Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1124 Can we be together forever?

Qianqian Novel Network

Perhaps it was in her previous life, when she was enslaved and controlled by Gu Meifeng's mother and daughter for more than ten years, Gu Qiqi knew better than anyone that freedom was precious.

Or maybe it was because she almost became a homeless ghost, and she was more compassionate to these poor children than anyone else.

In the air, the appearance of the undead could not be seen, but there was a beautiful swirling air current.

It was like undead babies, dancing and paying homage to Gu Qiqi, expressing their gratitude.

Trapped in the Kumbu space for so many years, they can finally see the light of day again and reincarnate with peace of mind.

Although the little dirty turtle felt a little regretful about losing the army of undead, he couldn't help but feel moved at this moment.

It thought, maybe it began to understand a little bit, the completely different feeling of enslaving others and helping others to be free...

As the elderberry continued to break through the shackles of space, finally, a huge hole was pierced through the entire space.

The starlight and moonlight in the night sky poured down along the gap, injecting a touch of life into the gloomy space.

The undead slowly ascended along the gap, reluctantly saying goodbye to Gu Qiqi.

"Go, don't miss it. Go to reincarnation, maybe I still have a chance to deliver your baby. I wish you happiness in your next life!" Gu Qiqi said to the void with a smile.

The little dirty turtle was almost in tears.

Aww, why does it feel like my child has been redeemed?

Xiaotuanzi also grabbed Gu Qiqi's clothes tightly: "Miss, will someone bully them in the future?"

Gu Qiqi squinted her eyes, she didn't want to whitewash the peace and fool the children.

After pondering for a moment, she said truthfully: "Kumbu is not the only bad person in the world, there are also many good-looking people who hide dirty thoughts and wait for opportunities to stretch out their claws in corners we don't know. I can't guarantee that the children will not Meet such a dark and vicious person again... But no matter what, it is always right for a person to work hard to improve himself, not waste a minute or a second to strengthen his own strength, and learn to recognize people with his eyes!"

Xiaotuanzi nodded: "I understand! Just like Miss Sister, she can conjure up big trees, talk to souls, and won't be deceived by bad guys' disguises..."

Gu Qiqi's heart almost melted after being praised by him, and she gently stroked Xiaotuanzi's hair: "I have also been deceived before... But now, I have learned a lot from being fooled."

Xiaotuanzi blinked his big eyes: "Miss sister, whoever deceived you, I will avenge you!"

Gu Qiqi laughed so hard that she bent her waist: "Sister takes revenge herself! Tuanzi is responsible for studying hard every day!"

Xiaotuanzi: "'s so easy! I still like to play around with my little sister!"

Gu Qiqi pretended to be serious: "But my sister is very dangerous. You see, if we hadn't already had countermeasures today, I'm afraid we would fall into a trap and be unable to get out!"

Xiaotuanzi was even more determined: "Miss sister, I'm not afraid of danger! I think it's so interesting to have an adventure with you!"

Gu Qiqi: "..."

Duanzi, being brave is a good thing, but your bravery is beyond your age, right?

Today, I met such a terrifying baby corpse collection room, such a perverted Kumbu, and even invisible undead... You didn't change your face, and cooperated with me calmly to destroy the enemy together.

What if you suddenly feel that you are more handsome than your father?

She couldn't help but hugged Xiaotuanzi tightly in her arms: "In the future, sister will play with you when she has a chance."

"Miss sister, can you stay with me for the rest of your life at the Gong family?" Xiaotuanzi suddenly asked very seriously. Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! It's really good to read books and flirt with girls!

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