, and asked him if he was full and if he wanted more porridge!

so bleak...

He couldn't bear it anymore: "I also have all the old men you mentioned! They all know it! What's the big deal? Hmph!"

He put the bowl down heavily and made a crisp sound to express his dissatisfaction.


next second...

"Papa, it's better to be honest. First, you don't like spicy food. Second, you don't like ice cream in winter and summer. Third, it takes you fifteen seconds to solve the Rubik's Cube. Fourth, you don't like ice cream at all. Know how to play the king, fifth, when you are sleeping..." Xiao Tuanzi counted the differences between Gong Jue and Gu Qiqi with his fingers.

The angry Gongjue exploded like thunder, but he couldn't do it right in front of Gu Qiqi: "..."

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