Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1123 She is an evildoer, summoning the undead!

Qianqian Novel Network

As the little dirty turtle devoured the sky silk, the level suddenly rose to the green level, and Gu Qiqi's force value became much stronger accordingly!

Every time you upgrade a level, you can open a new skill point, and the original opened skills will also be enhanced accordingly!

For example, the "cultivation" skill that Gu Qiqi is using at this moment is so powerful that it is dazzling!

As soon as her fair white hands popped out the elderberry seeds, the seeds took root and sprouted before they hit the ground.

In three seconds, a towering ancient tree was suddenly formed!

The crown of the tree directly broke through the ceiling and continued to stretch upwards!

Broken bricks and broken tiles, cracked the ground!

Kunbu's pupils suddenly dilated, looking at the unbelievable scene in front of him in disbelief.

Gu Qiqi actually has such a terrifying ability!

He can't see it at all!

Is this a planter? Or some profound magic? He has never seen it!

A seed instantly grows into a towering ancient tree hundreds of years old, and it can also break through his space barrier... It's too scary, this skill is invincible!

Kunbu opened his mouth wide, belatedly realizing that what Gu Qiqi broke through was his personal space, which meant that it also caused devastating damage to his body.

Space destroyed! The owner is also destroyed!

He hunched over uncontrollably, and suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood.

He really failed, utterly failed.

It is impossible to defeat Gu Qiqi, let alone trap Gu Qiqi in this space.

Flat out! ! !

Endless despair engulfed him again.

And the baby souls have mercilessly dragged his whole body into the furnace!

The flames rolled up his body in an instant, turning him into a mummy.

At the last second when his consciousness was destroyed, he murmured: "Only members of the Great Pharmacist Guild can kill this stinky girl...Monster...She is a monster..."

Only by letting her meet someone more monstrous can she be destroyed...

"Ding Dong—!"

A small object fell out of the mummy in the furnace.

The little dirty turtle ran over quickly, grabbed it, and offered it to Gu Qiqi like a treasure: "The master silver is the gold and silver key to the ghost island!"

Gu Qiqi picked up the delicate key and looked at it.

The little dirty turtle excitedly whispered in her ear: "Master Yin, you are so awesome! I didn't expect you to activate the skill point of summoning the undead in this upgrade. Let me tell you, this skill is a random skill. Yes, it needs to be opened by a very compassionate person. And it is very powerful, as long as there is a place where the undead gather, you can use the resentment of the undead to form an army of undead, and you can command it! You can also use spells to trap them, and they will never stop For your use... Master Yin, let's upgrade this ability in the future, you will be stronger than the Emperor of the Underworld..."

However, Gu Qiqi still looked at the gold and silver keys with a calm expression: "Why are they trapped? These children were already in great pain when they were alive, and they were made into exhibits by Kumbu after they died. It was not easy for me to get their souls Get out, I want to set them free."

The little dirty turtle burst into tears: "..."

Lord, you are so kind!

The good undead army, you just disbanded, hey!

Otherwise, you will be more powerful than Sir Alex, the commander-in-chief of the three armies!

We are an invisible army, an army of ghosts who don't need to eat, drink, or pay.

However, Gu Qiqi was already facing the air, and said softly: "Thank you for your hard work, now that the culprit has been destroyed, you can go to reincarnation with peace of mind. In the next life, I hope you are perfect, even if there are small flaws, you can still be by your parents' side Enron grows up..." Reading a book and finding the latest chapter by yourself? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! It's really good to read books and flirt with girls!

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