Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1101: The Way to Recover Xiaobei's Sight

Qianqian Novel Network

Gong Jue was sullen here, while Xiao Tuanzi chatted with Gu Qiqi more happily as if nothing had happened.

"Miss, I just heard you say that you want to take me out to play? I really want to go out with you!"

Gu Qiqi was in a bit of a dilemma: "But, it's a suburb, it's a bit far from the city, I'm worried it might be a bit dangerous..."

But Xiaotuanzi blinked his clear big grape eyes: "Miss sister, I'm not afraid! I have a robot that can protect you! Brother Yun——!"

Following Xiao Tuanzi's call, a miniature robot slowly emerged from under the table, with a shiny metallic head and arms, and bowed its head to Gu Qiqi in salute.

It turned out to be Brother Yun, isn't it the intelligent robot that Xiaobei lent Tuanzi to play for a few days?

Gu Qiqi smiled: "Our group is getting more and more capable, and the command robot is so handsome!"

Xiaotuanzi quickly took the opportunity to beg: "Then take me there, okay, miss?"

Gu Qiqi sighed: "But I have already rejected the other party. Next time, after the wind has passed, my sister will take you out to play, okay?"

Xiaotuanzi nodded with a sensible look of the baby being wronged but not crying.

Seeing Gu Qiqi's heart fluttering, alas, is she being too cautious?

Just as I was thinking, the phone made a "ding!"

New mail has arrived.

What did it come from—Professor Brown's email.

In the email, Professor Brown expressed strong regrets. Compared with the indifference of the last email, this email is a little bit excited——

"Miss Qiqi, I actually prepared a surprise for you, because I heard that you have been inquiring about your brother's condition, and whether there is a way to make him recover. It just so happens that I have some useful information here, I believe it will be useful to you Come on. It's a pity you can't come..."

It seemed that he was really looking forward to Gu Qiqi and Xiaotuanzi's appointment.

This old man is really persistent!

Gu Qiqi sighed with emotion, but her mind did not change.

Nothing is more important than Xiaotuanzi's safety, the suburbs are so far away, in case there is any accident along the way...

However, Gong Jue pondered for a moment, and suddenly said: "Go. Xiaobei's medicine has never had a better breakthrough. If the old man really has any unique information, it's worth the trip!"

Of course Gu Qiqi was also nervous about Xiaobei's eye disease, but this is a dilemma!

She thought for a while: "Why don't I go there by myself, and I will go back quickly."

Xiaotuanzi disagreed: "I want to go too!"

He hangs on Gu Qiqi's body and refuses to get off, for fear that Gu Qiqi will drop him and go out to roam around by himself.

Gong Jue frowned: "Don't let Aunt Qiqi hold you back! Just stay at home!"

Xiaotuanzi pursed his lips: "I'm not a hindrance, I can also protect Miss Sister! I have trained with Brother Yun many times, and I cooperate with him very well now. The two of us are perfect bodyguards together!"

Gongjue: "..."

Fucking Lao Tzu's Hua Lao Tzu knows how to protect himself, what kind of shit bodyguard do you use?

"I don't need your cooperation! It's perfect for you to stay at home!"

"No, I want to accompany Miss Sister, you have no right to stop me, you are bullying children!"

Seeing the two men, one big and one small, arguing again, Gu Qiqi also had a headache: "Okay, okay, then I won't go, stop arguing..."

"No! Xiaobei needs this information!"

"No, miss, you must go."

This time, the father and son agreed.

Xiaotuanzi blinked his big eyes and made a compromise: "Then let's go as a family of three!"

Originally, he didn't want Papa, the old light bulb, to illuminate him and his young lady.

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